Reuters releases damning emails about Libya.....

Shame on you Obama & company! Emails today prove that the state Dept & white house knew more details on the 9/11 attack.

You had intelligence that the state dept believed this was a terror attack within hours of the attack, and you even had a group that claimed responsibility. This from the beginning seemed like it was terrorism, and was on 9/11 to boot, yet you chose to escape to Vegas for a fund raiser, and for weeks, claimed this was the result of a youtube video. Shame on you! A major FAIL on your part. Some people should be out of a job for this, and the first one out of a job needs to be you Mr. Obama. There are people trying to get to the bottom of the facts here and your administration is stone walling their efforts. Seems like the truth is starting to slip out, just in time for the election. Your domestic failures are obvious, and now, so is your Foreign leadership.

In a related story, FOX & CNN both ran stories today about this as any good & responsible news agencies would. Yet, MSNBC, proves they want Obama to win NO MATTER WHAT, as they have NOT mentioned this news story today! See the email here-

Vote Romney/Ryan 2012!
you don't think the mainstream media will do whatever it takes to whitewash this?

CNN & FOX have run stories on tv today about it. Only MSNBC (of course,no big shock)has not addressed it. This will not end good for Obama. The polls will reflect it over the next week. People were already aware of his failures at home, now they see his lies,ommissions,cover-up(whatever you want to call it)regarding the 9/11 attack
Shame on you Obama & company! Emails today prove that the state Dept & white house knew more details on the 9/11 attack.

You had intelligence that the state dept believed this was a terror attack within hours of the attack, and you even had a group that claimed responsibility. This from the beginning seemed like it was terrorism, and was on 9/11 to boot, yet you chose to escape to Vegas for a fund raiser, and for weeks, claimed this was the result of a youtube video. Shame on you! A major FAIL on your part. Some people should be out of a job for this, and the first one out of a job needs to be you Mr. Obama. There are people trying to get to the bottom of the facts here and your administration is stone walling their efforts. Seems like the truth is starting to slip out, just in time for the election. Your domestic failures are obvious, and now, so is your Foreign leadership.

In a related story, FOX & CNN both ran stories today about this as any good & responsible news agencies would. Yet, MSNBC, proves they want Obama to win NO MATTER WHAT, as they have NOT mentioned this news story today! See the email here-

Vote Romney/Ryan 2012!

Hilarious to think Romney coud have, would have done anything different, , especially after listening to the third debate and how much he agreed with Obama on foreign policy!
CNN & FOX have run stories on tv today about it. Only MSNBC (of course,no big shock)has not addressed it. This will not end good for Obama. The polls will reflect it over the next week. People were already aware of his failures at home, now they see his lies,ommissions,cover-up(whatever you want to call it)regarding the 9/11 attack

This isn't going to change much at all, but thanks for trying.
Hilarious to think Romney coud have, would have done anything different, , especially after listening to the third debate and how much he agreed with Obama on foreign policy!
I was saying this very thing earlier this morning on other boards. Thank you!!!!
This isn't going to change much at all, but thanks for trying.

Yeah, keep thinking that.:good4u: Obama & Co will be in full spin mode over the next several days. If you really do not think some people that were on the fence about Obama will not be pushed towards Romney over this,then you are in denial.
Isn't it amazing, the same people who are today telling us that posts to facebook are unreliable, are the same people who blamed the Benghazi attacks on a YouTube video for 2 weeks? And all the emails to the State Department directly from Libya? (shhhh... pretend those never existed!)
With all this back and forth, about if Obama should have or couldn't have done anything to save the Ambassador, is overshadowing the fact that Obama had information, regarding this, after the attack and did not inform the American public.

He said his Administration would be transparent and he's hidden his College records, his passport from then, his College application, the Fast and Furious information, and now this.

The only thing that he's been transparent on, is his lack of transparency.

How so? They had a ton of the conflicting information to sort through. This Faux News second guessing is pathetic.