Rest in peace, little buddy.

Thanks, to all of you. I am feeling much better about my little friend now. Still sad that he didn't get to see his new home but happy that he's no longer suffering and no longer existing in a state of misery.

Thanks again. You guys are why I love this place
Don't get carried away Tin....we're all still a bunch of curmudgeonly assholes. ;)
Dogs are angels, they do nothing but love you no matter what.

Not all dogs are angels. Remember the one story about the SF woman mauled by her dogs?

I believe dogs are as angelic as their owners. Those that are treated like crap and then rehabilitated are very different from their horrible prior life.

What pisses me off the worst about those who abuse animals, is that they can't really fight back. I rescued a cat that was abused and feral and within a couple of months this cat actually came when I called it.

Then one night my friends and I were driving home and some asshole had run over the cat. I cried in front of all them.

Losing a pet is hard thing.

Tinfoil, hang in there.
I am so sorry for your loss. Nothing's worse than having to stand by helplessly while your pet suffers. You wish you could suffer in their place. A beloved pet's death hits so hard.
This post is mostly for me. It feels helpful to write down what I'm feeling today.

I miss you, Jesper. I made some dinner and I couldn't eat the chicken pieces. Those were your favorite and you always got them. I had to work today, but I thought about you all day and especially when I got home. I'm missing you so much, buddy, but thank god you aren't hurting anymore. I remembered that time I came home at my lowest point, and you were there so excited to see me, you just made me feel a hundred feet taller than the moment before. I never forgot it, Jesper. It changed my life. I remembered the time you got lost on the canoe trip. Oh how I cried as I searched for you and when I finally found you hiding all I could do was pick you up and hug you, you little bastard. I keep remembering how you would come up looking for a nibble of anything I was munching on. You always got a taste of whatever I was having. I'm so glad we had all these years, Jesper. I'll never forget all the quirky little things about you. I miss you, Jesper.
This post is mostly for me. It feels helpful to write down what I'm feeling today.

I miss you, Jesper. I made some dinner and I couldn't eat the chicken pieces. Those were your favorite and you always got them. I had to work today, but I thought about you all day and especially when I got home. I'm missing you so much, buddy, but thank god you aren't hurting anymore. I remembered that time I came home at my lowest point, and you were there so excited to see me, you just made me feel a hundred feet taller than the moment before. I never forgot it, Jesper. It changed my life. I remembered the time you got lost on the canoe trip. Oh how I cried as I searched for you and when I finally found you hiding all I could do was pick you up and hug you, you little bastard. I keep remembering how you would come up looking for a nibble of anything I was munching on. You always got a taste of whatever I was having. I'm so glad we had all these years, Jesper. I'll never forget all the quirky little things about you. I miss you, Jesper.
Yea that's the great thing about a dog. Your wife can divorce you and your family disown you and all your friends can abandon you and the whole world hate you....but your dog will still love you.

My wife tried to tell me she loved me more than our dog loves me. I told her "If I locked you and the dog in the trunk of the car and l came back an hour later and opened the trunk I know which one of you will be happy to see me.
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