The Force is With Me
Curiouser and curiouser. No one seems able to refute anything that Coulter said. She points out quotes where Obama apparently wrote grossly racist things about white people - statements that glaringly contradict his smooth, urbane persona that he presents on his campaign.
One person told me that this book was actually first published in 1995, and was his first. It may be worth getting from a library and actually reading, to see how much of this stuff is in there.
Could it be that Obama's real thoughts and nature, are much closer to those of his nutcase pastor than he wants us to be aware of?
You don't get it .. and I'm real sure you still won't .. but no one but people like you gives a rats ass about what Ann "Man Thing" Coulter has to say.
This is real easy .. there aren't too many people like you on this site.
Try, or, or
You won't have toi bump your own thread on any of these.