It's OK to Be White
How do things make him racist again?
Lets look at just the first one example. He said he thought the judge could not be impartial in a case because of his Mexican heritage and trumps desire build a wall on the southern border. He questioned the man's ability to be impartial. That's not racist, it may be stupid and you may not like it but its not racist.
The man was born in America. Trump's claim is that because of his heritage, he can't be loyal to America.
Maaaaybe if he was actually born and raised in Mexico, you could make that argument. Especially if he had a history of showing more loyalty to Mexico than America. But judging someone by their heritage, saying they can't do this thing because of their ancestry, how is that not racism?
And again, I don't believe Trump is racist. I believe he pretends to be racist when he thinks it benefits him.