Rich liberal celeb Justin Timberlake pleads guilty to Drunk Driving. Gets Essentially NO PENALTY!!

Text Drivers are Killers

Biden likes little girls
$500 fine for a multi-millionaire. This is a super-violent drug crime and he deserved prison time or at least a license suspension. But he's rich and liberal and all judges take bribes.

SEP 13 2024 Pop Star Justin Timberlake Pleads Guilty in Drunk Driving Case, Gets Off with Just a Slap on the Wrist.​

The outlet reported that a New York judge has hit Timberlake with the following:

  • A “$500 fine with a $260 surcharge”
  • Twenty-five hours of community service work, at a nonprofit of Timberlake’s choosing
  • “Make a public safety announcement about the dangers of impaired driving.”

Justin plead guilty to Driving While Impaired, and not of the more serious Driving While Intoxicated. It has a near nothing fine. It just means he was drinking while he was driving- NOT INTOXICATED.

As part of the sentencing, the celeb was fined $500, hit with a $260 surcharge and the judge suspended his license for 90 days. His license had previously been suspended at a hearing last month.

After the judge ruled on the case, He asked Justin if he felt like the sentence was too light, and Justin said he would like to volunteer for Public Service. And the Judge agreed, and added 50 hours of public service to his fine, and asked him to make a statement to the press.

And Justin made his apology and regrets to the people of Long Island in front of the press on the steps of the Court House.

I am not even a fan of Justin until now, but he handled his legal matter like a man!

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$500 fine for a multi-millionaire. This is a super-violent drug crime and he deserved prison time or at least a license suspension. But he's rich and liberal and all judges take bribes.

Gateway = FAKE NEWS

He pleaded guilty to Driving while impaired, paid $500, had to make a public service statement, and complete 25 hours of community service

Shit sources always create shit threads
$500 fine for a multi-millionaire. This is a super-violent drug crime and he deserved prison time or at least a license suspension. But he's rich and liberal and all judges take bribes.

Super violent drug crime? WTF??
We care about this why?

How are we supposed to get home from a restaurant if we don't drive?
Transport ourselves with The Force?
Who's going to bring our car home if we take a cab or Uber?

This world is getting too fucking hard in which to live.
I guess that they all want to cover life with foam rubber.
$500 fine for a multi-millionaire. This is a super-violent drug crime and he deserved prison time or at least a license suspension. But he's rich and liberal and all judges take bribes.

It's ok they all have Kamala "joy".