^Triggered Psycho doesn't think she is a sociopath.![]()
But the Dems are the snowflakes according to you fools remember
We are the bleeding hearts remember
We are the ones who care too much according to you human hating nutters
You say American voters cheat in elections
You hate them even though there is no evidence most Americans vote six and seven times to cheat
But you insist your party doesn’t cheat in elections even though there is massive decades long court Rap sheet on the Republican party’s criminal cheating in elections
But the Dems are the snowflakes according to you fools remember
We are the bleeding hearts remember
We are the ones who care too much according to you human hating nutters
You say American voters cheat in elections
You hate them even though there is no evidence most Americans vote six and seven times to cheat
But you insist your party doesn’t cheat in elections even though there is massive decades long court Rap sheet on the Republican party’s criminal cheating in elections
2018 federal rights commission study that found voter suppressing laws on the rise
Lying traitor bitch.
Washington CNN —
New state laws make voting more difficult for minorities and the Justice Department has done less to challenge those discriminatory laws since the Supreme Court struck down a core element of the 1965 Voting Rights Act five years ago, the federal Commission on Civil Rights said in a report issued Wednesday.
The report was a scathing condemnation of state and federal actions since the Supreme Court, in the 2013 Shelby County v. Holder decision, eliminated the Justice Department’s authority to block changes to voting laws in states with histories of discrimination.
It highlighted laws approved by Republican-dominated legislatures in Texas, which imposed the nation’s strictest voter ID requirement, and North Carolina, which implemented a voter ID law that also eliminated registration options and limited early voting, as particularly glaring examples that disproportionately affect minorities.
The commission issued a series of recommendations, including calling on Congress to enact a law that would “provide a streamlined remedy to review certain changes with known risks of discrimination before they take effect – not after potentially tainted elections.”
CNN???? No wonder you're such a dumb cunt. I am amused when left leaning racists in the Democratic Party of the Jackass think their voters are too fucking stupid to obtain ID or vote on time.
You should be embarrassed to be such a dumb, racist cunt. If you're too stupid to do something as simple as getting an ID, you shouldn't be voting in the first place.
Prove that study was lying
Or find a new hobby
Like competition vodka guzzling
You are a natural
You hate them even though there is no evidence most Americans vote six and seven times to cheat
you used to win by driving homeless folks around in vans, voting six or seven times each........now you've graduated to suitcases full of fake electronic votes hidden under tables.......
You filthy lying shit stains don't accept proof.
Dear zip lock bag full of rat piss and cockroach turds
You never offer any proof
That is what all those judges said about the Republican party’s claim about the elections
Even the ones directly appointed by trump
You got nothing
Fuck you very much
2018 federal rights commission study that found voter suppressing laws on the rise
Anyone ever notice how these shit stains always follow the same patterns?
Progressive shit stain ROE
1. Demand a link or an explanation to the truth they are objecting to.
2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect.
3. Ignore any facts presented.
3a. Play dumb and keep others wasting their time trying to enlighten you.
4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.
5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence, Age.
6. Employ misdirection.
6a. smear people.
6b. attack religion.
6c. attack your rationality.
7. Lie, make false assumptions.
8. Play race/gender card/misogynist card.
9. Play gay/lesbian card.
10. Play the Nazi/Fascist/bigot card.
11. Make up stuff/So you got nothing?
12. Deny constantly.
13. Reword and repeat.
14. Pretending not to understand, playing ignorant/what did I lie about.
15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.
16. Russia.
17. Fox News/Alex Jones/Brietbart/infowars/Stormfront/Gateway/hannity/OAN.
18. You can’t read.
19. Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump.
20. Whataboutism...
Creating a post and being the only individual to respond other than the OP is embarrassing so I will help out.