Republicans Hating Science: Part 5,783

By the way, are you so fucked up that you think embryonic stem cells are harvested from abortion clinics? They come from fucking FERTILITY clinics, which are going to discard them anyway.

Ignorant, ignorant, ignorant. You make me fucking sick.

This is what I hate about conservatives. They're just plain misinformed about just about everything. Here's a real link to a real (credible) newspaper, and you may do your own searching to verify it.

WASHINGTON -- Senator Edward M. Kennedy yesterday blasted Governor Mitt Romney's proposal to ban the cloning of embryos for stem cell research, saying the governor's approach would rob Massachusetts of the benefits of one of the most promising areas of scientific research.

As I said, Romney wants to ban embryonic stem cell research in his own state - make it illegal.[/QUOT

What the hell is that supposed to mean...the link I provided has other links with facts on what was said by Romney about the cherry pick what you want and ignore the facts...Romney is not against stem cell research as a whole he is just against 'embryonic' stem cell research from abortion clinics...what part of this do you not understand?
"as “stem cell research, contraceptives and his misgivings about the administration’s embrace of ‘abstinence-only’ sex education”:"

Again the need to clarify since you are the king of spin.... there is NO "abstinence-only" policy... the stem cell research in question is on EMBRYONIC stem cell research, it ONLY includes bans on federal funding, states can choose to invest in that line should they so desire. CA and Misery are two of the ones that have already done so. Private groups/corps can also invest in that line.

What an inane, hair-splitting response. Freak, I used to think you were more independent, but you've become a real apologist of late.

This is what the former Surgeon General said, not Cypress, and it's consistent with what we know about this administration (remember the redacting of sections of global warming reports?) Why not address that, instead of trying to split hairs about stem cell research, and "abstience FIRST instead of abstinence ONLY" (which is inaccurate, btw).

Take two aspirin....and some Pepto...

By the way, are you so fucked up that you think embryonic stem cells are harvested from abortion clinics? They come from fucking FERTILITY clinics, which are going to discard them anyway.

Ignorant, ignorant, ignorant. You make me fucking sick.

See the Doc in the I previously stated Romney is 'Not' against 'Existing "Embryonic" you have a deficit in reading comprehension?

By the way, are you so fucked up that you think embryonic stem cells are harvested from abortion clinics? They come from fucking FERTILITY clinics, which are going to discard them anyway.

Ignorant, ignorant, ignorant. You make me fucking sick.

Golly gee Mr.Wizard..if you did the homework you would find out that most are from the abortion clinics!...Never mind you are on a roll cheerleading for pro-choice...that is what this is all about anyhoo!
Golly gee Mr.Wizard..if you did the homework you would find out that most are from the abortion clinics!...Never mind you are on a roll cheerleading for pro-choice...that is what this is all about anyhoo!

I did a quick google and found no evidence of that. In fact, I can find no evidence that ANY come from abortion clinics. However, I did find all of this:

They come from fertility clinics (maybe exclusively). My guess is you're an ignorant son of a bitch who is wildly misinformed about just about everything he talks about. This is damned good evidence that I'm right.
Well yah!

You do understand the difference between a fetus and an embryo don't you?

as for your diatribe on Embryonic stem cells not being obtained from abortion clinics...ya are wrong Bison Breath...sorry but these cells are obtained from both the fetus and embryos from abortion clinics as well as ferto clinics...I stated that Romney was against abortion clinics as a source not the rest...go ahead and cherry pick twist and shout though!

I did a quick google and found no evidence of that. In fact, I can find no evidence that ANY come from abortion clinics. However, I did find all of this:

They come from fertility clinics (maybe exclusively). My guess is you're an ignorant son of a bitch who is wildly misinformed about just about everything he talks about. This is damned good evidence that I'm right.

Right and you are so very your own mind that is!
Right and you are so very your own mind that is!

I'm right. You were terribly misinformed at least on this issue, and considering the fact that you're a Republican and you've proven yourself susceptible to propaganda issued by your side to make you revile things like stem cell research, I'm guessing you're pretty damned ignorant all over the board.

Anyone else know if I'm right? You've been around this bafoon longer than I have.
LOL...and now he calls on the calvary...(pun) on cavalry

I'm right. You were terribly misinformed at least on this issue, and considering the fact that you're a Republican and you've proven yourself susceptible to propaganda issued by your side to make you revile things like stem cell research, I'm guessing you're pretty damned ignorant all over the board.

Anyone else know if I'm right? You've been around this bafoon longer than I have.

Sorry Chalie I am not a registered Republican...just a registered conservative 'American Independent' Nice try though!
I'm right. You were terribly misinformed at least on this issue, and considering the fact that you're a Republican and you've proven yourself susceptible to propaganda issued by your side to make you revile things like stem cell research, I'm guessing you're pretty damned ignorant all over the board.

Anyone else know if I'm right? You've been around this bafoon longer than I have.
It seems that supporting it from fertility clinics while not supporting another source isn't "reviling" anything other than a source.
BB is definatly an "embaressed Republican", although not too terribly embaressed.
And he does seem familiar with all the Rush lines and such.

Beyond that I know little about him.
BB is definatly an "embarassed Republican", although not too terribly embarassed.And he does seem familiar with all the Rush lines and such.

Beyond that I know little about him.

There ya go I fixed the sp for you...and sorry not at all embarrassed since I have not been a republican for over fifteen years!
Admittedly I voted against Gore the first time, I wonder now if that was a mistake. However, out of despiration I voted for Kerry because I didn't "AND DON'T" think he could have been worse than BUSH.
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Peewee Herman would have been better than Bush.

yeah I was not wild about either Gore or Kerry. But I pretty much knew about Bush from time spent in TX......
I would have sooner peroxided my tooth and jammed it back in than vote for Mush.