Republicans quietly admit to dropping Biden impeachment

Poor Joe... Everyone feels sorry for him....He's so compromised...too fragile...too old... And he'll be gone soon...
You can keep repeating Putin's message, but each day that passes trump's ability to communicate intelligently erodes.

Then why were Republicans pushing for it so hard? To me, impeachment is a mark on a president that says they did something wrong, its in the history books.

Educated people can list the impeached presidents for a reason.

I dunno. To me, it means nothing. It meant nothing to those three, either.

Yes, I am educated. What do you want to know?
The Repugs have been investigating the Bidens for years and simply failed to prove anything Joe did wrong. His son had problems. However, his son did not work in the administration or work for Joe. Hunter is charged and paying for his acts.