Why do you think the debate is rigged?
To Dutch Uncle: Take a guess!
Why do you think the debate is rigged?
Because you are so paranoid that you are conflating Google, Facebook and Twitter with Fox News. Are you even able to see the differences or are you so far over the edge that they're all just a bunch of Jewish-owned Globalist Marxists to you?To Dutch Uncle: Take a guess!
Because you are so paranoid that you are conflating Google, Facebook and Twitter with Fox News. Are you even able to see the differences or are you so far over the edge that they're all just a bunch of Jewish-owned Globalist Marxists to you?
So? WTF does that have to do with "rigging debates"? Are you a sock puppet cocksucker or did you just steal all of this from another forum?To Dutch Uncle: Moron.
Google, Facebook and Twitter can —— and do —— censor pro-Trump comments, while FOX is restricted to lying to their conservative viewers. That is the difference that you are too stupid to grasp.
The rightys are claiming the debates, which have not happened yet, are rigged because they know Trump cannot win them. They are poisoning the well.The fact is Trump is quite stupid and speaks poorly. He has a 5th grade vocab and a 5th grade mind. Trump got creamed by Hillary and will get creamed by Biden. The crudeness of Trump will be on stage in a few weeks.
The debates are being set up by lefties, and lefties can't help being corrupt. There is no way lefties would just let the best debater win. They have to add some kind of scam to give their candidate a better chance. Lefties setting up a debate is akin to a fox guarding the hen house.
No, they are not. https://www.debates.org/about-cpd/overview/ I know you think if Infowars ran them it would be fair. But the comm. goes a long way to making sure the debates are neutral. But when you see the world through a right-wing filter, everything that does not support your simple view is unfair. They work hard for neutrality.
Stop lying.
You are rude and stupid. bad combination. You are hard to educate because you find what backs your biases and declare it neutral and fair. Anything else is slanted.
The debates are being set up by lefties, and lefties can't help being corrupt. There is no way lefties would just let the best debater win. They have to add some kind of scam to give their candidate a better chance. Lefties setting up a debate is akin to a fox guarding the hen house.
Your fanciful and paranoid fantasies aside, if anything you said was true, then why isn't Trump saying this and refusing to debate except on his terms?
Trump isn't afraid to debate in a rigged show. He will plow right through all the lefty corruption, win the debate, and then the rigged MSM will claim Biden won. We've been down this road.
If that's true, then why all the drama? Why all of your theatrics and conspiracy theories?
We still like fair debates, it sucks that the only way Trump can debate is in a show that is rigged against him. He kicked Hillary's ass in an election that was rigged in her favor, so he will be fine in a rigged debate. Right now, I'd still be surprised if the debates actually happen, since Biden's handlers can't really afford to have his mental condition exposed like that. If the debates really do happen, you can be sure they are laced with Democrat corruption.
I know I do, but you're the one claiming there's a vast, wide Liberal conspiracy to rig the debates. What you are doing is saying that most Americans are dumbasses who can't tell it's rig, but that you are one of the few who "know the truth". Is that a correct assessment?
There is no vast conspiracy, it is just how things are. Democrats are criminals and corrupt scammers by nature, so they arent going out of their way to scam. They are just doing what comes naturally.
Dude, if someone conspires with another to "rig" something or otherwise do something criminal or to forge a lie, then it's conspiracy. In order to "rig the debates" as you keep claiming has happened, then it does, indeed, take a vast conspiracy. So, it's either a vast conspiracy or you're wrong.
Lefties are criminals, scammers, and cheats. Whatever lefties are doing in any given moment or situation, it involves corruption. They will bring scam and corruption to the debates, and then they will use corruption and scam to report on the debates afterward. Jpp lefties will use scam and corruption to dodge, deflect, invert, convert, divert, redefine, or otherwise evade discussion of the debates other than posting threads that are corruption or scam, and the left will start unrolling their next scam.