Retard of the Month

he is a sociopath.

he was all proud about the FACT that he would feel nothing for an animal suffering in pain while dying.

he said he could just look at it and laugh.

fully functioning humans could not just stand by an laugh while a creature was in pain.

If you don't understand this and accept it as human FACT you are also fucking sociopath
he is a sociopath.

he was all proud about the FACT that he would feel nothing for an animal suffering in pain while dying.

he said he could just look at it and laugh.

fully functioning humans could not just stand by an laugh while a creature was in pain.

If you don't understand this and accept it as human FACT you are also fucking sociopath

I love animals as much as I love you Desh.
I could not stand by and watch grind suffer.

every fucking one of you on the right would spit on me if I was suffering.

you people have for decades insulted people for caring

bleeding heart liberal ring a bell you hate filled deviant
I've decided it's time JPP had a monthly award.

Each month, we vote on who was the biggest retard of the prior month.

The way it works is throughout the month, if you find someone saying something especially retarded, post the quote in this thread. Early jan we will look at all the quotes, and people will rate them on the level of retardedness, on a scale from (1-10).

I look forward to finding out who will be JPP's innugaral retard of the month :)

Mod sanctioned attacks on posters just for posting here...

Straight from the mind of the same sick fuck who couldn't be bothered to lift a finger when asked for help from a family member who was contemplating suicide.

Classy dude...
I've decided it's time JPP had a monthly award.

Each month, we vote on who was the biggest retard of the prior month.

The way it works is throughout the month, if you find someone saying something especially retarded, post the quote in this thread. Early jan we will look at all the quotes, and people will rate them on the level of retardedness, on a scale from (1-10).

I look forward to finding out who will be JPP's innugaral retard of the month :)

For this to work better, you may have to personally delete all the threads that are just bitching and moaning about your thread.
The winner is declared best on the possesor of the most retarded quote. Not who said the most retarded things... that would be silly and take too much time. Plus people might spam with a bajillion quotes to inflate the numbers.

So you can submit multiple quotes from 1 person, but only one quote will ultimately determine the winner

I doubt anyone said anything stupid over the last month.

OK, now admit it, that has to be the winner...
what would you call a person who bragged about how they could crack up at the site of a dying suffering dog?

republican does seem to fit as well as sociopath
grind is a terrible human being

he would laugh at a dying dog and feel nothing .

he lies non stop about things like science math and history.

he is a sociopath who likes it when other hurt.

you lie about that science.

you at least in the past have lied about economic math an GW math
you said that shit ABOUT a dog.

Lots of people here remember it dude.

Do you think being that callous and cold is a good thing?
Grind ,

you say things.

they are cold hearted and evil fellow mankind hating things.

then you get mad that people remember you said them
The right here hates me because I MAKE you face your selves and who you really are.

You dont like what I make you see about your self and your world view.

so you blame me

why not change if you KNOW its fucking evil?
My nomination for retard of the month

We scare pretty easy. If you're ISIS, you have to look at the national reaction to the attack in CA and feel incredibly powerful, just like OBL likely rejoiced in our reaction to 9/11.

Personally, I feel no different after what happened last week. I obviously hate to see innocent people killed, but there is still a far greater chance that I'd be killed driving to the supermarket, or crushed by furniture.

But I watch TV & listen to the radio, and it seems that my fellow Americans are now terrified beyond belief. What gives on that? Can anyone offer a rational explanation for why that makes sense?