Rich people whining about paying taxes

nahhhhhhhh, but he said imagine what he will be like at that is where the wifey came my speculating!

and hey, hey uscit, how the heck are ya?


doing ok, how about you. I have been wondering what happened to you.
Well at least Libertarians finally have our own partisan moron.

Sort of like the Toby of Conservatives, or the USC of Liberals.
doing ok, how about you. I have been wondering what happened to you.
ohhhhh, still hanging out at the other right winged site, and read the threads on here too every once in a while....but am really not spending that much time posting on any political site, got spring fever and am doing a bunch of housework type things around here, like organizing and painting the baths and getting rid of junk that is still in boxes from our move here that i haven't even opened the last year....

how about you? are you on the road with yur job or back home?

Well at least Libertarians finally have our own partisan moron.

Sort of like the Toby of Conservatives, or the USC of Liberals.

ok, you got my curiosity....:)

Who are you? What user were you before epicurus? you know Toby, and he has not been around for ages so what user name did you use previously?


I guess I am asking, do I know you? lol

Hey Care good to see you arround.

So warren how did the investigation into the vote fraud issue go?
Hey desh, same with seeing you....

what happened with Darin aka Dmp, do ya know? PM me if ya do.... :)


I heard a bear ate him.

Anyway, how are you doing there!?! You're greatly missed on this board you and Maineman!
I heard a bear ate him.

Anyway, how are you doing there!?! You're greatly missed on this board you and Maineman!
Hey Tiana, i answered your last post to me on this site but i don't think you saw it, cuz i never got a response that i know of....

congrats on the house ownership btw!

i am really not posting that much, even on the right wing site i am visiting.... in fact i have basically been over there since May of last year and i still don't have as many posts as i have showing here, from when i was posting regularly here!!!

i am just trying to not post so much and spend more time around here enjoying life, and getting things done....

Don't want to or really don't have the time to spend hours online as the old days, PLUS, it honestly is not as much fun on slowwwwwwww dial up.... :(

Hey Tiana, I also saw you signed up as Tiana bautre over "there", and i sent ya a note i think welcoming you....have you been over there since you signed up?
ohhhhh, still hanging out at the other right winged site, and read the threads on here too every once in a while....but am really not spending that much time posting on any political site, got spring fever and am doing a bunch of housework type things around here, like organizing and painting the baths and getting rid of junk that is still in boxes from our move here that i haven't even opened the last year....

how about you? are you on the road with yur job or back home?


Back home. I will be going in for back surgery in a few weeks. Have to wait longer than Canada for it ;)

Yes get that unpacking and such done on the inside, won't be long till you will want to play outside all the time.
Hey Care good to see you arround.

So ******* how did the investigation into the vote fraud issue go?

I learned a lot doing the research. There are unquestionably vulnerabilities in the electronic voting system that need to be addressed.

I've also come to the decidedly un-libertarian stance that I would prefer presidential campaigns that minimize the use of huge donations and personal wealth in favor of a more publicly funded system.

The political process by which we select our leaders is too important to allow massive wealth to skew it one way or the other.
I learned a lot doing the research. There are unquestionably vulnerabilities in the electronic voting system that need to be addressed.

I've also come to the decidedly un-libertarian stance that I would prefer presidential campaigns that minimize the use of huge donations and personal wealth in favor of a more publicly funded system.

The political process by which we select our leaders is too important to allow massive wealth to skew it one way or the other.

Damn!!!! hahahahahahaha..... you are getting even smarter!!!! lol I am actually beginning to think the same thing....but how do you get around the ruling of the SC that "money IS FREE SPEECH" ?

good post Epic!!!

Hey Tiana, I also saw you signed up as Tiana bautre over "there", and i sent ya a note i think welcoming you....have you been over there since you signed up?

No. I didn't feel like trying to find the post that posted in on that board. I can be lazy like that. This board always feels like home though. Maybe I'll log in just to see your PM though! If you're not going to post here make sure you keep in touch through email. I kind of like hear about your town's activities. Now that I actually have a house I may need some gardening tips!
An open mind is nothing but a excuse for being too lazy and too stupid to form an opinion.

You don't have a mind of your own--and neither will your stupid and ugly kids. You are a conditioned commie--and that is all. And I am sure you kids are just as dumb. and I bet I can sexually arouse your wife better than any commie limp dick like you.

Ohh---That was a low blow---sorry---hey--speaking of low blows--how are your sons doing?

Opps--that was a dirty crack--hey--speaking of dirty cracks------How is that mother that sould have aborted doing?

Ya wanna throw around crappy little cheap shots with me--or would you rather try to beat my ass.

By the way--how about leaving some more change on the dresser--so I have a little extra gas money to get home.

How does it feel to know--a monkey like me can do your wife---better than you can?--dead liberial pump!

ya wanna keep throwiong stupid cheap shots--I am ready to tear down this commie board.

Take a shot if you want--I am a lover not a fighter--so if ya mess with me--I will just get you where it hurts-- (Edited to remove suggestions of illegal activity with minors.)

Come on--wanna play more? Want to make a mockery of this gay liberial commie board?

I am stooping way below my level here---but you seem to like crappy shots. Can you take it---wussie?

You will leave any suggestion of underage kids and sex off this board. Period. Please re-read the rules you agreed to. Suggestions of illegal activity with underage children is well beyond even trolling and it will end, today.

Thank you.
You will leave any suggestion of underage kids and sex off this board. Period. Please re-read the rules you agreed to. Suggestions of illegal activity with underage children is well beyond even trolling and it will end, today.

Thank you.

Good call. My eyes were bleeding before I stopped half way through that.
You will leave any suggestion of underage kids and sex off this board. Period. Please re-read the rules you agreed to. Suggestions of illegal activity with underage children is well beyond even trolling and it will end, today.

Thank you.

First of all--some of the gay libs on here constantly make gay sexual innuendos at my expense--directed directly at me. I guess that is gay rights on this board. How do you know I am not a minor?

There is absolutly no mention at all of any kind of statutory rape on this thread from me--or anywhere on this board from me. I apologized to TOPspin for those family remarks of which at the time, I was not even sure if TOP had children. I now know he has children, but I have no idea how old they are, and I have nothing telling me that they are minors. I am under the impressioon now that his children are out of HS.

You said you deleted the offensive material in a PM to me--but all I see missing is my apology to Top spin. The offensive material I posted is still there.

In no way will I let anybody suggest that I support any kind of statutory rape or child abuse--espically a twisted liberial.

Was the thread over the top?--you bet it was. That is why I apologized to Top AFTER I CALLED A TRUCE!!. I can't find that apology (that for all I know you deleted to support your twisted point of statutory rape), but I am the only person that offered a apology at all that I have ever seen on this board--and I mentioned in the post that I am sure TOP has a wonderfull family. I hope TOP got a chance to read it--if not--I will try to repete the apology that I posted (and I will PM it to him). This is my second public appology to Topspin over the same post that is in question.

TOP, me calling a truce is not good enough for me. I owe you an apology for that post slamming your family. I know you were just jerking my chain, and I tend to pull harder on the chain when I am being messed with. I am very sorry I went over the top with that post, and I am sure you have a wonderfull family.

Now-- just before that point a few posts earlier--I called a truce with top, to end this poor taste of fighting. I think he accepted (I hope), because we were soon civil to eachother before my first apology.

I admitted I was wrong for going over the top and I publically apologized to TOP twice now--now Damocles ows me a public apology for suggesting I ever had any intentions of implying any kind of statutory rape. I will not let anybody make me look like some kind of child abuser--espically a twisted liberial.

I will bet you folks that Democles does not have the fortitude to owe up to his false accusation against me. If Juan McCain can not apoplgize to Romney, for spreading fals truths just before Florida--I don't see much hope for a liberial to do so. (oh yea--Juan McCain is a liberial)

I don't care if I hang out on line with a bunch of gay liberials or not--I will leave on my own free will if I don't get a public apology from Democles for aserting that I ever had any envolvement with any kind of child abuse or statutroy rape. I will not take those kinds of twisted flat out lies Democles--so lets see that apology, and I will never go over the top like that again, while defending myself or not.

If there is no apology--I will leave you guys to play with one another. That is fine with me. It is not a pasion of mine to hang out with a bunch twisted gay liberials that dominate this board. Really--I could care less.

I apologize to you Democles (and the rest of the board), for posting a "over the top" post to Topspin--but in no way shape or form does it imply underaged children with illegal actions. That is a twisted accusation on your part--and you did it publically.

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