Rigging Debates


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is almost as good as rigging elections.

The presidential debates between President Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden will be moderated by journalists from Fox News, C-SPAN and NBC, with CNN being shut out of the debates for the first time since 2008, the Commission on Presidential Debates announced Wednesday.

Moderators announced for presidential debates
By Jonathan Easley
09/02/20 12:14 PM EDT


I see no reason to shutout CNN since the Republican never gets a fair shake anyway —— even when the Democrat is a competent candidate.

Moderators skewing the debates in Biden’s favor barely scratches the surface. Brain dead Biden needs so much help the chosen moderators will have to forsake every pretense of fairness à la CNN to guarantee that Biden is not carried off the stage in a body bag.

My gal Judi nails one moderator ahead of time:

Folk can get an early perceptive whiff of what is coming down the pike when Fox News sends out its most anti-Trump host, Chris Wallace as a ‘moderator’ in the first presidential debate on September 28, by reading their headlines today and other days ’til then.

No doubt Legend in His Own Mind Wallace will lob softballs at Barack Obama’s former vice president Joe Biden, while trying to blame President Trump for everything going wrong in America—just as Fox did in each and every one of its presidential popularity polls.

Ignore Mainstream Media, Walk Away From Democrat Hate-VOTE IN PERSON
By Judi McLeod

Lets take a stroll down memory lane:

Incidentally, FOX kept its liberalism well-hidden until 2011.

Murdoch’s message to blunt Trump’s rise in the polls came loud and clear over his social media and publishing outlets, and the Fox News debate moderators tried to destroy his candidacy in a single night by unleashing an all-out character assassination to discredit him.

“This wasn’t a debate, at least not like most of those I’ve seen. This was an inquisition.”—Frank Bruni, journalist, New York Times

Throughout the night, Fox News moderators, Bret Baier, Chris Wallace, and Megyn Kelly, deluged Trump with cheap shots and sophomoric “gotcha” questions, while pitting the candidates and the audience against him.

It was an obvious planned hit to destroy Trump’s candidacy, a failed bread-and-circus show that left viewers with nothing substantive but a foul taste in their mouths. Cyberspace erupted with “disappointing, disgusting, embarrassing, appalling, shocking, and shameful.”

Fox News Lurches Left as Murdoch’s Sons Take Control of Media Dynasty
By Jerry A. Kane
August 10, 2015


FOX never crawled back into the closet after they failed to torpedo Donald Trump.


Finally, when moderators launch their torpedoes President Trump will do well to remember this hero:


How wrong. Braindead Biden will, wipe the floor with Daffy Donald, but you will not understand it. You believe his crazy talk that embarrasses others. Trumps lies and the lies fool people like you. But the majority will listen to the debates and laugh at Trump. He is a buffoon who makes faces and yells. He interrupts over and over. Trump lost every debate to Hillary, losing points in the race . It will happen again. The first moderator is Wallace. He is close to neutral, which is why Fox viewers hate him. You are only happy with Hannity and Beck. Even Ingraham was shocked by Trump's insanity the other day. Fox is a right wing pit.
Is this the beginning of Trump weaseling out?
So who will leak the questions this time ?

All the mods since none of them care for the president.

Again, it was a leak at Dem debates. Not the Hillary/daffy debates. Get it right if you want to bitch. There was no leak of questions in the presidential debates.
There is no doubt that the debates will be rigged, if they even happen. Dems cannot stop cheating, scamming, rigging evading, lying, or being corrupt.
There is no doubt that the debates will be rigged, if they even happen. Dems cannot stop cheating, scamming, rigging evading, lying, or being corrupt.

There is no doubt you will lie then as you are now. Looks like even you can see trump cannot win a debate. If you finally realize how dumb Trump is , why do you back him. Do you get paid that much?
Braindead Biden will, wipe the floor with Daffy Donald, but you will not understand it.



To Nordberg: You are as sick as your hero is who could not wait to score points with a debunked lie:

Fired former National Security Advisor John Bolton, who released an anti-Trump book earlier this year that sought to offer one last breath into the Democrats’ February impeachment hopes, debunked The Atlantic hit piece published Thursday. The magazine’s story relied entirely on anonymous sources to charge the president with making disparaging remarks on WWI veterans.

Trump-Hater John Bolton Debunks Anonymous Atlantic Hit Piece On Trump’s Veterans Record
September 4, 2020
By Tristan Justice


President Trump will destroy China Joe if he reminds Americans that he got to the Senate on hating the U.S. military fighting in a preemptive war to stop Communism. Worse than Brain Dead’s love of Communist China he is most proud of the thousands of Americans he and his bunghole buddy John Kerry killed:

You cannot put an ideology on trial in a criminal court, but Socialists/Communists can be put on trial for their greatest political victory. DEFEATING THIS COUNTRY IN VIETNAM.

The charge should be murdering thousands of American military personnel. It is shameful that nobody ever made it right for all the men who died in Vietnam after John Kerry et al. prolonged the war long enough to bring defeat to this country:


John Kerry’s treason during the Vietnam War remains unpunished.


John Kerry was not famous when he first betrayed the country. Kerry was a U.S. Senator in 1995 when General Bui Tin was interviewed:

A Primer on Why We Lost Vietnam : A Vietnamese general confirms the anti-war movement's role in the U.S. defeat.
August 06, 1995



If Senile Joe Biden fought as hard to stop the spread of Communism as he now fights to stop the spread of a non-existent pandemic he might have one saving grace. In short, China Joe is last guy that should claim credit for Americans who died in foreign lands fighting wars to protect and defend this country.

Voice cracking, Biden told reporters that “you know in your gut” Trump’s comments, if true, are “deplorable.”

“I’ve just never been as disappointed, in my whole career, with a leader that I’ve worked with, president or otherwise,” Biden added. “If the article is true — and it appears to be, based on other things he’s said — it is absolutely damning. It is a disgrace.”

He added that "the president should humbly apologize to every Gold Star mother and father, to every Blue Star family that he’s denigrated. ... Who the heck does he think he is?”

Biden slams Trump over alleged comments mocking US war dead
Associated Press Sep 4, 2020 Updated 6 hrs ago


China Joe also said:

“Duty, honor, country — those are the values that drive our service members,” he said in a statement Thursday night, adding that if he is elected president, “I will ensure that our American heroes know that I will have their back and honor their sacrifice — always.”

Report: Trump disparaged US war dead as ‘losers’
By JAMES LAPORTA Associated Press 19 hrs ago


NOTE: China Joe hit rock bottom when he dared to cite a phrase coined by General MacArthur in his farewell address to West Point —— Duty, honor, country. Those three words should never be associated with Joe Biden, John Kerry, or any U.N.-loving Democrat traitor for that matter.

There was no leak of questions in the presidential debates.

To Nordberg: You have a short memory:

CNN forced Ms Brazile to resign as an on-air contributor in October 2016 after emails revealed that she had tipped off Ms Clinton's aides about questions likely to be asked by CNN moderators during the debates and town hall meetings carried by CNN.

Fox News hires former DNC chair Donna Brazile who left CNN after tipping off Clinton about 2016 debate questions
Paul Farhi
Tuesday 19 March 2019 17:46


NOTE: Douche Bag Donna and Wily Wallace are cut from the same cloth:

The first moderator is Wallace. He is close to neutral, which is why Fox viewers hate him.
Trump will be fine. I am not worried

They will be no more biased toward him than they were last time

I don’t know if they can get enough amohetamines in Biden for the debate.
Trump will be fine. I am not worried

They will be no more biased toward him than they were last time

I don’t know if they can get enough amohetamines in Biden for the debate.

Trump is quite stupid. He will have to bluster his way through the debates. It did not work with Hillary and Trump has gotten much worse. Listen to his crazy speeches 5 years ago. He said things just as stupid, but he was more facile in an interview. He has no depth, but he could articulate his foul positions much better. Now he stumbles, grimaces, and childishly insults. Can you imagine him in 4 years sitting in a pool of drool? Trump's expiration date has been reached.
Flanders is wrong.

To Nordberg:
It is no wonder you love Senile Joe Biden! You never get anything right either. I never said the Clinton -Trump debate, nor did Trump ever say it. This is from the article you cited:

Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) took part in the event — billed as a town hall event and not a debate. It featured a question on the death penalty phrased almost exactly as a question in Brazile’s email released by WikiLeaks.

Trump will be fine. I am not worried

They will be no more biased toward him than they were last time

I don’t know if they can get enough amohetamines in Biden for the debate.

Trump has never been fine. And he was far from fine when he debated Hillary. She whipped him every time and he lost points. Trump is very worried . He should be. He still may skip them. The questions are not biased. The moderators try to be fair.
Have you rightys managed to miss Bidens constant pressers and talks the last couple of weeks? How are you qualified to criticize when you will not listen to him. Hiden, you are wrong as usual.
Trump will be fine. I am not worried

To Hiden Biden: I hope you right, while I hope Trump is worried about the election.

The details in yesterday’s piece by Victor Davis Hanson gives ample cause for worry. October’s strategy for a successful coup just might work. The Democrat Party and their television stooges are counting on it:

One always expects the media surprise leak of a purported hidden scandal as a presidential campaign winds down. Remember the last-minute “discovery” of George W. Bush’s undisclosed 24-year-old DUI arrest in 2000? Or the October 7, 2016 effort of the Washington Post to publish the hoarded 11-year-old “Access Hollywood” tape, just two days before Donald Trump’s second debate with Hillary Clinton?

We should expect lots of these “bombshells” and “walls are closing in” pseudo derailments. Except Trump has been the most widely investigated, probed, attacked, and smeared president in history. And so the scandal-field has pretty well been picked over, as those fired like Omarosa Manigault Newman, Anthony Scaramucci, John Bolton, and others have long ago more or less lectured us that Trump is nuts, crazy, dangerous, stupid, ignorant, and so forth.

In terms of bombshells, what does the Left do after the 2016 suit to decertify voting machines, the FISA court abuse, the effort to sabotage electors’ votes, the first impeachment drive, the Logan Act gambits, the Emoluments Clause joke, the 25th Amendment ruse, the Russian collusion hoax, the 22-month-asleep-at-the-wheel Mueller and his “all-stars,” Ukraine! Ukraine!, the second impeachment drive, and the 2020 trifecta of Trump as Typhoid Mary, Bull Connor, and Herbert Hoover?

The point is, in Jussie Smollett fashion, the demand for scandals is outrunning the supply and time grows short.

It’s no wonder that one of Joe Biden’s largest campaign contributors, billionaire Laurene Jobs of the Apple fortune, who owns most of The Atlantic, had the former Obama Administration megaphone Jeffrey Goldberg exhume a two-year-old and long-ago-refuted charge that President Trump did not wish to visit a U.S. military cemetery in France because he variously was afraid of the rain, that he would get his hair wet, and that he did not wish to celebrate “losers” and “suckers.” All this was from a left-wing media that not long ago damned a “militaristic” Trump for being infatuated with generals, and putting far too many in his White House, while needlessly spending billions on manpower and equipment to repair a military hollowed out by the Obama Administration.

The resuscitated scandal hit-piece was primed for all the left-wing cable news shows and supposedly would dominate the otherwise quiet Labor Day weekend news.

The problem was that the charge was calcified—and for a reason. Security memos long ago had shown that the weather, not Trump, had deterred low-flying presidential helicopters. Goldberg’s “sources” remain anonymous. Supposedly they were afraid of Twitter reprisals (when has fear of a left-wing Twitter ever scared off a left-wing scandal-monger?), and thus could not be found or checked to determine whether they stood by their hearsay charges.

The presidential entourage of that day all denied Goldberg’s accusations, including Trumphobe and former White House insider and National Security Advisor John Bolton, coming off a tell-all book attacking the president as a nincompoop and a dangerous nut.

Goldberg’s work, then, is symptomatic not just of the growing desperation of the Left to blow up Trump’s current polling trajectory, but the poverty of the muck material still left to work with. Expect more October “smoking gun” surprises surrounding Trump’s stale tax returns, a casino bankruptcy or two, a Mooch tidbit, a Michael Avenatti crumb, a retired general’s sudden memory recovery, or perhaps even an old undiscovered Stormy tweet.

“Summers of Love”

The “summer of love” and “largely peaceful” tropes of late spring and early summer are now belied by the flames, firebombs, and looting that often offer on-scene backdrops for fake news accounts, as journalists seem about to ignite as they assure us of calm.

Recently, there was another riot in Rochester, New York in which Black Lives Matter sought to destroy restaurants and attack diners as they ate—as a prelude to entering the suburbs, climbing roofs, and waking the supposedly largely complacent white “racist” populace up to their culpability for the rioters’ unhappiness.

Their delayed anger grew over a just-released video of the death, six months ago, of an arrested African-American youth, while in Rochester police custody. That tragedy supposedly justified manhandling strangers with warnings of “give us our shit” and “do not record crimes” with cell phones.

These now nightly recurring riots and violence have a common theme: blue-state governors and blue mayors of the nation’s larger and middle-sized cities have institutionalized police procedures to detain supposedly dangerous or erratic acting suspects, which are either dangerous to the suspect or can easily appear post facto to be so on selectively edited or incompletely aired videos.

Local and municipal Democratic officials apparently have no answers in their cities for endemic African-American disparities, asymmetrical crime rates, and the proper behavior of their worn-out and beleaguered police, who are called by frightened businesses and bystanders to remove often dangerous suspects from their shared communities.

The result is that suspects now routinely resist arrest, confident either sympathetic district attorneys won’t prosecute them, or police themselves will have to choose between losing their lives arresting those not willing to be arrested or losing their careers and livelihood in the effort. We know the consequences: police simply are not responding to calls from crime-infested areas, and those arrested don’t think the police will use force to make arrests stick—and so resist.

Nor do liberal officials know how to tamp down often violent protests over such deaths that often target their own police forces, and sometimes even the homes of the mayors themselves who struggle to show their sympathy with the rioters.

Add it all up and officials either contextualize or condole the ensuing violence sparked by their own actions, or strain to condemn it by blaming Donald Trump, the Emmanuel Goldstein of our age.

Either way, it is not a convincing strategy to reassure torched businesses or innocent diners or demoralized police who are spat upon and made the targets of firebombs, that a more vigorous Joe Biden will tame fellow blue-state America officeholders and quell the violence.

Biden Unbound

As for the Democratic Party’s standard-bearer, the mounting anger over the sanctioned violence has not only prompted the media to exhume and enhance old saw Trump stories, refashioned as autumn campaign surprises, but also has forced Joe Biden out of his basement.

But to do what exactly?

The question assumes that there was not a reason why Biden was in his basement in the first place, near-mute for three months. For a time, seclusion was a winning strategy because otherwise to see and listen to Biden is to conclude that he is non compos mentis.

In addition, the media had driven down Trump’s ratings by blaming him for COVID-19, the lockdown, recession, and looting, and was playing out the clock by reframing the election as Trump versus the media and the coronavirus.

But the strategy was not updated to recalibrate changing momentum in response to changing news cycles. And Biden became even rustier by his basement sabbatical. So now he is out and we are immediately reminded of the reasons he hibernated in the first place and should have stayed there.

We now witness surreal Biden press events. Questions are scripted from an “approved” list of reporters who apparently send fuzzy inquiries in advance and, like North Korean journalists, queue up to repeat them in public. Biden then either looks at his notes or a teleprompter for his canned answers, but stumbles through his responses. He often gives the game away by reading out loud his handlers’ prompts such as “end of quote” or “topline message,” while an uneasy rogue reporter occasionally blurts out loud in frustration that she wants to ask a question “not on the paper.”

Sure-Thing Polls?

No one knows the exact state of the presidential race. The polls are all over the place and many are weaponized. Scan Emerson, Rasmussen, Trafalgar, and Zogby polls, and Trump is near dead even or even ahead in some key states. Read the surveys discredited after 2016 like Reuters and Politico, and Biden is winning across the board.

But all pollsters seem to concede something is terribly wrong with this increasingly discredited institution. How can IBD/TPP assure us that in his favorability ratings Trump is down by 16 points even as Emerson shows us he is up by two and Rasmussen by four?

Something is rotten.

Either the pollsters are abjectly incompetent, or deliberately selecting flawed demographics that they know will reflect their own biases, and they do so to add momentum to their preferred candidate.

Or their subordinates who gather the data are massaging the numbers to reflect their own choices.

Or the respondents are deliberately misleading their questioners either out of fear or from spite.

The record of bias and error from 2016 might suggest all three reasons.
60 Days More of Scripts

What then can we expect in the next 60 days from the Biden campaign?

About every week or so there will be a media/Democratic/leftist fusion zombie scandal that suddenly arises from the past but with new unnamed sources and anonymous rumors, and pushed as the long lost magic spike to drive into Count Trump’s heart.

Or we will have more rioting, spreading to smaller cities in the manner of Kenosha and Rochester, all well-organized and aimed at suburban and largely middle-class whites, to terrify them that no one is safe thinking they at least do not live in Portland or Chicago.

These riots will be contextualized by Biden with the now-familiar damnation of Trump and police excess, albeit with a nugget thrown in about the need for peaceful change. And then we will see a campaign stop, press conference, or interview in which Biden will have the scripted questions, scripted answers, and inadvertently either read off his handlers’ prompts or go blank or confused for about a five-second mind-out.

The interviewers will try to carry Biden across the finish line by finishing his half-completed sentences, rewording and translating his garble, or abruptly changing the subject when Biden goes into screensaver mode.

What can we conclude of these desperate efforts to derail Donald Trump?

One, Biden really should have stayed permanently in the basement but now cannot.

Two, internal pollsters have frightened Democrats not so much because they believe Biden is behind, but because they advise Biden not to trust the media’s smiley polls, and don’t offer any strategy of how to stop Trump’s insidious trajectory.

Three, the issues of May and June have evaporated and now bleed Biden more than they do Trump. The virus itself slowly wanes. Better treatment ameliorates its effects. And the vaccine looms larger. The lockdown was more or less discredited by the exemption given thousands of violent protesters and the issue is now recalibrated as keeping 50 million children out of school. The economy did not go into depression but seems to be climbing out of recession. And George Floyd’s death increasingly has nothing to do with nightly looting and arson, as the rioters turn unapologetically Marxist, nihilist—and increasingly venomously racist.

Given all that, and given the dearth of fresh scandal material, expect more ossified scandals, Kindergarten interviews, improving favorability ratings for the president, and desperate efforts to prove COVID-19 is resurging, quarantines must be extended, rioting and burning are acts of love, and we are in a Great Depression. And the more this does not work, the more vehemently it will be repeated.

Desperately Derailing Donald
The effort to stop President Trump is growing comical.
By Victor Davis Hanson
September 6, 2020

is almost as good as rigging elections.

The presidential debates between President Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden will be moderated by journalists from Fox News, C-SPAN and NBC, with CNN being shut out of the debates for the first time since 2008, the Commission on Presidential Debates announced Wednesday.

Why do you think the debate is rigged?

Do you think Fox News is a Leftist Marxist media Jewish corporation?

From the link: "Trump adviser Rudy Giuliani also sought to pressure the commission to choose from a list of moderators he believed would be unbiased.

None of Giuliani’s suggestions made the final cut
To Hiden Biden: I hope you right, while I hope Trump is worried about the election.

The details in yesterday’s piece by Victor Davis Hanson gives ample cause for worry. October’s strategy for a successful coup just might work....

A coup? That coup bullshit is soooo 2019.

BTW, I'm guessing you won't be reading Michael Cohen's new book. :)
A coup? That coup bullshit is soooo 2019.

BTW, I'm guessing you won't be reading Michael Cohen's new book. :)

The debates have not yet begun and the trumpanzee "culties" are already whining that they are biased. In reality, they are terrified that tRump's penchant for habitual lying will surface and be real-time fact checked.
The debates have not yet begun and the trumpanzee "culties" are already whining that they are biased. In reality, they are terrified that tRump's penchant for habitual lying will surface and be real-time fact checked.

Agreed. They are obviously laying the groundwork for excuses like "bu...bu...but that's not what he meant!" and "He was tricked!"