Republicans are like Holocaust Deniers.


Sondland: "YES."




hahahahaha ... 'Which is my understanding'.
Better to remain silent and be perceived and idiot, than to open ones mouth and remove all doubt.

You and your ilk were given an out...drug abuse.

I'd take that as a win, and move on.

Excuse me and don't take this the wrong way but you are a very stupid individual.
That was two different (R) assholes. And that was just from the last election cycle (2018). You asked to have one named; because it's you I gave you two.

Saving looking for deniers on the left, yes, you gave 2. I detest those who would deny the atrocities committed by Nazis in WWII no matter who they are. Yet so many on the left call us conservatives Nazis when in fact, we are far from them. My father was stationed in the Philippines when the survivors of the Death March were rescued, an unfathomable barbarity committed by the Japanese. Other of saying he was there, he never spoke of the conditions they faced. Are we conservatives also as barbaric as the Japanese were?
The point doesn't involve the holocaust it involves how holocaust deniers behave with information. Like them, Trumps over faithful tend to gravitate no matter how unscrupulous the sourcing info. I rarely see the leftist gutter sources displayed here but this place is like an art gallery for the rights gutter sources. How these saps by into all this sensationalist baloney is beyond reason. When I see a leftist display one of these types of sources on our side I always ask for something else. It's really not that difficult to not be led by the nose when you don't use ego or spite as a guise.

You don't see them because you blind yourself to them. They exist, plain as daylight. It's you who is led by the nose, because you have no mind of your own to decipher fact from the fiction your handlers feed you. You will always be a follower, you'll never rise above being a lackey for the hateful accusers you praise.
The fall back progressive liberal mantra when someone actually is so boorish as to disagree with them. "You must be on drugs" or "You must be insane", because, obviously progressive liberal fascist are the cream of the crop and the most knowledgeable people on the planet. Don't believe me? Just ask one, they brook no dissent.

I'm not a Liberal, and certainly not a Fascist (ask your Mommy to explain about how Hitler saved capitalism). That I disagree with drunken farts, trumper, is not evidence that I 'brook no dissent[ - merely that I am normally educated.
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Saving looking for deniers on the left, yes, you gave 2. I detest those who would deny the atrocities committed by Nazis in WWII no matter who they are. Yet so many on the left call us conservatives Nazis when in fact, we are far from them. My father was stationed in the Philippines when the survivors of the Death March were rescued, an unfathomable barbarity committed by the Japanese. Other of saying he was there, he never spoke of the conditions they faced. Are we conservatives also as barbaric as the Japanese were?

I don't think so. Nor are we liberals the godless commie gulag-lovers that your side frequently paints us as being, eh? I've never been able to figure out how expecting the ultra wealthy to cough up their fair share in taxes so that we can provide all our citizens with infrastructure, education, food inspections, help for the elderly and disabled, etc. = Commie Socialist Evil.
I don't think so. Nor are we liberals the godless commie gulag-lovers that your side frequently paints us as being, eh? I've never been able to figure out how expecting the ultra wealthy to cough up their fair share in taxes so that we can provide all our citizens with infrastructure, education, food inspections, help for the elderly and disabled, etc. = Commie Socialist Evil.

Our Labour Party has put forward a policy that will do this. The lying tory press is having fits, I believe.
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Our Labour Party has put forward a policy that will do this. The lying tory npress is having fits, I believe.

Of course they are. It's just one step closer to all-out communism, you know, to make sure grannies have food and medicine, and kids have up-to-date textbooks.
I'm not a Liberal, and certainly not a Fascist (ask your Mommy to explain about how Hitler saved capitalism). Because I disagree with drunken farts, trumper, is not evidence that I 'brook no dissent[ - merely that I am normally educated.

Actually, you are an arrogant know nothing socialist thief.
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Actually, you are an arrogant know nothing socialist thief.

actually I am not a bit arrogant, Iknow a great deal, I believe that those who do the work should get the benefit, certainly, and I never stole anything from anyone. You are very defensive, like all your type: because you can't argue you just scream silly insults. It is very boring, you know
actually I am not a bit arrogant, Iknow a great deal, I believe that those who do the work should get the benefit, certainly, and I never stole anything from anyone. You are very defensive, like all your type: because you can't argue you just scream silly insults. It is very boring, you know

Yeah, yeah, yeah. We get you. I have heard other thieves say those they stole from deserved it. I suspect you feel the same way and I say those would continue to vote in your legalized thieves do deserve what they get.
The fall back progressive liberal mantra when someone actually is so boorish as to disagree with them. "You must be on drugs" or "You must be insane", because, obviously progressive liberal fascist are the cream of the crop and the most knowledgeable people on the planet. Don't believe me? Just ask one, they brook no dissent.

Don’t bullshit.
Don’t lie.
Educate yourself. Don’t be willfully ignorant.
Back up your claims.

Then you’ll be fine.
Don’t bullshit.
Don’t lie.
Educate yourself. Don’t be willfully ignorant.
Back up your claims.

Then you’ll be fine.

Not with liberals. Since I am not even sure what a credible source according to liberals may be I am already at a disadvantage. Liberals don't debate, they preach. You either believe what they want you to believe without question or you are willfully ignorant in their eyes.

BTW, a lie to a liberal is anything that does not agree with their Holy Writ. Bullshit is the same only spelled differently.

No, you people are worthless.
Not with liberals. Since I am not even sure what a credible source according to liberals may be I am already at a disadvantage. Liberals don't debate, they preach. You either believe what they want you to believe without question or you are willfully ignorant in their eyes.

BTW, a lie to a liberal is anything that does not agree with their Holy Writ. Bullshit is the same only spelled differently.

No, you people are worthless.


What’s that “Holy Writ”, pal?

I can already see by your catchall generalizations that you are a willfully ignorant bullshitter. Not a good start for you, Jethro.


What’s that “Holy Writ”, pal?

I can already see by your catchall generalizations that you are a willfully ignorant bullshitter. Not a good start for you, Jethro.


Well, I can certainly see you are on my bottom 10 list.


Have a nice night