APP - Revolutions And The People

Remove your money from banks; burn it all. Problem solved, you are now free. :burn:

Nah. Take your money out and burn the banks.

There has been a driving revolution though. When I drove I knew where I was going. I knew which way was North and could then work out the other compass points. I knew the 'lie of the land', I knew where the main towns were and where the rivers and hills were. If I needed more detailed information I would have the ability to open a map and, balancing it on the steering wheel hub, follow it to my destination.

Not now. Young drivers not only do not know which way is north, they have no idea whether they are travelling in the general direction of the coast, for instance ... because they all have .... SatNav! The modern driver gets into his car, turns on the engine, turns off his brain and trusts to the dulcet tones of John Cleese or some other star to tell them which way to go.

'At the garden gate turn left - in one hundred yards turn right. You have enough petrol for another forty three point four three nine miles.'

Aha. But I know I have enough petrol to make a petrol bomb and set fire to the wretched machine and its bloody comedic voice. So I win......

Pull in here please, I'm taking the bus!
Al Gore and Joel Hyatt's Current TV broadcasts some of the most interesting and complex news today. Vanguard is always excellent. I had never heard of Gene Sharp till he appeared on Current. For me it demonstrates just how conservative and corporate managed media in America is today. Pablum is the usual stuff of our MSM, when it is not just pure BS. See links, interesting and related both to world wide change and our own OWS movement. Peaceful revolution.
Revolutions are typically viewed as violent and bloody, as in the French Revolution. As it happens, the term can describe major chances and advances, such as the agricultural and industrial revolutions. The American Revolution is distinct from the American Revolutionary War or American War of Independence, because it encompasses the entire period of 1763-1791, while the war merely occurred 1775-1783. People need to remember this, if they are going to win the peace.

revolution becomes about change of power no matter how 'pure' the motives of the revolutionists
Al Gore and Joel Hyatt's Current TV broadcasts some of the most interesting and complex news today. Vanguard is always excellent. I had never heard of Gene Sharp till he appeared on Current. For me it demonstrates just how conservative and corporate managed media in America is today. Pablum is the usual stuff of our MSM, when it is not just pure BS. See links, interesting and related both to world wide change and our own OWS movement. Peaceful revolution.

A free download of his book "From Dictatorship to Democracy."
Oh i forgot. You noahides believe all governments are sancitified by god. What a wonderful mindless commitment to power.
A government is just a bunch of guys who got together to take control, and also designed a cool seal for their documents.