Ridiculous Muslim clerics!

There is a lot of diversity in Islam.. Its not monolithic.

He probably does despise Salafi and is responding to your understanding of what that is.

Lots of extremists call themselves Salafi without knowing about it.. Compare it to Christians who don't know that the Dallas Theological Seminary and the Moody Institute have sold them out to Scofield's rewrite.

Sufi with a small "s" is the spiritual component in all of Islam.

That's why I suggested you read the Wahhabi Myth.

My friend is incredibly knowledgeable on a whole host of subjects, and especially on the history of Islam.
The Wahhabi Myth

Dispelling Prevalent Fallacies and the Fictitious Link with Bin Laden

The ‘Wahhabi’ Myth by Haneef James Oliver clarifies many of

the gross inaccuracies and outright lies that have beenattributed to the belief of the Salafi Muslims (often referred to

as “Wahhabis”). Although some reporters have been vigilant

enough to rebut some of these widespread fables, most have

fallen headfirst into what one discerning reporter called, “the

neo-conservative line that the whole conspiracy againstAmerica can be traced back to Wahhabism and the government

of Saudi Arabia.”

The author of The ‘Wahhabi’ Myth outlines the principles of the Salafi creed in

an easy to understand manner. Using many different sources, he carefullypresents the arguments of the critics of Salafism and successfully addresses themisconceptions that are contained within these criticisms. Specifically, headdresses the commonly held belief that Osama Bin Laden is a

Salafi/”Wahhabi”. He compelli

ngly dispels this myth and unveils the sect thathas provoked Bin Laden to become the leader of a terrorist movement.

Karen Armstrong speaks about the difference between Osama

bin Laden’s sect (Qutbism) and Salafism/”Wahhabism” in a Guardian article entitled “The label of Catholic terror was never used about the IRA”:

“Bin Laden was not inspired by Wahhabism but by the writings

of the Egyptian ideologue Sayyid Qutb, who was executed byPresident Nasser in 1966. Almost every fundamentalistmovement in Sunni Islam has been strongly influenced byQutb, so there is a good case for calling the violence that some

of his followers commit “Qutbian terrorism.” Qutb urged his

followers to withdraw from the moral and spiritual barbarism of modern society and fight it to the death.

Western people should learn more about such thinkers as Qutb,and become aware of the many dramatically different shades of

My friend Mo, short for Mohammed, detests Salifist and Shia extremism, he is an Iranian Kurd and a Sufi. Very clever man, speaks six languages, has English and medical degrees, and his wife, who is also Kurdish, is an English professor at Sheffield university.

Is that meant to be a parody of krudzu's tall tales, Tommy?
Do you ever stop being a mouthpiece for Salifism? Where do you get off being so bloody condescending?

Maybe the Prophet himself (piss be upon him) once patted her on the head as she was aboard a flight with Red Adair en route to a museum filled with Danish cherry trees. :rofl2:
I know Peterson calls himself a classic British liberal who believes in civil liberties, economic freedom and free trade.

You also "knew" that gas was $5 @ gallon in NYC on May 22.

Gasoline is $5,00 a gallon in NYC.

Peterson is Canadian, you dozy djinn.

Does your reputed blue-eyed Methodist from Charleston beat you often for being so ignorant?
You also "knew" that gas was $5 @ gallon in NYC on May 22.

Peterson is Canadian, you dozy djinn.

Does your reputed blue-eyed Methodist from Charleston beat you often for being so ignorant?

I am well aware that Peterson is Canadian.. He calls himself a CLASSIC BRITISH LIBERAL.. Don't you know anything about him?