Research reveals what kind of people fall for conspiracy theories

Disagreed, Fredo. You promote hate and conspiracy theory. While I can see why you don't want to risk arrest and prison at a WSE demonstration, that's not the same as you shooting or blowing up a synagogue, a black church, a school or supermarket.

Why is quoting your own posts bearing false witness, Fredo?:

God loves me. Hell is for haters like you, son.

the facts i discuss are not theoretical.

fiat currency totalitarianism is quite real.

you're soaking in it, palmolive.
Shauna Bowes has written a lot of papers:

This is the paper:
Looking under the tinfoil hat: Clarifying the personological and psychopathological correlates of conspiracy beliefs
Shauna Bowes, MA, Doctoral Intern


ok pride parade.

smollet 2024!
the facts i discuss are not theoretical.

fiat currency totalitarianism is quite real.

you're soaking in it, palmolive.

Your view of the "facts" are why you are such a good patsy for DtM and the WSEs.

If you truly love America and your neighbors, you'll turn those assholes in to your local police.
I suspect that half of them are faking belief in these theories
out of having no aptitude to converse on actually valid issues.

It's easy to discuss anything when all you have to do
is pull stuff out of your ass.

let's talk about the wisdom of sending all the jobs to china, and globalization stupidity in general.

It's all dumb stupid and gay.

now you rebut.
you're the one who lies all day long and threatens violence.
Quote post where you claim I am lying, Fredo.

I only threaten violence against criminals, terrorists and traitors. Why do you have a problem with that, Fredo?

you lie all day long, about everyone on the site. everyone already knows this.

i don't do busywork.

Translation: I can't find a single lie you've posted, Dutch, but the voices in my head tell me you are a liar.

Okey-dokey, Fredo. :thup: Your personality is one reason why I believe you'll make your militia friends a very good patsy. :)
And rapes poor, innocent stray dogs.

Douche Duck the dog rapists could make the world a better place by killing itself.

Down Under dumbasses are always so violent. No wonder they end up in prison for beating their wives then living on the dole or working minimum wage loser jobs.
And rapes poor, innocent stray dogs.

Douche Duck the dog rapists could make the world a better place by killing itself.

let's pray for it.

it knows not what it does. it's the one eyed yaldaboath posessing this poor soul.

Yaldabaoth continuously attempted to deprive human beings of the gift of the spark of light which he had unwittingly lost to them, or to keep them in bondage. As punishments, he tried to make humanity acknowledge him as God.[3] Because of their lack of worship, he caused the Flood upon the human race, from which a feminine power such as Sophia or Pronoia[42] (Providence) rescued Noah.[3] Yaldabaoth made a covenant with Abraham, in which he was obligated to serve him along with his descendants. The Biblical prophets were to proclaim Yaldabaoth's glory, but at the same time, through Sophia's influence, they reminded people of their higher origin and prepared for the coming of Christ. At Sophia's instigation, Yaldabaoth arranged for the generation of Jesus through the Virgin Mary. For his proclamation, he used John the Baptist. At the moment of the baptism organized by Yaldabaoth, Sophia took on the body of Jesus and through it taught people that their destiny was the Kingdom of Light (the spiritual world), not the Kingdom of Darkness (the material universe). Only after his baptism did Jesus receive divine powers and could perform miracles. But since Jesus destroyed his kingdom instead of promoting it, Yaldabaoth had him crucified. Before his martyrdom, Christ escaped from the bodily shell and returned in the spiritual world.
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