Richard Dawkins vs. Issac Newton

Yes science can explain all of that

No, there is no scientific experiment in the history of humanity that can identify, quantify, verify the nature of art, charity, mercy, or creativity.

We are welcome to speculate about them, but that is not scientific confirmation.

How The Brain Is Affected By Art
A lot is happening both in the mind and the body when we make art, and it can be used for therapeutic means, both in rehabilitation medicine and on your own. Christianne Strang, a professor of neurosciences at the University of Alabama Birmingham and former president of the American Art Therapy Association says: “Creativity in and of itself is important for remaining healthy, remaining connected to yourself and connected to the world,”
Had Isaac Newton said what Dawkins said he would have been hanged. That might provide some insight.

I don't know about hanging, but he would have been denied professional employment and have been socially outcast.

Lot's of things were taboo in 17th century England.

Women in the professions
Women in the arts and sciences

My two cents is that it is bad historical analysis to pat ourselves on the back for our 21st century social mores and conventions. In 500 years, people might be horrified at some of the things we do.
These are a product of the function of the human brain

Other animals Display some of those traits too

That does not make them any less beautiful than if they were installed by some god
I don't know about hanging, but he would have been denied professional employment and have been socially outcast.

Lot's of things were taboo in 17th century England.

Women in the professions
Women in the arts and sciences

My two cents is that it is bad historical analysis to pat ourselves on the back for our 21st century social mores and conventions. In 500 years, people might be horrified at some of the things we do.

Of course they will

We still do a lot of evil shit

But mankind keeps trying to create a more perfect union with our existence

The founders recognized that and wanted to nurture it
Newton believed that God literally organized the universe by mathematical laws. Laws of Moses, Laws of physics. Same thing. Where we get a lot of bad idea about the universe being a mechanism.

Are you saying that Newton is the cause of some ppl's idea that the universe/laws of physics is mechanical in nature?

How The Brain Is Affected By Art
A lot is happening both in the mind and the body when we make art, and it can be used for therapeutic means, both in rehabilitation medicine and on your own. Christianne Strang, a professor of neurosciences at the University of Alabama Birmingham and former president of the American Art Therapy Association says: “Creativity in and of itself is important for remaining healthy, remaining connected to yourself and connected to the world,”
Those are studies on the human mind, they are not experiments on art.

Humans have known for 50,000 years that we have an emotional response to art. No scientific experiment is needed to tell me that.

That is not a scientific explanation of the nature of art, which is not quantifiable and no subject to rigorous scientific tests.

There is no science that can quantify and explain the music of Mozart or the art of Michelangelo.
These are a product of the function of the human brain

Other animals Display some of those traits too

That does not make them any less beautiful than if they were installed by some god

I am not saying they are installed by a God. I don't know where they come from or what they mean in the grand scheme of things

I also don't think humility, charity, temperance, mercy are emotions.

The are learned social behaviors which are cultivated, and tend to vary in time, space, and culture.
Charity is an obvious one

It’s required for group survival
That altruism. Charity is something you have no expectation of ever directly benefitting from

I feed ground squirrels every day, and I do not see them practice charity, though they undoubtedly practice some kind of altruism with their offspring, possibly their mates.