Republicans push Legislation Closing the Department of Education


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The Democrat Party doesn't care about the average American school child.

The Baltimore public school system is under fire after the city said no student in 23 area schools are proficient in math, standards that are repeatedly declining across Maryland. 93 percent of students in 3rd through 8th grade tested below their grade level.

Rep. Tom Massie of Kentucky reintroduced a brief bill that would do away with the U.S. Department of Education. There is no Constitutional aurhority for this federal bureaucracy to exist.

In reality, the bill has a near zero chance of passing the Democratic-controlled US Senate led by the corrupt and special interests--backed Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY).

Unelected bureaucrats in D.C. should not be in charge of our children's intellectual and moral development. Newsletter 1&utm_medium=email&

This piece doesn't even begin to touch on the destructive nature of the LEFTISTS' stranglehold they have on the lives of our American school children. Segregated school classes based on race, CRT, telling white kids they're privileged, teaching kids they have the right to change their sex identities, allow them to watch drag queen shows, read books about sick minded tranny actions and beliefs, etc. etc. The Democrat Party couldn't be any more anti child then if they were to insist every pregnant woman abort their unwanted child-to-be.
The Democrat Party doesn't care about the average American school child.

The Baltimore public school system is under fire after the city said no student in 23 area schools are proficient in math, standards that are repeatedly declining across Maryland. 93 percent of students in 3rd through 8th grade tested below their grade level.

Rep. Tom Massie of Kentucky reintroduced a brief bill that would do away with the U.S. Department of Education. There is no Constitutional aurhority for this federal bureaucracy to exist.

In reality, the bill has a near zero chance of passing the Democratic-controlled US Senate led by the corrupt and special interests--backed Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY).

Unelected bureaucrats in D.C. should not be in charge of our children's intellectual and moral development. Newsletter 1&utm_medium=email&

This piece doesn't even begin to touch on the destructive nature of the LEFTISTS' stranglehold they have on the lives of our American school children. Segregated school classes based on race, CRT, telling white kids they're privileged, teaching kids they have the right to change their sex identities, allow them to watch drag queen shows, read books about sick minded tranny actions and beliefs, etc. etc. The Democrat Party couldn't be any more anti child then if they were to insist every pregnant woman abort their unwanted child-to-be.

Damn it's about time
But the great and invincible Donald had 4 long miserable years to do something about the D of E, but he did nothing. WHY?

Was he supposed to? Did he say he would get rid of the D of E? Or is this just you pointing at trump instead not addressing the issue? Why yes yes it is.
Was he supposed to? Did he say he would get rid of the D of E? Or is this just you pointing at trump instead not addressing the issue? Why yes yes it is.

Your kind has been demanding the closure of the education department for years,. so why didn't Trump do it. Not a single republican brought forth a bill to close this department.
I favor the disbanding of all local public school systems

in favor of complete control by the Department of Education,

and a requirement that all major DE officials, including the cabinet secretary, have a doctorate in education.

We can't trust education to local yokels, especially in red states.
Your kind has been demanding the closure of the education department for years,. so why didn't Trump do it. Not a single republican brought forth a bill to close this department.

So he didnt say he would do it. Good glad we agree. The current republicans will do something I hope. So where does the federal govt get the authority to deal in education?
So he didnt say he would do it. Good glad we agree. The current republicans will do something I hope. So where does the federal govt get the authority to deal in education?

Try reading up on the history of the Education Department, you ignorant slut.
Try reading up on the history of the Education Department, you ignorant slut.

The history of the education department is irrelevant. I asked you to point to where the federal government gets the authority to maintain a dept. of education
You're good at calling people "pussies" over the safety of the internet, YAK.
It's not a good look.

I dont give a fuck I haven't yet had one of the leftist pussies here tell me where the federal govt gets the authority to get involved in education.