Ride'em Sarah!

Speaking of Malkin. I have a co-worker that went to Oberlin with her. Her classmates are shocked at her celebrity. Oberlin is one of the best small liberal arts schools in the country. According to my friend she was considred a bit of a flake and a party girl on campus and that she was she not very popular on Campus. I guess she caused a lot of bad blood writing for the school newspaper which is where she began her right wing activism. Considering Oberlin was the first college in the US to accept African Americans and Women, I can see why.

Point being Oberlin is a serious school (My friend is an attny, graduate of UofM Law School) and most students there go onto top tier grad programs. Their conservatory is also one of the best in the nation and serious music students attend there.

So having went to school with her he's shocked at her success as she was considered a flake by her classmates.

What college kids are not "party girls or guys? As to the thinking her a "flake"? You provided no rationale for your friends opinion. The only thing that made her stand out was her so called college "right wing" activism. Is that what he considered "flakey"?
none of you know what all the people in Alaska feel about her resigning, so don't even act like you do...Froggie already hated her so her opinion dosen't count as the whole of the Alaskan people, sorry

Frog is and always will be clueless.
What college kids are not "party girls or guys? As to the thinking her a "flake"? You provided no rationale for your friends opinion. The only thing that made her stand out was her so called college "right wing" activism. Is that what he considered "flakey"?

sounds more like jealousy to me..Michelle has went on the make something of herself, is intelligent and well respected...
Speaking of Malkin. I have a co-worker that went to Oberlin with her. Her classmates are shocked at her celebrity. Oberlin is one of the best small liberal arts schools in the country. According to my friend she was considred a bit of a flake and a party girl on campus and that she was she not very popular on Campus. I guess she caused a lot of bad blood writing for the school newspaper which is where she began her right wing activism. Considering Oberlin was the first college in the US to accept African Americans and Women, I can see why.

Point being Oberlin is a serious school (My friend is an attny, graduate of UofM Law School) and most students there go onto top tier grad programs. Their conservatory is also one of the best in the nation and serious music students attend there.

So having went to school with her he's shocked at her success as she was considered a flake by her classmates.

It is always the flakes that make it big, other flakes love them!
Her book, what a crock for a title!

Her only claim to fame that is bogus, but the 33% will eat it up and Sarah will continue to be their gal, their creation, their hype! because she doesn't have much substance and she is a quitter! I was always taught that is a bad trait!
^^^^LOL..and she'll always have the haters on the left as she laughs all the way to the bank..

Oh by the way, her book is the number one bestseller..thought you'd all get a good laugh out of that..
^^^^LOL..and she'll always have the haters on the left as she laughs all the way to the bank..

And dear, that is her sole concern, going to the bank, she doesn't give a hootie about you. Look to Alaska for that lesson, she dumped us like bad herring!
OK, you didn't read the thread, did you...we were talking about Michelle Malkin, not Sarah Palin...oopsi for you
OK, you didn't read the thread, did you...we were talking about Michelle Malkin, not Sarah Palin...oopsi for you

Oh, doesn't matter, both are in it for the money! Ooopsie! The thread, by the way, is about Sarah!