Republicans Are The Ones Turning Education Into Indocrination

It is uncanny how many times Republicans make a charge and then it is revealed that they are the ones actually guilty of what they are accusing others of.

"Florida has led the way, but other states are following suit, introducing “Don’t Say Gay” bills that unfortunately make children’s needs second to culture war politics. It is time for school policies to focus on the needs of the children. Children are the ones who will pay the price for such laws. As a researcher (Carter) and a former public school teacher (Jill), we are deeply concerned about the negative impact on children. To date, at least 10 states have passed similar pieces of legislation into law[1] (some before Florida), and seven of those states are considering additional measures to further target LGBTQ youth expression. Likewise, 11 other states are currently considering legislation like Florida’s.[2]"

“Don’t Say Gay” Laws Are a Threat to the Health and Education of Children

Republicans often claim that public schools are performing 'indoctrination' because they are teaching students about our actual world and not the fantasy one they envision.

So they start banning books and limiting free speech to mold schools into indoctrination centers for Republican ideology. Can't have kids even knowing that there are LBGTQ people in the world, nor that some of their classmates might have different families besides a female mother and a male father. These variations from vanilla family structure are not to be mentioned.

And while they are at it, they only want white washed history lessons. Exclude all of the troubling stuff about our racist past. Racism must be treated like it doesn't even exist, nor did it ever! The fear seems to be that once aware of such a stinky history the next generation might actually learn from our past mistakes and racism would no longer be such a vote-getter for Republicans. Good people hold racism in disgust. Not these people. They won't even admit they are keeping racism alive.

To attack children with their culture war politics is despicable. Republicans once had scruples, claimed to be the party of morality and ethics. Those days are over. We don't hear that any more. Trump dispensed with that. Now, they have no shame and nothing is off limits.

Truly deplorable.

So you are blaming Republicans for responding to what Democrats did (which was converting schools into indoctrination centers rather than education centers). You are blaming Republicans for YOUR racism.

Again, you just just project the problems of Democrats on someone else. That's a fallacy, dude.

Removing your subversive shit from school libraries is not indoctrination, dumbass.

The Church of Perversion has NO PLACE IN SCHOOLS!
There is a lot more to this world than basic lessons.

Obviously we are doing a poor job of preparing the young to be good American citizens.

Look at how many people are in prison in America.

We need to teach more, not less.

You are blaming yourself for a high prison population.
It is uncanny how many times Republicans make a charge and then it is revealed that they are the ones actually guilty of what they are accusing others of.

"Florida has led the way, but other states are following suit, introducing “Don’t Say Gay” bills that unfortunately make children’s needs second to culture war politics. It is time for school policies to focus on the needs of the children. Children are the ones who will pay the price for such laws. As a researcher (Carter) and a former public school teacher (Jill), we are deeply concerned about the negative impact on children. To date, at least 10 states have passed similar pieces of legislation into law[1] (some before Florida), and seven of those states are considering additional measures to further target LGBTQ youth expression. Likewise, 11 other states are currently considering legislation like Florida’s.[2]"

“Don’t Say Gay” Laws Are a Threat to the Health and Education of Children

Republicans often claim that public schools are performing 'indoctrination' because they are teaching students about our actual world and not the fantasy one they envision.

So they start banning books and limiting free speech to mold schools into indoctrination centers for Republican ideology. Can't have kids even knowing that there are LBGTQ people in the world, nor that some of their classmates might have different families besides a female mother and a male father. These variations from vanilla family structure are not to be mentioned.

And while they are at it, they only want white washed history lessons. Exclude all of the troubling stuff about our racist past. Racism must be treated like it doesn't even exist, nor did it ever! The fear seems to be that once aware of such a stinky history the next generation might actually learn from our past mistakes and racism would no longer be such a vote-getter for Republicans. Good people hold racism in disgust. Not these people. They won't even admit they are keeping racism alive.

To attack children with their culture war politics is despicable. Republicans once had scruples, claimed to be the party of morality and ethics. Those days are over. We don't hear that any more. Trump dispensed with that. Now, they have no shame and nothing is off limits.

Truly deplorable.

the retarded left ~ "we can't let parents indoctrinate their kids"
How in the world could the right keep misconceptions and conspiracy theories going if schools taught the truth?

Let's face it. The main thing keeping Republicans in any power at all is hatred.

Take away the disgruntled hatred vote out of every election and Democrats would be winning overwhelmingly.

Inversion fallacy.
Well scarecrow "women" ,as someone who actually has teachers in the family and has grand kids in school whose schooling we keep up with you are once again talking out your drunken ass. Stop trying to pass as something you never were

Trying to defend your indoctrination, eh?
Americans, according to a recent poll by the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, have an “abysmal” knowledge of their own history. 49 of our 50 states couldn't pass a simple citizenship test. The culprits blamed were the reliance of teachers on bald factoids, memorization of dates, and having to satisfy individual state regulations.

.....annnnd back to your usual stupid chanting.

This is amazing stuff. It's an indisputable fact that leftist have controlled education for decades and used it to indoctrinate kids but one of them has the dearth of intellect to claim republicans are doing it. You cant make this stuff up.
Hello guno,

Americans, according to a recent poll by the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, have an “abysmal” knowledge of their own history. 49 of our 50 states couldn't pass a simple citizenship test. The culprits blamed were the reliance of teachers on bald factoids, memorization of dates, and having to satisfy individual state regulations. For example, Texas is such a large market for textbooks that publishers will often just print a Texas friendly textbook and have it the text for all states. The textbooks reflect the very conservative nature of Texas lawmakers and bureaucrats. Imagine Ron DiSantis running your school board.

The American electorate will make decisions in the following years that will set the course for our imperiled democracy. In order to have a sense of where we should go, we need to know where we have been.

It would stand to reason that if conservative Texas has been controlling textbook content that conservative Florida would not have to ban so many books.
Apparently you never learned to read in school either. Like the OP says, schools are abysmal at teaching. Democrats have turned them into indoctrination centers.

Schools are good at teaching If fact many schools are excellent. Dems have done no such thing. That is a stupid thing to say. Public schools offer a broad education. That is your objection. You want right-wing dogma specifically taught and only that.