Rich get richer, Robdawg stays a po' dem

that was harsh... lol im only kiddding.,... but your settled down, im single, and alone.... by default.. i also put tons into my 401k and i needed a new car.

Rob having a family is expensive. Especially a baby. If I didn't have a family I would have tons of extra money to use. I would be by no means poor. I could probably buy a mercedes if I wanted too.

But I'm very frugal with money always have been. The reason is when I was a kid we didn't have much money and I swore to never be poor.

Parting of avoiding poverty is saving money as well as making it.

Rob the reason you say you are poor is not because you don't have any money coming in but because you have too much going out for things that you don't even remotely need.
Anybody with two cars and the "Gameshow Channel" is certainly NOT poor. People in the US are soooo easily misled down that trail.