Rest in peace, little buddy.


My little buddy, Jesper, died last night.

Very sad morning on a day that was to be so great. I had just found a house and had my offer accepted over the weekend. I was hoping my little friend would make it long enough to see the new house, but he was having some bad days recently. Saturday, he was active and seemed to be in good spirits. Sunday morning I found Jesper feeling really bad. He was inactive the whole day and ate nothing. I could tell he was not well and he struggled to keep his balance. I helped him back to his favorite spot on the couch and I just tried to soothe him. I went to bed and figured I would check on him when I woke up. About 3 am I got up to see how he was doing and he was laying in the middle of the room. He had passed away. I hope he went peacefully. I will miss him. He was and will always be a good little dog.
My little buddy, Jesper, died last night.

Very sad morning on a day that was to be so great. I had just found a house and had my offer accepted over the weekend. I was hoping my little friend would make it long enough to see the new house, but he was having some bad days recently. Saturday, he was active and seemed to be in good spirits. Sunday morning I found Jesper feeling really bad. He was inactive the whole day and ate nothing. I could tell he was not well and he struggled to keep his balance. I helped him back to his favorite spot on the couch and I just tried to soothe him. I went to bed and figured I would check on him when I woke up. About 3 am I got up to see how he was doing and he was laying in the middle of the room. He had passed away. I hope he went peacefully. I will miss him. He was and will always be a good little dog.
I'm so sorry to hear is one of the hardest things that we have to go through...sometimes their wings are ready when our hearts are not....
RIP know he's pain free now and in good hands.
I'd like to share something with you that our rescue groups often pass along to our friends and family and at times, strangers we're just chatting with...when they lose a beloved pet....A message from your angel:
"Before humans die, they write their last will and testament, give their home and all they have to those they leave behind. If, with my paws, I could do the same, this is what I'd ask. To a poor and lonely stray I'd give my happy home , my bowl and cozy bed, soft pillow and all my toys, the lap, which I love so much, the hand that stroked my fur and the sweet voice that spoke my name I'd will to the sad, scared shelter dog the place I had in my human's loving heart, of which there seemed no bounds. So, when i die, please do not say, "I will never have a pet again, for the loss and pain is more than I can stand". Instead, go find an unloved dog, one whose life has held no joy hope and give my place to hims. This is the only thing I can give...the love I left behind..."
Author unknown....
16 is a good long life for any dog.
But I know from experience it is never long enough.

He will keep up a residence in you heart forever.
I am so sorry for your loss, Tinfoil.

The love we have for the animals who live with us is enormous...and the loss of one of them no less painful than the loss of a family member.

Thank you for your on-line eulogy. It was eloquent and moving.

There are times I need a laugh in the morning...and other times I need something to stir other emotions. Today you stirred one of those "other emotions"...and I will be a more caring person today because of it.

RIP Jesper.
My little buddy, Jesper, died last night.

Very sad morning on a day that was to be so great. I had just found a house and had my offer accepted over the weekend. I was hoping my little friend would make it long enough to see the new house, but he was having some bad days recently. Saturday, he was active and seemed to be in good spirits. Sunday morning I found Jesper feeling really bad. He was inactive the whole day and ate nothing. I could tell he was not well and he struggled to keep his balance. I helped him back to his favorite spot on the couch and I just tried to soothe him. I went to bed and figured I would check on him when I woke up. About 3 am I got up to see how he was doing and he was laying in the middle of the room. He had passed away. I hope he went peacefully. I will miss him. He was and will always be a good little dog.

Aw, so sad. How lucky he was though to have had your care and love.
My little buddy, Jesper, died last night.

Very sad morning on a day that was to be so great. I had just found a house and had my offer accepted over the weekend. I was hoping my little friend would make it long enough to see the new house, but he was having some bad days recently. Saturday, he was active and seemed to be in good spirits. Sunday morning I found Jesper feeling really bad. He was inactive the whole day and ate nothing. I could tell he was not well and he struggled to keep his balance. I helped him back to his favorite spot on the couch and I just tried to soothe him. I went to bed and figured I would check on him when I woke up. About 3 am I got up to see how he was doing and he was laying in the middle of the room. He had passed away. I hope he went peacefully. I will miss him. He was and will always be a good little dog.
Oh no Tin. I’m so sorry. Jesper was a cool little dog. You must be completely heart broken.
Just dropped him off to be cremated. So sad but also glad that he's not suffering. I'm also glad that I didn't have to make a decision to put him down. He was having a few bad days but still seemed to enjoy food and laying in the sun. Until yesterday he was doing ok and like the bad days he had had before I had hoped he would feel better this morning. Oh I wish I had stayed up with him. I know it wouldn't have changed anything but I wanted to be there for him in his final moments. I will miss him. He's my little man.
So sorry to hear of you losing Jesper. There's a reason they call a dog "man's best friend." They are loyal to the end and never complain.
At least he died peacefully. It's even worse when they are so bad you have to put them down to end their suffering.
I had to put down my Basset Hound. It was very difficult. A dog becomes part of your family. You have my condolences.
My little buddy, Jesper, died last night.

Very sad morning on a day that was to be so great. I had just found a house and had my offer accepted over the weekend. I was hoping my little friend would make it long enough to see the new house, but he was having some bad days recently. Saturday, he was active and seemed to be in good spirits. Sunday morning I found Jesper feeling really bad. He was inactive the whole day and ate nothing. I could tell he was not well and he struggled to keep his balance. I helped him back to his favorite spot on the couch and I just tried to soothe him. I went to bed and figured I would check on him when I woke up. About 3 am I got up to see how he was doing and he was laying in the middle of the room. He had passed away. I hope he went peacefully. I will miss him. He was and will always be a good little dog.

That sucks so bad, I am so sorry to hear that.

We lost our Eddie just a couple months ago and it is one of the worst pains anyone has to experience.
My condolences, losing a pet is like losing a child. He will be at the rainbow bridge to meet you when your time comes.
I know some people don't understand, but losing a pet is like losing a family member. I feel for you.

As a light hearted side note, Barbara Streisand cloned her dog and now has the clone.
Thanks, to all of you. I am feeling much better about my little friend now. Still sad that he didn't get to see his new home but happy that he's no longer suffering and no longer existing in a state of misery.

Thanks again. You guys are why I love this place
My little buddy, Jesper, died last night.

Very sad morning on a day that was to be so great. I had just found a house and had my offer accepted over the weekend. I was hoping my little friend would make it long enough to see the new house, but he was having some bad days recently. Saturday, he was active and seemed to be in good spirits. Sunday morning I found Jesper feeling really bad. He was inactive the whole day and ate nothing. I could tell he was not well and he struggled to keep his balance. I helped him back to his favorite spot on the couch and I just tried to soothe him. I went to bed and figured I would check on him when I woke up. About 3 am I got up to see how he was doing and he was laying in the middle of the room. He had passed away. I hope he went peacefully. I will miss him. He was and will always be a good little dog.

Sounds like he had a good, long life. Very sad, though. I believe the most difficult losses in my life were my dogs. Today, you will cry, but down the road there will be smiles.
My little buddy, Jesper, died last night.

Very sad morning on a day that was to be so great. I had just found a house and had my offer accepted over the weekend. I was hoping my little friend would make it long enough to see the new house, but he was having some bad days recently. Saturday, he was active and seemed to be in good spirits. Sunday morning I found Jesper feeling really bad. He was inactive the whole day and ate nothing. I could tell he was not well and he struggled to keep his balance. I helped him back to his favorite spot on the couch and I just tried to soothe him. I went to bed and figured I would check on him when I woke up. About 3 am I got up to see how he was doing and he was laying in the middle of the room. He had passed away. I hope he went peacefully. I will miss him. He was and will always be a good little dog.
Sorry for your loss.
My little buddy, Jesper, died last night.

Very sad morning on a day that was to be so great. I had just found a house and had my offer accepted over the weekend. I was hoping my little friend would make it long enough to see the new house, but he was having some bad days recently. Saturday, he was active and seemed to be in good spirits. Sunday morning I found Jesper feeling really bad. He was inactive the whole day and ate nothing. I could tell he was not well and he struggled to keep his balance. I helped him back to his favorite spot on the couch and I just tried to soothe him. I went to bed and figured I would check on him when I woke up. About 3 am I got up to see how he was doing and he was laying in the middle of the room. He had passed away. I hope he went peacefully. I will miss him. He was and will always be a good little dog.

My vet shared this with me when my little Molly passed on.

"Rainbow Bridge"

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....