Riddle me this - Gingrich: Republicans have 'zero' health care ideas

and you think putting more people into that system will help that?

No. I was talking about cost controls. Not whether taxes would have to be increased.

again, I agree that admin costs could be reduced dramatically if we went to one set of rules instead of fifty. We can do that without having to go to a government cookie cutter plan.

The whole "one set of rules instead of 50" is a canard. It's designed to allow health insurance companies to flock to a low-regulation state and screw everyone in the country.
Exactly... they have to raise taxes to pay for it. So how does that help people? You are simply shifting HOW they pay for it. You are not reducing their costs.

The two are entirely separate issues, SF. Medicare for all would reduce overall costs relative to the status quo while increasing Medicare costs (because it would insure a whole lot more people).
No. I was talking about cost controls. Not whether taxes would have to be increased

The whole "one set of rules instead of 50" is a canard. It's designed to allow health insurance companies to flock to a low-regulation state and screw everyone in the country.

Not what I was referring to. I did not meant go to the lowest regulated state. I mean you adopt one set of federal rules and regs that must be followed and then let them compete.
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Exactly... they have to raise taxes to pay for it. So how does that help people? You are simply shifting HOW they pay for it. You are not reducing their costs.

So how does that help people?

What is the number one reason for bankruptcy for Americans?

1. Medical Expenses

A study done at Harvard University indicates that this is the biggest cause of bankruptcy, representing 62% of all personal bankruptcies. One of the interesting caveats of this study shows that 78% of filers had some form of health insurance, thus bucking the myth that medical bills affect only the uninsured.

You wanna ask me that again .. because I have more reasons.
So how does that help people?

What is the number one reason for bankruptcy for Americans?

1. Medical Expenses

A study done at Harvard University indicates that this is the biggest cause of bankruptcy, representing 62% of all personal bankruptcies. One of the interesting caveats of this study shows that 78% of filers had some form of health insurance, thus bucking the myth that medical bills affect only the uninsured.

You wanna ask me that again .. because I have more reasons.

That can also be solved with higher deductible plans that have no copay after the deductible.

But you are talking about an individual. I am referring to the system as a whole. It does not address the costs of the system as a whole. It simply shifts how you are going to pay for it.
No, it is not. The costs are what drive up the numbers of uninsured.

The main driver of costs:

1) Obesity
2) Number of doctors

BS. The main driver is greed. Insurers know they have the populace by the balls and know that they can charge anything they want, deny care all they want, set preconditions all they want.

Doctors use the excuse of paying for their education and/or claiming they're a professional and overcharge above normal and reasonable for services.

Pharmaceuticals do the same, even providing kickbacks to hospitals, physicians, and insurors who prescribe their medicines.

DME suppliers charge upwords of thousands of percent over cost to the patient, hospitals, physicians, and insurors. Why? Because they can.

Without regulation and universal health care this will continue.
...Single-payer would certainly address costs.

Seriously? It's kind of obvious. Economy of scale principle will allow some reductions. Taking profit out of the equation will allow some more.

Single payer is an honorable goal. The hardest part will be the never ending job of keeping the system as corruption free as possible.
So how does that help people?

What is the number one reason for bankruptcy for Americans?

1. Medical Expenses

A study done at Harvard University indicates that this is the biggest cause of bankruptcy, representing 62% of all personal bankruptcies. One of the interesting caveats of this study shows that 78% of filers had some form of health insurance, thus bucking the myth that medical bills affect only the uninsured.

You wanna ask me that again .. because I have more reasons.

It's just a no-brainer. It's sad how stupid Americans are that they have been brainwashed into being afraid of something the rest of the world would kill their leaders for taking away from them.
Looking at that write up of the Cornell study, I'm not sure what figure they're using for total U.S. health care costs, but whatever it is it is way way way too low. I mean, 190 billion as 20.6% of total health care spending would put total spending at abut $950 billion. Actual total U.S. health care costs are almost three times as high.

This is what I'm using for total health expenditures:


Just going to bump this again.
Study: Single-payer healthcare system would save billions

Expanding the nation’s Medicare program to cover people of all ages would save the government billions of dollars, according to a new study released Wednesday.

The study found that a single-payer health care system based on the principles of legislation by Rep. John Conyers, Jr. (D-Mich.), the Expanded and Improved Medicare for All Act, would save the federal government about $592 billion in one year.

That’s more than enough to pay for comprehensive benefits for all Americans at a lower cost to the public, according to Physicians for a National Health Program, which circulated the study. The extra money would go to paying down the national debt.

The savings would come from slashing administrative waste and negotiating drug prices.

The study was conducted by Gerald Friedman, a professor of economics at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

“Paradoxically, by expanding Medicare to everyone we’d end up saving billions of dollars annually,” Friedman said. “We’d be safeguarding Medicare’s fiscal integrity while enhancing the nation’s health for the long term.”

The study comes as Republicans in Congress are pulling out all the stops to repeal President Obama’s health care overhaul. Tea Party Republicans have in recent weeks vowed to oppose any measures to keep the government running after the current funding bill runs out on Sept. 30 if it also means funding ObamaCare.

Republicans have generally opposed the idea of a single-payer health care system in the past.
The Right wants something that is Corporate driven and not...........oh wait this just in, Corporate insurance still have control of the costs.
Proposals were made to Gingrich but they weren't in the "language of prosperity" and he did not approve.