Ride'em Sarah!


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Photographers caught Sarah Palin on her way to church

(Oop-oop, oop, oop-oop)
(Alley Oop, oop, oop, oop-oop)

There's a gal in the funny papers we all know
(Alley Oop, oop, oop, oop-oop)
She lived 'way back a long time ago
(Alley Oop, oop, oop, oop-oop)
She don't eat nothin' but a bear cat stew
(Alley Oop, oop, oop, oop-oop)
Well, this cat's name is-a Alley Oop
(Alley Oop, oop, oop, oop-oop)

(Alley Oop) She's the toughest gal there is alive
(Alley Oop) Wearin' clothes from a wildcat's hide
(Alley Oop) She's the king of the jungle jive
(Look at that cave gal go!!) (SCREAM)

(Alley Oop, oop, oop, oop-oop)
She got a chauffeur that's a genuwine dinosawruh
(Alley Oop, oop, oop, oop-oop)
And she can knuckle your head before you count to fawruh
(Alley Oop, oop, oop, oop-oop)
She got a big ugly club and a head fulla hairuh
(Alley Oop, oop, oop, oop-oop)
Like great big lions and grizzly bearuhs
(Alley Oop, oop, oop, oop-oop)

(Alley Oop) She's the toughest gal there is alive
(Alley Oop) Wearin' clothes from a wildcat's hide
(Alley Oop) She's the king of the jungle jive
(Look at that cave gal go!!) (SCREAM)

(Alley Oop, oop, oop, oop-oop)
She rides thru the jungle tearin' limbs offa trees
(Alley Oop, oop, oop, oop-oop)
Knockin' great big monstahs dead on their knees
(Alley Oop, oop, oop, oop-oop)
The cats don't bug her cuz they know bettah
(Alley Oop, oop, oop, oop-oop)
Cuz she's a mean motah scootah and a bad go-gettah
(Alley Oop, oop, oop, oop-oop)

(Alley Oop) She's the toughest gal there is alive
(Alley Oop) Wearin' clothes from a wildcat's hide
(Alley Oop) She's the hullie-gullie king of jive
(Look at that cave gal go!!) (SCREAM)

Thair she goes
(Alley Oop, oop, oop, oop-oop)
Look at that cave gal go
(Alley Oop, oop, oop, oop-oop)
Ride, baby, ride
(Alley Oop, oop, oop, oop-oop)
Hi-yo dinosawruh
wow....never ceases to amaze me how low the libs will go to try and tarnish their opposition....

imagine a repub running this of hillary.....they would have been tarred and feathered for the stone age implications of the cartoon......

Photographers caught Sarah Palin on her way to church

(Oop-oop, oop, oop-oop)
(Alley Oop, oop, oop, oop-oop)

There's a gal in the funny papers we all know
(Alley Oop, oop, oop, oop-oop)
She lived 'way back a long time ago
(Alley Oop, oop, oop, oop-oop)
She don't eat nothin' but a bear cat stew
(Alley Oop, oop, oop, oop-oop)
Well, this cat's name is-a Alley Oop
(Alley Oop, oop, oop, oop-oop)

(Alley Oop) She's the toughest gal there is alive
(Alley Oop) Wearin' clothes from a wildcat's hide
(Alley Oop) She's the king of the jungle jive
(Look at that cave gal go!!) (SCREAM)

(Alley Oop, oop, oop, oop-oop)
She got a chauffeur that's a genuwine dinosawruh
(Alley Oop, oop, oop, oop-oop)
And she can knuckle your head before you count to fawruh
(Alley Oop, oop, oop, oop-oop)
She got a big ugly club and a head fulla hairuh
(Alley Oop, oop, oop, oop-oop)
Like great big lions and grizzly bearuhs
(Alley Oop, oop, oop, oop-oop)

(Alley Oop) She's the toughest gal there is alive
(Alley Oop) Wearin' clothes from a wildcat's hide
(Alley Oop) She's the king of the jungle jive
(Look at that cave gal go!!) (SCREAM)

(Alley Oop, oop, oop, oop-oop)
She rides thru the jungle tearin' limbs offa trees
(Alley Oop, oop, oop, oop-oop)
Knockin' great big monstahs dead on their knees
(Alley Oop, oop, oop, oop-oop)
The cats don't bug her cuz they know bettah
(Alley Oop, oop, oop, oop-oop)
Cuz she's a mean motah scootah and a bad go-gettah
(Alley Oop, oop, oop, oop-oop)

(Alley Oop) She's the toughest gal there is alive
(Alley Oop) Wearin' clothes from a wildcat's hide
(Alley Oop) She's the hullie-gullie king of jive
(Look at that cave gal go!!) (SCREAM)

Thair she goes
(Alley Oop, oop, oop, oop-oop)
Look at that cave gal go
(Alley Oop, oop, oop, oop-oop)
Ride, baby, ride
(Alley Oop, oop, oop, oop-oop)
Hi-yo dinosawruh

Thanks, you gave me a good chuckle!
wow....never ceases to amaze me how low the libs will go to try and tarnish their opposition....

imagine a repub running this of hillary.....they would have been tarred and feathered for the stone age implications of the cartoon......

Well, it isn't a doll with a mouth you can stick your dick in, at least. This is good fun and not porno.
let them go on...Sarah Palin will get the last laugh on all of them in the long run..:)

Ah, how, she will make her own coffers grow, but honey, she don't give a shit about you!

See Alaska for reference...she dumped us and dumped on us!

Self interest is her thing!

Can't blame her, I would ride the gravy train and laugh my way to the bank just like she is doing!
Ah, how, she will make her own coffers grow, but honey, she don't give a shit about you!

See Alaska for reference...she dumped us and dumped on us!

Self interest is her thing!

Can't blame her, I would ride the gravy train and laugh my way to the bank just like she is doing!

Yep that is Sarah Plain.
the Democrats are going to be picking thorns out of their ass constantly...all Sarah has to do is post something on facebook and the Democrats heads explodes...I laugh
Ah, how, she will make her own coffers grow, but honey, she don't give a shit about you!

See Alaska for reference...she dumped us and dumped on us!

Self interest is her thing!

Can't blame her, I would ride the gravy train and laugh my way to the bank just like she is doing!

Yep, you folks in Alaska learned a hard lesson. And any sane, rational person who witnessed her televised announcement/explanation as to why she resigned would NEVER consder backing her for any office that could hold sway over the general public.
none of you know what all the people in Alaska feel about her resigning, so don't even act like you do...Froggie already hated her so her opinion dosen't count as the whole of the Alaskan people, sorry
Ah, how, she will make her own coffers grow, but honey, she don't give a shit about you!

See Alaska for reference...she dumped us and dumped on us!

Self interest is her thing!

Can't blame her, I would ride the gravy train and laugh my way to the bank just like she is doing!
Ah, how, she will make her own coffers grow, but honey, she don't give a shit about you!

See Alaska for reference...she dumped us and dumped on us!

Self interest is her thing!

Can't blame her, I would ride the gravy train and laugh my way to the bank just like she is doing!


My boyfriend keeps telling me I should become the black Ann Culter, take advantage of how easily most of the republican populace is manipulated, get rich and then come out with a book called, "Gotcha!"

I'm still considering it.

My boyfriend keeps telling me I should become the black Ann Culter, take advantage of how easily most of the republican populace is manipulated, get rich and then come out with a book called, "Gotcha!"

I'm still considering it.
Shhh! Be quiet about that. Michelle Malkin might hear you! LOL (ok, I know, she's not black, she's Asian but still, same point.).
Speaking of Malkin. I have a co-worker that went to Oberlin with her. Her classmates are shocked at her celebrity. Oberlin is one of the best small liberal arts schools in the country. According to my friend she was considred a bit of a flake and a party girl on campus and that she was she not very popular on Campus. I guess she caused a lot of bad blood writing for the school newspaper which is where she began her right wing activism. Considering Oberlin was the first college in the US to accept African Americans and Women, I can see why.

Point being Oberlin is a serious school (My friend is an attny, graduate of UofM Law School) and most students there go onto top tier grad programs. Their conservatory is also one of the best in the nation and serious music students attend there.

So having went to school with her he's shocked at her success as she was considered a flake by her classmates.
^^^and your point is?...people are shocked the Keith Olbermann, Racheal Madcow, Randi Rhodes, etc, etc..are EVEN considered successful...well really, they're not..