"Right to Work (for less)" States

ahh but I do not have a degree so I cannot so eloquently describe in print what is in going on in my mind....

Verbosity does not equate to intelligence.

I have a college degree and I can't express myself for sh*t.

There is a vast difference between being verbose and only responding in one to two line increments which amount to little more than speaking in bumper sticker slogans.
Dano - There is a simple solution to the problem that arises if a person is employed at a business with a unionized work force but doesn't want to be a part of the union. He can get a different job.

No one is "forcing" him to work there.

I have a college degree and I can't express myself for sh*t.

There is a vast difference between being verbose and only responding in one to two line increments which amount to little more than speaking in bumper sticker slogans.

Cawacko, I could not be more surprised if you suddenly told me you were voting for John Edwards. I have never seen anyone get under your skin like this. It is very funny.
But the union is NOT paying benefits, the company is, they only negotiated them. The company chooses to pay the same rates for non-unionized workers because otherwise they would join the union.

Right to work laws are very important because a majority has no right to restrict a minority in what they can do legally. If a minority voted not to strike and to work instead, they should have the right to work.

Unions have declined for decades and we have seen nothing but our lifestyle get better and better, except of course with government growth and taxes - which are what unions fight for anyway. Good riddance, we have no unions in the high-tech sector and we are doing very well and Americans have certainly benefitted with lower prices from manufactured goods overseas which allows more disposable income to be spent on service industries like massage therapy, gyms and so on.

Dano - If you track the wage-productivity growth beginning in the post-WWII era through today you will find a steep drop off in wages relative to productivity in the early 1980s which is coincidentally the beginning of the modern decline of unions.
Dano - There is a simple solution to the problem that arises if a person is employed at a business with a unionized work force but doesn't want to be a part of the union. He can get a different job.
If I want to work and my employer wants me to as well, who the hell are you or some union to try and tell me to just get a different job? It has nothing to do with you.
And fuck you anyway, have you ever actually worked in your life? You're just a student, it's not easy to just get another job like that with all the considerations you'd like with pay, benefits, location, people, etc...
I have a college degree and I can't express myself for sh*t.

There is a vast difference between being verbose and only responding in one to two line increments which amount to little more than speaking in bumper sticker slogans.

But the question is am I correct vs length of post ?
with short posts opponents have less to nitpick.
Its something about the interaction between you and usc. If one of you were a woman, or one of you were gay, I would suspect a fiery attraction at work.

But as it is, I have no explanation! lol

Cawacko has the hots for me, but I keep running away....
If I want to work and my employer wants me to as well, who the hell are you or some union to try and tell me to just get a different job? It has nothing to do with you.
And fuck you anyway, have you ever actually worked in your life? You're just a student, it's not easy to just get another job like that with all the considerations you'd like with pay, benefits, location, people, etc...

Heh. I guess I touched a nerve.
Dano - If you track the wage-productivity growth beginning in the post-WWII era through today you will find a steep drop off in wages relative to productivity in the early 1980s which is coincidentally the beginning of the modern decline of unions.

That would be because machines started doing a lot of the jobs people did in the 80's, you're probably too young to remember it, but during that time the left often railed against automation and technology displacing workers.
Wages did still go up, but productivity obviously went up a lot faster.

This is the same bullshit you guys try over wage disparity - trying to convince people that they are doing worse because CEOs pay has grown so much more compared to their own.
So what, wages still went up and people did better.

If I buy a new car with my raise and my rich neighbor buys a new Ferrari with his, does that mean I am doing worse? Of course not.
That would be because machines started doing a lot of the jobs people did in the 80's, you're probably too young to remember it, but during that time the left often railed against automation and technology displacing workers.
Wages did still go up, but productivity obviously went up a lot faster.

This is the same bullshit you guys try over wage disparity - trying to convince people that they are doing worse because CEOs pay has grown so much more compared to their own.
So what, wages still went up and people did better.

If I buy a new car with my raise and my rich neighbor buys a new Ferrari with his, does that mean I am doing worse? Of course not.

Yes, but Dano we can compare the United States to other more unionized countries that experienced similar changes in modernization and what we find is that in the US, unlike most others, wages are not tracking productivity whereas in other, more union-heavy industrialized countries, wages are tracking productivity.

And the issue isn't whether people "did better." The issue is whether the economy is growing such that everyone is doing better as opposed to the uber-rich doing a whole hell of a lot better while others are marginally out-pacing inflation.
If I want to work and my employer wants me to as well, who the hell are you or some union to try and tell me to just get a different job? It has nothing to do with you.
And fuck you anyway, have you ever actually worked in your life? You're just a student, it's not easy to just get another job like that with all the considerations you'd like with pay, benefits, location, people, etc...

You're kidding me, he's a student? lol. I wouldn't advertise that dano.
You're kidding me, he's a student? lol. I wouldn't advertise that dano.
Why not? His point was that he had no experience in seeking a job. It seems that somebody who has never held one just might indeed have no experience in that particular category.
Damo - What you are describing is "employment-at-will" which is different from "right to work." Employment-at-will is the legal baseline rule that all employment contracts, unless otherwise stated, are terminable at the will of either party without cause. This is the baseline legal rule in all states except Montana IIRC.

Thanks Dung. For clearing it up.

I didn't realize that people didn't know what "right to work" laws were.
Heh. I guess I touched a nerve.
Not really, just bored of hearing that same stupid shit of lefties thinking people can just go find another job if they don't like the terms that they imposed on them. I heard this with overtime pay too, when lefties didn't care that I was willing to work more hours for the same pay (as my employer would not pay as high as time and a half), they just said if you want more money, work a second job. It's difficult to do this and why should I be inconvenienced when my employer and I are fine with the agreement?
Thanks Dung. For clearing it up.

I didn't realize that people didn't know what "right to work" laws were.
You are so pompous in this one. I didn't realize you didn't know what 'at-will' laws were...


Seriously, if you had all the knowledge of the universe you would have been able to point that out earlier, instead you attempt to ride another's knowledge of something else to attempt to make another look bad.

Anyway. If we had right to work laws I would have been far less worried about the Union coming in to my place of work, and those who wanted one in our area might have gotten their wish. Instead. The slew of Democrats that I work with voted it down because the union around here represents nothing good at all.