Well if you're going to be stupid, we can't have an intelligent conversation. There is a difference in not wanting to lose money and not interested in making money. Just as there is a difference between making just enough money to live on versus making millions or billions you don't really need. Everyone wants to make money, that is your argument, but not everyone wants to take risks and pay penalties to make more money, that is where the problems arise.
Don’t worry. Dix. People are going to invest. They invested under Clinton and the tax rates were higher so, please, when it comes to having an intelligent conversation do try to put in a little effort.
This is troubling because if you can continuously move the goal posts and change the definition of poverty, I can't see how we'll ever realize a society without poverty, or even a society with less poverty. What you are indicating here is, no matter how much we try, or how much money we throw at it, we'll never solve this problem.
That’s right. We’ll never solve the problem but we will improve people’s living conditions. It took a lot more effort to build a house 100 years ago than it does today. As things become easier to accomplish we have more ways to help. We can grow more food so we can offer more food. Surely you can understand that.
Your point is stupid because SS is a benefit from years of payment into a system. You've not elevated anyone, people paid their own SS through payroll deduction, and then claim some of that back when they retire.
Some claim some of it back. Some people live longer and claim more than they paid in. In other words they are elevated financially. They are living the same as the person who would be collecting interest if they had money in the bank. The monthly payout may be based on what one put in but the duration of payouts is not based on that. They may only be entitled to $1,000/mth but they are entitled to that amount for as long as they live which, in some cases, well surpasses the amount they paid in.
The same idea with government medical care. Some people will contract a debilitating disease and use more services than they actually paid for through taxes. On the other hand some people will remain relatively healthy and not use the services. Just like one has to live in order to collect back the SS money those who complain about paying into the “medical pot” and wanting a return on their money maybe the government can arrange a broken leg or two.
But "decent shelter" means something else in 70 years, just like your telephone example above. "Necessary medical care" means something else in the future, these things do not remain static, as you've pointed out.
Exactly!! Now you’re getting it! While poverty will remain the conditions associated with poverty will improve and continue to improve as we progress. For example, robots may become so inexpensive that every family will own one and, at the very least, there will be one working robot per family bringing home the bacon. Just think about that. At least one “family member” with a job.
If a family of four in the US is living in a motel room they are considered living in poverty. If a family in Somalia is living is a tent they are considered living in poverty but the US citizen’s poverty offers a much better standard of living. Again, poverty is the relationship between people in the same community/country. A tent verses a mud hit. A motel room verses a house. Do you follow?
Obamacare has already proven to be unworkable in many areas, and my guess is, we'll see liberals shitheads like you prop it up for years before we finally do like the Canadians and start implementing capitalism again, because the government system is inadequate. In the meantime, fewer and fewer sick people will be able to see a doctor who no longer exists, more and more people will die because they couldn't FIND a doctor. And American business will continue to bleed jobs at an alarming rate, due to the massive burden of Obamacare.
Here we go with the nonsense, again. Creeping capitalism in Canadian medical is not due to the system. It is due to investors and some greedy doctors wanting the right to make money off the ill. They are the people who took the government to court to exercise their “rights”, if one can call preying on the ill a “right”. The government had to limit private vultures in order for the system to work properly. It is the doctors/investors pushing for private clinics, not the majority of people.
We’ve been over this before. The vultures want to open a private clinic and suck the last of the savings from the ill before they die. Then, when the availability of “customers” diminishes, business is slow, they want to jump on the government system, work for the government plan. (Following so far?)
Good. So, when Mr. Smith goes for a hip replacement through the government plan and he is told he will have to wait 6 months as it’s not an emergency the doctor tells him if he goes through his private clinic he can have it done next week. It’s the same doctor who will do the job! (Do you understand what I’m saying?)
The doctor who is working under the government plan will refuse to do the operation for the amount the government is willing to pay IF he can convince the patient to pay more. If he can’t then he’ll do it under the government plan. Can you think of a more devious way to do business? Of course, there are vultures in government who agree with the doctors and they are fighting against those in government who think such a practice is vile. That is the problem in a nut shell.
So, you see, there is no shortage of doctors. All the government has to do is prohibit the doctors from working both sides of the street, so to say, which is what’s transpiring. A choice is being worked out which will ultimately mean the doctors will have to decide if they are going private or willing to work with government. If they go private they will have to commit to a certain amount of government patients or they will get none. If their private business takes a dive they better not come crawling back. If they want to play hard ball that’s their gamble.
Canada doesn't have 350 million people.
More nonsense. There are dozens of countries with government health care. They are all different. Large populations. Small populations. Large land areas like Canada and sparsely populated. Small land areas and densely populated. Rich countries and poor countries. They all manage to run a government health care system. To imply the US can not figure out how to run a health care system is laughable.
I don't know how people build 150k homes and let them rot. Maybe it has something to do with government paying them to build the houses so poor people who couldn't afford them, could be given loans to default on? The reality is, our country is $16 trillion in debt... that means, we have no money!
Here’s the point, Dixie. First, the money was there to build those homes. Rather than sell the homes at rock bottom prices which would have lowered the value of all homes in the immediate vicinity it was decided to let them rot. A few years pass, the housing market improves and more new homes are being built as no one wants the other homes that have deteriorated due to neglect and rodent infestation. So, there was money to build the original homes. Now there’s money to build more new homes even though the first investment was completely lost.
Now, let’s talk about the government having no money. The wealth of a country is determined by the wealth of its citizens except, perhaps, those countries run by Arabian Kings having oil fields. If the citizens have sufficient money to build hundreds of thousands of homes and condominiums and either sell them for next to nothing (like in Florida) or let them rot (like in Nevada) it stretches credulity when someone says the government is broke.
The government is broke because it wants to be broke. (Maybe you can add that to your signature line and give me the credit.)

If it didn’t want to be broke it would raise taxes. Obviously, there is money somewhere and while government housing may not offer as good a return as private homes it just makes sense the government have welfare and other people receiving assistance with their rent to be living in a government owned building. Why should the government give money to people and have those people give it to private interests who raise rent indiscriminately?
Furthermore, considering many of the homeless congregate around the downtown area and inner cores of cities are deteriorating surely there are structurally sound buildings that could be redesigned into a sort of large rooming house. Kind of a YMCA idea. The cost per room to maintain would be minimal. The homeless would have a place and there would be a free room or two if a family was displaced by fire, etc. There are inexpensive ways to help people if we really want to help.
Again, you can hoop and holler and proclaim victory over and over again, it isn't going to magically make money appear. No jobs -- no incomes -- no tax revenues, it's as simple as that. Close the loopholes, sock it to the rich some more, you're still going to have a problem finding money to pay for all the crap. That's exactly what happened to Greece.
The Greeks were corrupt to the core. I’ve explained this before. It’s fine to barter and not exchange any money and save on taxes so now they can barter some more if they like it so much. The culture was its noble to try and find ways to avoid paying taxes. Great. They were successful. This is exactly what they wanted. A government with no money.
An eight percent unemployment rate is not going to doom the country. Nor is a 10% rate. The problem is not so much a lack of money as it is how the money is allocated. And nobody is trying to sock it to the rich. Just have them pay tax on money they receive. What is not fair about that? Why are hourly wages and lottery winnings taxed but not capital gains at the same rate? Who is more likely to declare capital gains, the poor or the wealthy?
If a good idea/invention comes along and the wealthy don’t want to invest in it, which is highly doubtful, then the government can play a roll.
The solution is relatively simple. Medical care, looking after the less fortunate, is part of the social fabric of the western world. Or, at least, it should be. Just as we don’t buy products made from child labor we can institute the same policy regarding products made in countries that don’t have social justice.
You’ll notice businesses may move to foreign countries but the CEOs and other top management don’t move with them. Why not? If rampant capitalism is the wet dream of entrepreneurs then Somalia is the place to be.
That’s what is at the root of the problem. The wealthy can live here and enjoy this lifestyle while doing business elsewhere thereby avoiding contributing to this lifestyle. Business has no allegiance to any people, business or country. They are the “takers”. They are the “victims” who claim they need government protection by way of tax loopholes and exemptions. Romney knew all about takers and victims. Unfortunately, he just twisted things around.