Ridiculous Muslim clerics!


Amazing how anyone believes these are "Holy" men! Religion of peace - NOT!




Most of the Cult Leaders are funny when they speak. The Problem is the Followers that actually believe them.
Its MEMRI.. They are infamous for fooling around with translations.

Memri might, of course, argue that it is seeking to encourage moderation by highlighting the blatant examples of intolerance and extremism. Naturally it is greatly disliked by Islamic fundamentalists for exposing the worst excesses, but who else is doing that? There are plans to compel UK imams to preach their sermons in English to crack down on radicalisation, maybe you should do the same in the US?

You would do well to stop being so much of an apologist for Salifism, it is a perverse pernicious doctrine that is in urgent need of a Reformation. As for the translations, I have several Arabic speaking friends and they say that Menri is usually pretty good, of course they can't speak for the quality of all their output.

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Memri might, of course, argue that it is seeking to encourage moderation by highlighting the blatant examples of intolerance and extremism. Naturally it is greatly disliked by Islamic fundamentalists for exposing the worst excesses, but who else is doing that? There are plans to compel UK imams to preach their sermons in English to crack down on radicalisation, maybe you should do the same in the US?

You would do well to stop being so much of an apologist for Salifism, it is a perverse pernicious doctrine that is in urgent need of a Reformation. As for the translations, I have several Arabic speaking friends and they say that Menri is usually pretty good, of course they can't speak for the quality of all their output.


Do you actually know what Muhammad ibn Abd al Wahab taught?
Death to Israel Banner in Iranian Mosque

Rick Steves' Iran travel show ---see 32.32 Mark [as pictured]
Death To Israel II.jpg

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It's Jordan Peterson with a random picture of an Islamic cleric. And yeah MEMRI is neo-fascist Israeli propaganda.

Salifism doesn't need to be propagandised, it's perniciousness is there for all to see. Only simple minded fools like you would think otherwise. As for Jordan Peterson, he is a god whereas you are a reverse god, a dog if you will.
I don't know very much about Jordan Peterson.

You'd do well to acquaint yourself with the man. Here is a good example of him at work. Millennials detest him because he makes them look ridiculous, you have a succession of TV pundits and feminazis trying to take him down and just ending up looking foolish instead.

I am trying not to be condescending, but internet experts can be very tiresome.

My friend Mo, short for Mohammed, detests Salifist and Shia extremism, he is an Iranian Kurd and a Sufi. Very clever man, speaks six languages, has English and medical degrees, and his wife, who is also Kurdish, is an English professor at Sheffield university.
My friend Mo, short for Mohammed, detests Salifist and Shia extremism, he is an Iranian Kurd and a Sufi. Very clever man, speaks six languages, has English and medical degrees, and his wife, who is also Kurdish, is an English professor at Sheffield university.

There is a lot of diversity in Islam.. Its not monolithic.

He probably does despise Salafi and is responding to your understanding of what that is.

Lots of extremists call themselves Salafi without knowing about it.. Compare it to Christians who don't know that the Dallas Theological Seminary and the Moody Institute have sold them out to Scofield's rewrite.

Sufi with a small "s" is the spiritual component in all of Islam.

That's why I suggested you read the Wahhabi Myth.

This may be helpful to youif you have the time to read it.

Here's a small excerpt:

“This is not a sect. It is the name of a reform movement that began 200 years ago to rid Islamic societies of cultural practices and rigid interpretation that had (been) acquired over the centuries. Because the Wahhabi scholars became integrated into the Saudi state, there has been some difficulty keeping that particular interpretation of religion from being enforced too broadly on the population as a whole. However, the Saudi scholars who are Wahhabi have denounced terrorism and denounced in particular the acts of September 11. Those statements are available publicly.” [CNN interview]
