Retard of the Month


on indefiniate mod break
I've decided it's time JPP had a monthly award.

Each month, we vote on who was the biggest retard of the prior month.

The way it works is throughout the month, if you find someone saying something especially retarded, post the quote in this thread. Early jan we will look at all the quotes, and people will rate them on the level of retardedness, on a scale from (1-10).

I look forward to finding out who will be JPP's innugaral retard of the month :)
The winner is declared best on the possesor of the most retarded quote. Not who said the most retarded things... that would be silly and take too much time. Plus people might spam with a bajillion quotes to inflate the numbers.

So you can submit multiple quotes from 1 person, but only one quote will ultimately determine the winner
christie, zappas, and desh are the early front runners imo.

because your opinion is based on fucking lies and hate of anything or anyone who cares about another living thing.

you are a terrible human being

You will be alone all your life
because your opinion is based on fucking lies and hate of anything or anyone who cares about another living thing.

you are a terrible human being

You will be alone all your life

Ding, Ding, Ding..we have a winner! Although, underworld retard was a close second. Better luck next month underworld retard!
grind is a terrible human being

he would laugh at a dying dog and feel nothing .

he lies non stop about things like science math and history.

he is a sociopath who likes it when other hurt.
grind is a terrible human being

he would laugh at a dying dog and feel nothing .

he lies non stop about things like science math and history.

he is a sociopath who likes it when other hurt.

I hate to see your suffering and truly hope you can find a really good therapist using your ObamaCare priveledges.