Rich liberal celeb Justin Timberlake pleads guilty to Drunk Driving. Gets Essentially NO PENALTY!!

$500 fine for a multi-millionaire. This is a super-violent drug crime and he deserved prison time or at least a license suspension. But he's rich and liberal and all judges take bribes.

This is really going to make you angry

“Can a DWI Be Dismissed in Texas? Texas courts regularly dismiss DWI charges, especially for first-time offenders. Therefore, depending on the circumstances in your case, your charge could be dismissed entirely or reduced. For example, in some counties, the prosecutor may agree to reduce your charge to reckless driving.”
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What Happens on Your First DWI in Texas?

The .08 standard is ludicrously low.
Some places are trying to change it to .05.
When I was young, it was .10 .

It's all just attempted social engineering
by total abstinence freaks
seeking to prohibit people from enjoying a graceful social life.

If somebody is truly and perpetually dangerous due to a serious alcohol problem,
then humanely euthanize him or her.
It's better than denying somebody a normal social life.