Republicans are trying to turn Hearing into a Circus.

What the hell are you talking about, we had twelve years of endless often redundant GOP investigations, eight alone on BenghaziGate to include a super duper secret special investigation, and nothing, absolutely nothing, zero, zilch, came out of any of it, pure theater for political consumption

And the GOP wrote at this time the exact rules the Democrats are using today, the GOP wrote the rules and set the precedents employed today, the exact things you are crying about now

GOP investigations, eight alone on BenghaziGate to include a super duper secret special investigation, and nothing, absolutely nothing, zero, zilch, came out of any of it,

Here is the State Department Accountability Review Board

"As required by the Omnibus Diplomatic and Antiterrorism Act of 1986, the State Department established on October 4, 2012, an Accountability Review Board "to examine the facts and circumstances of the attacks".[20] Four members were selected by Clinton and another was selected by Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper. Ambassador Thomas R. Pickering served as the Chairman, Admiral Michael Mullen served as the Vice Chairman, also serving were Catherine Bertini, Richard Shinnick, and Hugh Turner, who represented the intelligence community.[21]
The investigation report[21] was released December 20, 2012. It was seen as a sharp criticism of State Department officials in Washington for ignoring requests for more guards and safety upgrades, and for failing to adapt security procedures to a deteriorating security environment. "Systemic failures and leadership and management deficiencies at senior levels within two bureaus of the State Department ... resulted in a special mission security posture that was inadequate for Benghazi and grossly inadequate to deal with the attack that took place," said the unclassified version of the report.[22] It also blamed too much reliance on local militias who failed to fend off the attackers that evening.[23] The Council on Foreign Relations in an initial report saw it as a refutation to the notion that the Obama administration delayed its response.[24] The report confirmed that, contrary to initial accounts, there was no protest outside the consulate. It placed responsibility for the incident solely upon the attackers, deemed as terrorists."

The SOS was Hillary so even though she was not charged with anything the buck still stopped at her desk. You lefties believe because someone is not charged that means they are innocent WRONG! It only means there is insufficient evidence to convict. Thus your whole defense is just bullshit.
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Does this help:
"Sondland acknowledges Ukraine quid pro quo, implicates Trump, Pence, Pompeo and others"

"More forcefully than he has before, Sondland declared that the Trump administration would not give Ukraine’s newly elected president, Volodymyr Zelensky, a chance to visit the White House — unless Zelensky agreed to announce investigations that could help the president politically."

Funny when Sondland laid down the framework for the call that was different than the script from NSA. The bad thing is I don't believe anyone involved from Trump on down has clean hands in this matter.
Mulvaney publicly announced it and told the nation to get over it

Trump publicly asked other nations to investigate the Bidens too
Sorry but appearance is reality and this whole impeachment thing behind closed doors smacks of Nancy Pelosi playing NIGYYSOB. What are you going to say when this thig blows up in your Democrat face? Polls show people are tired of the clown circus in Washington.

Are those the polls that said Hillary would win?
Or Fox polls?
You started out not liking Trump,but agreed with his policys.
Now like all the rest you're drunk on the Orange Kool-Aid
And the GOP wrote at this time the exact rules the Democrats are using today, the GOP wrote the rules and set the precedents employed today, the exact things you are crying about now

kind of sad that you still think that's true, despite the facts which are now available......but then we've always known you're a lying political hack.......