Republicans hate voters voting

Discriminatory voter laws have surged in last 5 years, federal commission finds

By Eric Bradner, CNN
Published 3:17 PM EDT, Wed September 12, 2018

2018 federal rights commission study that found voter suppressing laws on the rise

Washington CNN —
New state laws make voting more difficult for minorities and the Justice Department has done less to challenge those discriminatory laws since the Supreme Court struck down a core element of the 1965 Voting Rights Act five years ago, the federal Commission on Civil Rights said in a report issued Wednesday.

The report was a scathing condemnation of state and federal actions since the Supreme Court, in the 2013 Shelby County v. Holder decision, eliminated the Justice Department’s authority to block changes to voting laws in states with histories of discrimination.

It highlighted laws approved by Republican-dominated legislatures in Texas, which imposed the nation’s strictest voter ID requirement, and North Carolina, which implemented a voter ID law that also eliminated registration options and limited early voting, as particularly glaring examples that disproportionately affect minorities.

The commission issued a series of recommendations, including calling on Congress to enact a law that would “provide a streamlined remedy to review certain changes with known risks of discrimination before they take effect – not after potentially tainted elections.”
Creating a post and being the only individual to respond other than the OP is embarrassing so I will help out.

The constitution originally only let white males vote

But the founders KNEW they were imperfect

So they left a constitution that allowed the PEOPLE DECIDE how to perfect the union

We have a democracy that includes the RIGHT of the people to AMEND the constitution

You and Shultz are dumb as hell
Prove I'm a racist you cunt. Oh thats right you're a useless cunt who can't prove shit. Shut the fuck you dog fucking asshole.

Your Siberian programmer better not drink the tea rations putin sends him

His performance here sucks yak ass
When you idiots deny every aspect of the racism the world sees

You might as will be tattooing “I am a racist” a crossed your foreheads in one inch lettering
Washington CNN —
New state laws make voting more difficult for minorities and the Justice Department has done less to challenge those discriminatory laws since the Supreme Court struck down a core element of the 1965 Voting Rights Act five years ago, the federal Commission on Civil Rights said in a report issued Wednesday.

The report was a scathing condemnation of state and federal actions since the Supreme Court, in the 2013 Shelby County v. Holder decision, eliminated the Justice Department’s authority to block changes to voting laws in states with histories of discrimination.

It highlighted laws approved by Republican-dominated legislatures in Texas, which imposed the nation’s strictest voter ID requirement, and North Carolina, which implemented a voter ID law that also eliminated registration options and limited early voting, as particularly glaring examples that disproportionately affect minorities.

The commission issued a series of recommendations, including calling on Congress to enact a law that would “provide a streamlined remedy to review certain changes with known risks of discrimination before they take effect – not after potentially tainted elections.”
2018 federal rights commission study that found voter suppressing laws on the rise

CNN???? No wonder you're such a dumb cunt. I am amused when left leaning racists in the Democratic Party of the Jackass think their voters are too fucking stupid to obtain ID or vote on time.

You should be embarrassed to be such a dumb, racist cunt. If you're too stupid to do something as simple as getting an ID, you shouldn't be voting in the first place.