Ret. Gen. Stanley McChrystal backs banning assault weapons

fuck that traitor. the founders would have hanged him
Gen. Macristol is just trying to make points with the Leftist controlled media like MSNBC, so they will keep bringing him back on. If he dissagreed and was talking too pro-gun, then they would never have him back on that show. Naturally the automatic M4 and the M16 are strictly military rifles and are to be used by the military only, but we are not talking about them, we are talking about sporting rifles. The .223 is such a weak round, in itself, that it can not be legally used in California to KILL deer. I want Congress to show some balls and flat not pass any new gun laws, not one, no matter how much the Leftist plead and beg.
Gen. Macristol is just trying to make points with the Leftist controlled media like MSNBC, so they will keep bringing him back on. If he dissagreed and was talking too pro-gun, then they would never have him back on that show. Naturally the automatic M4 and the M16 are strictly military rifles and are to be used by the military only, but we are not talking about them, we are talking about sporting rifles. The .223 is such a weak round, in itself, that it can not be legally used in California to KILL deer. I want Congress to show some balls and flat not pass any new gun laws, not one, no matter how much the Leftist plead and beg.

The Bushmaster .223 killed 20 first graders, 6 teachers and the gun's owner. It is the same caliber as the M4 and the muzzle velocity 2,600 fps is almost as high
The Bushmaster .223 killed 20 first graders, 6 teachers and the gun's owner. It is the same caliber as the M4 and the muzzle velocity 2,600 fps is almost as high

Couple of questions

1) why wasn't the Bushmaster .223 included in the first assault weapon ban?

2) would having a 10 round clip on Lanza saved lives? If so, how given that the victims were unarmed?
Couple of questions

1) why wasn't the Bushmaster .223 included in the first assault weapon ban?

2) would having a 10 round clip on Lanza saved lives? If so, how given that the victims were unarmed?

1) If the assault weapons ban was still in effect, the Bushmaster .223 would have been added. The massacre in Newtown is far from Bushmaster's first brush with tragedy. The company's semiautomatic rifles were used in at least four high-profile mass shootings since 1999, including a 2009 rampage that left 10 dead across southern Alabama, and a 2010 shooting spree in Virginia that killed eight people over 19 hours.

Most notoriously, a Bushmaster .223 rifle was used by the so-called Beltway snipers, John Allen Muhammed and Lee Boyd Malvo, who murdered 15 people in 2001 and 2002.

2) Probably not, but is is possible some could have exited the room if they were near the door.

At the 2011 Tucson shooting Jared Lee Loughner was attacked and tackled by victims and bystanders when he stopped to reload.

3) WHEN does defending your 2nd amendment rights cross the line to defending killers?
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For inbred idiots like STY, ILA, USF, and Dixie there is only one amendment that counts. All the others don't.

Howey, I can understand if you grow to dislike a particular person but please do not judge an entire group by said person, Doing so will make me respect you less then I respect SmarterThanYou which isn't much (No offense to you Smarter, Just my personal view. No hard feelings).
Howey, I can understand if you grow to dislike a particular person but please do not judge an entire group by said person, Doing so will make me respect you less then I respect SmarterThanYou which isn't much (No offense to you Smarter, Just my personal view. No hard feelings).

I'm not here to gain your respect. There are many right wing conservatives on this forum. I'm only judging four of them and judging them through their words.
Gen. Macristol is just trying to make points with the Leftist controlled media like MSNBC, so they will keep bringing him back on. If he dissagreed and was talking too pro-gun, then they would never have him back on that show. Naturally the automatic M4 and the M16 are strictly military rifles and are to be used by the military only, but we are not talking about them, we are talking about sporting rifles. The .223 is such a weak round, in itself, that it can not be legally used in California to KILL deer. I want Congress to show some balls and flat not pass any new gun laws, not one, no matter how much the Leftist plead and beg.

So you wouldnt support a simple national register that tracked weapons that could be used to keep gun's out of the hands of those with mental health problems or to track back were gun's of crime came from (Be them stolen or also very possibly sold onto criminal organizations). Such a thing would not infringe on the law abiding citizens but it would aid in keeping them away from the law breakers or those at risk of breaking the law.
He nailed you.

Hey asshole, how can anyone take "fuck that traitor. the founders would have hanged him" out of context? That IS the whole context.
no it's not you idiot. the founders would have hanged him for tryinh confiscation, and he didn't nail me, because most of you stupid fucks cant seem to get it in your diseased brain pans that I hate all of you on the left AND the right!!!!!! your narrow minded idiocy is stuck in binary left/right sewage.
Howey, I can understand if you grow to dislike a particular person but please do not judge an entire group by said person, Doing so will make me respect you less then I respect SmarterThanYou which isn't much (No offense to you Smarter, Just my personal view. No hard feelings).
it's all good
I'm not here to gain your respect. There are many right wing conservatives on this forum. I'm only judging four of them and judging them through their words.
and doing so like a total retard, especially considering that i've also been accused as a liberal by usf and dixie, but dont let reality spoil your madness
So you wouldnt support a simple national register that tracked weapons that could be used to keep gun's out of the hands of those with mental health problems or to track back were gun's of crime came from (Be them stolen or also very possibly sold onto criminal organizations). Such a thing would not infringe on the law abiding citizens but it would aid in keeping them away from the law breakers or those at risk of breaking the law.

How would it aid in keeping them away?
So you wouldnt support a simple national register that tracked weapons that could be used to keep gun's out of the hands of those with mental health problems or to track back were gun's of crime came from (Be them stolen or also very possibly sold onto criminal organizations). Such a thing would not infringe on the law abiding citizens but it would aid in keeping them away from the law breakers or those at risk of breaking the law.

Gen. Macristol is just trying to make points with the Leftist controlled media like MSNBC, so they will keep bringing him back on. If he dissagreed and was talking too pro-gun, then they would never have him back on that show. Naturally the automatic M4 and the M16 are strictly military rifles and are to be used by the military only, but we are not talking about them, we are talking about sporting rifles. The .223 is such a weak round, in itself, that it can not be legally used in California to KILL deer. I want Congress to show some balls and flat not pass any new gun laws, not one, no matter how much the Leftist plead and beg.

It is pretty good at killing children though!!
So you wouldnt support a simple national register that tracked weapons that could be used to keep gun's out of the hands of those with mental health problems or to track back were gun's of crime came from (Be them stolen or also very possibly sold onto criminal organizations). Such a thing would not infringe on the law abiding citizens but it would aid in keeping them away from the law breakers or those at risk of breaking the law.
The first thing to be done should be to get the millions of guns out of the hands of known street gang members. Make it a felony for a known street gang member to posses any firearms. Give them a chance to secretly turn their guns into the authorities first. Offer them rewards to make then squeal/rat-out on other gang members who still had guns, so the CRASH units could come and get them. After you take all those Gangsta guns away, then we can have a real conversation about US law-abiding gun owners. Also, you will have to allow school teachers to carry CCW guns, that is my second recommendation to all you gun grabbers.