Republicans: After Trump is through what will remain of your party?


I think the moderate republicans will not hold their nose next time. They might have thought it was worth the gamble to go with a no experience huckster over the Hildabeast this last time, but they are not blind to the incompetent manner in which the Trump administration operates our national business. He's painfully awful at learning on the job. I think the average moderate is looking at the rabid partisans defending Trump and saying to themselves "I can't vote with the party that will allow this shit"
There should be four parties in the US.

Far left/progressive moonbat

Moderate/traditional Democrat,

Moderate/traditional Republican

Far right/teabagger goofball
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I think the moderate republicans will not hold their nose next time. They might have thought it was worth the gamble to go with a no experience huckster over the Hildabeast this last time, but they are not blind to the incompetent manner in which the Trump administration operates our national business. He's painfully awful at learning on the job. I think the average moderate is looking at the rabid partisans defending Trump and saying to themselves "I can't vote with the party that will allow this shit"

I think Douchebag Donald's plan has always been to tear down the GOP. Every single thing he does that people go along with, and make excuses for, is one more thing that the party can't walk back from. I feel like he's been playing a daily game of chicken, and the GOP has refused to flinch, so he keeps upping the adrenaline.
I think the moderate republicans will not hold their nose next time. They might have thought it was worth the gamble to go with a no experience huckster over the Hildabeast this last time, but they are not blind to the incompetent manner in which the Trump administration operates our national business. He's painfully awful at learning on the job. I think the average moderate is looking at the rabid partisans defending Trump and saying to themselves "I can't vote with the party that will allow this shit"


But here is what I remember. Republicans and conservatives - overwhelmingly and nearly universally - defended, provided cover, and supported George Dumbya Bush through the eight years he was president. And including defending and providing cover for his Iraq War Disaster. Long after every reasonable person knew Bush's Iraq War was a catastrophically bad decision.

Think about that. A dude who is undeniably one of the worst five presidents America has ever had, led us through two failed wars, and took us to the very precipice of a Second Great Republican Depression, still.... amazingly retained the loyalty of republicans to the very end of his tenure. It was only when his name brand started dragging down GOP electoral chances in 2008, that they started putting distance between themselves and Dumbya. But that had nothing to do with what was in America's best interest. That was a purely partisan motive.

I think the ideal of party over country is strong in movement conservatism.

And one could hypothesize that party over country exists as much on the left. But in my adult life, Democrats actually managed to elect two pretty good presidents, who both did decent jobs at governance. So modern Democrats have nothing to apologize for. Even if you go back to LBJ, he lost the trust and confidence of the center-left largely because of 'Nam, and was obligated to step aside. So, on balance, I don't see the same sort of party over country on the left, that I routinely see on the right.
I think the moderate republicans will not hold their nose next time. They might have thought it was worth the gamble to go with a no experience huckster over the Hildabeast this last time, but they are not blind to the incompetent manner in which the Trump administration operates our national business. He's painfully awful at learning on the job. I think the average moderate is looking at the rabid partisans defending Trump and saying to themselves "I can't vote with the party that will allow this shit"

He is just starting to shit on the party.......... By then end of his term he may not get the nom or have been impeached........... I hear Venezuela is looking for a strong leader:whome:
He is just starting to shit on the party..........
That's rich considering what Obama did for the Dems. They were kicked to the trash pile of history.

People will never want to go back to the dark, dark years under that piece of dogshit.
It seems to me that while you keep gerrymandering, extremists will inevitably take over parties to get extremists elected, and to hell with mere Americans!
I'm laughing at the short-sighted Republicans who attached their political fortune to Trump. Trump will fulfill his campaign promise of draining the swamp, except it won't go down as he intended. Trump will serve as the sewer drain, and those close to him will be sucked into the sewer. First one into the drain is Mike Pence.
That's rich considering what Obama did for the Dems. They were kicked to the trash pile of history.

People will never want to go back to the dark, dark years under that piece of dogshit.

What a fucking idiotic comment.

For someone who's still obsessed with Obama every waking moment of your life, you certainly seem to have forgotten that he was in charge for EIGHT YEARS and that your party of inept boobs cannot even repeal his SIGNATURE ACHIEVEMENT even though they control both houses of Congress and the WH.

Quit talking like a damned fool, honey.
There should be four parties in the US.

Far left/progressive moonbat

Moderate/traditional Democrat,

Moderate/traditional Republican

Far right/teabagger goofball

you want the country run by 33% of the people?

bad plan

the two party system is the most democratic one

its not a bad system

we are feeling the effects of the republucan party CHEATING the people out of their choice

the two party system works

we have not had it for a couple of decades due to republican cheating
That's rich considering what Obama did for the Dems. They were kicked to the trash pile of history.

People will never want to go back to the dark, dark years under that piece of dogshit.

we won dick recepticle

you cheated

cheating is not winning

ask your mommy
I think Douchebag Donald's plan has always been to tear down the GOP. Every single thing he does that people go along with, and make excuses for, is one more thing that the party can't walk back from. I feel like he's been playing a daily game of chicken, and the GOP has refused to flinch, so he keeps upping the adrenaline.

because when the russians hacked the republican party emails they got the proof that republicans cheat voters

Now they are stuck

either way the party dies.

go with trumpy to protect your evil emails that prove you are a traitor to democracy or take on trumpy and have the emails released and be proved a traitor.

they did this to themselves

GOP Memo Admits Plan Could 'Keep Black Vote Down'
October 25, 1986|From the Washington Post



NEWARK, N.J. — A Republican National Committee official calculated that a so-called ballot security program in Louisiana "could keep the black vote down considerably," according to documents released in federal court Friday.
The documents and court hearing were the latest developments in a controversy over the GOP's ballot program that Democrats maintain is aimed at reducing minority turnout. The Republicans say the program's sole purpose is to purge ineligible voters from voting roles.
In an Aug. 13 memo the court made public Friday, Kris Wolfe, the Republican National Committee Midwest political director, wrote Lanny Griffith, the committee's Southern political director, and said of the Louisiana campaigning:
"I know this race is really important to you. I would guess that this program will eliminate at least 60-80,000 folks from the rolls. . . . If it's a close race . . . which I'm assuming it is, this could keep the black vote down considerably."

Unseals Document
She said in the memorandum that the program had been approved by Gregory Graves, deputy political director of the National Republican Senatorial Committee.
The document, called Exhibit 13, was unsealed by U.S. District Judge Dickinson R. Debevoise when lawyers for the Democratic National Committee said it was needed to question Wolfe.
Wolfe testified that she wrote about the possibility of keeping the black vote down to remind Griffith that there "might be a political situation he might want to consider. . . . I wanted him to be aware of the political considerations."
The Democrats are suing the Republican Party for $10 million, charging that the Republican National Committee ballot security programs--a method of assuring that voters reside at their listed addresses--violated a 1981 consent agreement signed by both parties.
Under the agreement, the Republican committee would "refrain from undertaking any ballot security activities in polling places or election districts where the racial composition of such districts is a factor."
Debevoise refused to issue a restraining order requiring the GOP to stop all similar activity.
Accepts Lawyers' Word
The judge said he accepted the word of Republican lawyers who told him all ballot security programs have been stopped, including an effort the Democrats say singled out predominantly black and Latino precincts in Pontiac, Mich.
In testimony Friday, Mark Braden, the Republican National Committee's chief counsel and the organizer of the ballot security program, said he repeatedly sought to make it clear to subordinates that "race was a factor that could not be used. I would instill the fear of God in them. . . . I'm not an idiot, this is a big press issue, and it's a big legal issue."
The committee's ballot security program was conducted in Louisiana, Indiana and Missouri. Before it became controversial, GOP political strategists said they planned to use it in other states.
'Insidious Scheme'
Louisiana state District Court Judge Richard E. Lee issued an injunction against the program on Oct. 14. In his order, Lee said: "This was an insidious scheme by the Republican Party to remove blacks from the voting roles."
I'm laughing at the short-sighted Republicans who attached their political fortune to Trump. Trump will fulfill his campaign promise of draining the swamp, except it won't go down as he intended. Trump will serve as the sewer drain, and those close to him will be sucked into the sewer. First one into the drain is Mike Pence.

lol......didn't you nominate the candidate he beat?......