Right Wing 2016 Ticket. Vote Here Today. Explain Why.

Who Would You Vote For Today?

  • Rand Paul

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • Paul Ryan

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Chris Christie

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • Marco Rubio

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • Jeb Bush

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Condoleezza Rice

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
This thread exposes a huge flaw in the Right Wing (not everyone, but a majority). They don't know how to make a stand and say what is right. They only know how to wait for someone else to make a stand so they can critisize it.

If the Right Wing can't get it's act together and actually come up with a good nominee the media will do it for them. When the media pumps up Jeb Bush to the top of the chain and he loses to Clinton, don't be so suprised.

Get your Conservative heads together and figure out who is going to be the next best nominee.

I originally said Rand Paul because I thought a Libertarian/Republican morph would be a good place to be. I'm gaining more respect for Chris Christie all the time though. He has proven he isn't just a Right Wing parrot like most Right Wingers. He's able to use his own brain instead of repeating the thoughts of others.
Bla bla bla and you will give shit to any attempt to riegn in wall street and the banks as too much regulation

Actually, if the Constitution were followed by the government, “GOVERNMENT” would have never bailed out the fucking banks and the idiots and crooks on Wall Street that deserved “TO FAIL” would have failed and we’d be well rid of them. BUT you can thank your Democrats & Republicans IN “YOUR BELOVED” fucking GOVERNMENT for saving their asses and never prosecuting a fucking one of the crooked bastards.

Regulations you say??? Now that’s funny I don’t care who ya are! There was and is enough regulation of the banks to turn them all into Catholic Saints, but it seems there’s so fucking much of it nobody can actually keep up with it and thereby enforce it especially when government regulators like to spend so much time playing golf and hobnobbing with the bankers and BIG corporation hacks they’re supposed to regulate and watching porno on the internet in their spare time. Federal government regulation is like asking Baby Face Nelson to keep an eye on Al Capone. All it does is make it near impossible for smaller banks and businesses to compete with GOVERNMENT’S good ole boy BIG bankers and corporations on Wall Street who bribe the fucking politicians and deadbeat regulators.
This thread exposes a huge flaw in the Right Wing (not everyone, but a majority). They don't know how to make a stand and say what is right. They only know how to wait for someone else to make a stand so they can critisize it.

If the Right Wing can't get it's act together and actually come up with a good nominee the media will do it for them. When the media pumps up Jeb Bush to the top of the chain and he loses to Clinton, don't be so suprised.

Get your Conservative heads together and figure out who is going to be the next best nominee.

I originally said Rand Paul because I thought a Libertarian/Republican morph would be a good place to be. I'm gaining more respect for Chris Christie all the time though. He has proven he isn't just a Right Wing parrot like most Right Wingers. He's able to use his own brain instead of repeating the thoughts of others.

Chris Christy is a typical northeast Republicrat, anti-Second Amendment, homophobic lawyer. Anybody that would support the IDIOT Romney and hug Obama can’t be very brilliant. He’s just another fat duopoly bastard politician.
MY concession? I conceded for YOU! It was clearly stated (by YOU) that the Federal government could not constitutionally end slavery, therefore, the CSA had a legitimate complaint. It wasn't the South's fault the Federal government wanted to do something it wasn't constitutionally permitted to do, and it wasn't the South's fault slavery was constitutional.

Moral superiority? You mean to say that you think it was morally superior to ship slaves off to die in some piece of shit place we made to send them to? That was Lincoln's plan, that's what YOUR side wanted to do! Even AFTER the Civil War, your "morally superior" turd heads determined that a black man was 3/5ths of a person! It took another century to correct the injustices of your "morally superior" heroes.

This is the second time you've raised this strawman, which I don't think I ever said. At the time of the Civil War, Florida was barely even a state, and very few American settlers were in Florida. I don't know, maybe someone else tried to point this small detail out to your stupid ass, and you misinterpreted it, like you do just about everything, because you're such a fucking retard?

Congress was stopped? What happened to "Congress had no constitutional authority?" Forget who had power, you can't do what is unconstitutional, regardless of how much power you have. This is yet another MYTH you want to prop up, so that you can somehow avoid culpability for what YOUR NATION did! You see, in your BIGOTED mind, you want to lay it all off on the South, and absolve yourself from any responsibility whatsoever, but HISTORY actually shows what a buffoon you are.

Yep... The South DID want to remain in possession of their legitimate constitutionally-supported and upheld property. The North had absolutely NO Constitutional right to seize what their own courts had determined was legitimate property. This was not the finding of the CSA, it was the finding of the SCOTUS, The Congress, and every president up to Lincoln.

The ONLY case you've made here, is for ignorant asshole northern moral bigotry.

You conceded that the federal government lacked the power to end slavery prior to the 13th, a point you ingorantly tried to contest. It absolutely was the fault of the southern states. Slavery would have been ended during the founders age if the southern states would not have obstructed. It could have been ended without war and prior to it, except for the intransigence of the southern states.

My side did not want to do anything. I was not their, moron. You are the idiot that feels the need to own that taking it personal that the southern states were wrong and that southern culture was dysfunctional. Besides that, I am not some little child that feels the need to believe in the absolute good of a hero. Deities are for children and fools like you.

The 3/5ths rule was a concession to the southern states and ended with slavery. I have no idea what you are talking about. Bigots like you eventually regained control in the southern states and were able to undo many of the protections for voting rights, then resisted change under the banner of "State's rights." You argue for a return to that so that you can go back again to restricting the civil rights of citizens.

You most certainly did contend that Florida was not a part of the CSA. You will lie about it just like you lie about all of your past embarassments (e.g., 1/3). It's possible your just so stupid and lie so often that you sincerely forget, but my memory is quite clear.

Sure, more of those "bigots" that reject your immoral justifications of slavery, racism, mysoginy and class discrimination. The word is not going to do you any good because you are using it to define something only bigoted douchebags like you find objectionable.

No one is going to treat you as a distinct group seperate from your actions. As long as you submit to just law you will be permitted to vote, own guns and do whatever you please. But you will not rise, but submit to the moral superiority of those demanding equal rights for all.
Here is what I believe will be part of the line up for the Right Wing in 2016.

1)Rand Paul
2)Paul Ryan
3)Marco Rubio
4)Chris Christie
5)Jeb Bush
6)Condoleezza Rice

Vote for your next Presidential nominee and explain why if you like.

[I learned something while making this post. When I ran out of the top 3 no brainers; Rand Paul, Marco Rubio and Chris Christie I did a google to round it out some. I was EXTREMELY suprised to see yet again, Rand Paul wasn't on this list. But Jeb Bush was!?! Media.....

If you vote for a Bush I'm probably going to leave America. Most Left and Right wingers want to vote Conservative but only the Republicans don't see war as spending...Bush even took it out of the Defense Budget..]
I chose Marco Rubio because he makes the most sense to me when he's speaking. He's smart, articulate and I think he truly loves this country.
Chris Christy is a typical northeast Republicrat, anti-Second Amendment, homophobic lawyer. Anybody that would support the IDIOT Romney and hug Obama can’t be very brilliant. He’s just another fat duopoly bastard politician.

He just woke up a bit from the extremeist nonsense. Supporting Romney was a flaw for sure. But Right Wingers don't want government interference unless it is THEM that falls on hard times. Then they generally change their perspective.

If you ever lose your belongings to a natural disaster and you see America stand together to share their earnings with you so you can get back on your feet you might sing a different song. Because THAT is what real Americans do.
Debunked? By whom?

It's just common sense if someone does not have medical insurance they can not or will not get medical attention.

Now-now; don't try to hide the fact that your 45,000 number is just something you pulled out of your ass, got bitch slapped over it, and stopped using it, in the hope that your bitch slapping was forgotten.
Now-now; don't try to hide the fact that your 45,000 number is just something you pulled out of your ass, got bitch slapped over it, and stopped using it, in the hope that your bitch slapping was forgotten.

And you're so much smarter than the folks at Harvard. Yep, yep, yep.
He just woke up a bit from the extremeist nonsense. Supporting Romney was a flaw for sure. But Right Wingers don't want government interference unless it is THEM that falls on hard times. Then they generally change their perspective.

If you ever lose your belongings to a natural disaster and you see America stand together to share their earnings with you so you can get back on your feet you might sing a different song. Because THAT is what real Americans do.

If you’re expecting me to argue against the most charitable people on earth, Americans, you’re sadly mistaken . Folks coming together from all across America to help one another in disasters is an American tradition and one every true libertarian promotes. Libertarianism is all about “VOLUNTARY” charity and voluntarism in general.

On the other hand theirs is no constitutional authority for the federal government FEMA. As a matter of fact federal programs like FEMA are forbidden by the Constitution and are reserved to the States or the people. Aside from that fact, FEMA is one of the federal government’s most wasteful and ripped off programs. In short, FEMA sucks and it’s unconstitutional!!!

Chris Christy crying to Obama and badmouthing Congress for not providing taxpayer’s dollars to New Jersey, is typical of bullshitting hypocritical politicians. Christy is the BIGGEST fattest badmouther of government debt and deficits, but when it comes to getting loot from the federal government he can’t get enough borrowed loot.
Actually, if the Constitution were followed by the government, “GOVERNMENT” would have never bailed out the fucking banks and the idiots and crooks on Wall Street that deserved “TO FAIL” would have failed and we’d be well rid of them. BUT you can thank your Democrats & Republicans IN “YOUR BELOVED” fucking GOVERNMENT for saving their asses and never prosecuting a fucking one of the crooked bastards.

Here we go, again.

"The Preamble to the United States Constitution is a brief introductory statement of the Constitution's fundamental purposes and guiding principles. It states in general terms, and courts have referred to it as reliable evidence of, the Founding Fathers' intentions regarding the Constitution's meaning and what they hoped the Constitution would achieve."

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Courts have referred to it as reliable evidence of the Founding Fathers' intentions regarding the Constitution's meaning and what they hoped the Constitution would achieve. That's as clear as day. So, what did the Founding Fathers hope the Constitution would achieve? They hoped it would achieve a more perfect union, promote the general welfare and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity. In other words the Founding Fathers wanted a country that benefitted the people.

By bailing out the banks the government lessened the recession that would have followed if they had not done so. They helped the people and that's precisely what the Founding Fathers had in mind. Promote the general welfare. Secure the Blessings of Liberty.

Health care is another thing. As jobs disappear, whether due to the recession or free trade, the government realized more and more people would be without medical care so what did Obama do? He implemented a medical plan and when anyone talks about "general welfare" the first thing that comes to mind is a person's health. How are they? Are they healthy? If a person is rich but dying they aren't doing too good. :( The same with securing the blessings of liberty for oneself and their posterity. It's difficult to secure the blessings of liberty if one is ill and next to impossible to leave anything to their children.
I really feel bad about libertarians. They have such hopes for a government-free government; a dream that will never be realized due to the obvious flaws of such a system. Their only choice is to leave the country, buy an island somewhere, and have their dream fulfilled.

Perhaps they can call it Liberia? Wait. Nevermind.


Randland? That's it!
I really feel bad about libertarians. They have such hopes for a government-free government; a dream that will never be realized due to the obvious flaws of such a system. Their only choice is to leave the country, buy an island somewhere, and have their dream fulfilled.

Perhaps they can call it Liberia? Wait. Nevermind.


Randland? That's it!

There's already a Libertarian paradise, it's called Somalia.
No Govt. no police or fire no laws, every man for himself or his 'militia group' (pirates and terrorists). Yep libertarian paradise - no rules.
For those of you who want a more 'conservative' candidate for 2016 - I'm sorry to announce that Francisco Franco is still dead.
Here we go, again.

"The Preamble to the United States Constitution is a brief introductory statement of the Constitution's fundamental purposes and guiding principles. It states in general terms, and courts have referred to it as reliable evidence of, the Founding Fathers' intentions regarding the Constitution's meaning and what they hoped the Constitution would achieve."

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Courts have referred to it as reliable evidence of the Founding Fathers' intentions regarding the Constitution's meaning and what they hoped the Constitution would achieve. That's as clear as day. So, what did the Founding Fathers hope the Constitution would achieve? They hoped it would achieve a more perfect union, promote the general welfare and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity. In other words the Founding Fathers wanted a country that benefitted the people.

So in lefty world the unconstitutional, expensive and failed and violent Drug War, the unconstitutional red ink bleeding federal socialist programs undeclared unconstitutional wars, the Patriot Act and a blooming run away 16 trillion $ national debt is a government “benefitting the people?” You coulda fooled me!!!

By bailing out the banks the government lessened the recession that would have followed if they had not done so. They helped the people and that's precisely what the Founding Fathers had in mind. Promote the general welfare. Secure the Blessings of Liberty.

Except you can’t prove that bailing out Wall Street crooks and idiots “lessened” anything and many would argue it actually solved nothing because the crooks and idiots are all still in business with a new guarantee and incentive that they can do it all over again and again without consequences because idiot Nanny government has incentivized them to do exactly that. Too BIG to fail is a recipe for disaster and nothing less than crony capitalism. It defies the laws of true capitalism and sanity.

They helped the people so much that General Motors is buying back its shares from government at half the price that “THE TAXPAYERS” paid for them. Wow! What a deal!!!

CLEVELAND, Ohio -- General Motors plans to buy back $5.5 billion of its shares from the federal government, setting up a $14 billion loss to taxpayers on the company's bailout. http://www.cleveland.com/business/index.ssf/2012/12/general_motors_to_buy_back_som.html

BTW, the courts are stacked with right-wing & left-wing ideologues that pay little to no attention to the Constitution and sooooo many of their rulings are based solely on political biases and bigotry. The recent court ruling on Obamacare was nothing short of an evil Constitution violating joke on the American people.

Health care is another thing. As jobs disappear, whether due to the recession or free trade, the government realized more and more people would be without medical care so what did Obama do? He implemented a medical plan and when anyone talks about "general welfare" the first thing that comes to mind is a person's health. How are they? Are they healthy? If a person is rich but dying they aren't doing too good. :( The same with securing the blessings of liberty for oneself and their posterity. It's difficult to secure the blessings of liberty if one is ill and next to impossible to leave anything to their children.

Again you cannot provide a single constitutional article or amendment that authorizes the federal government to provide any kind of healthcare plan for the nation. That kind of authority/power is “RESERVED” to the States or the people by amendment 10.

You’ll find out how Obamacare secured the blessings of posterity to this nation when the bankruptcy is realized and nobody will be idiot enough to lend this federal government any money anymore.

“If you think healthcare is expensive now, just wait until it’s free.” (P. J. O’Rourke)
There's already a Libertarian paradise, it's called Somalia.
No Govt. no police or fire no laws, every man for himself or his 'militia group' (pirates and terrorists). Yep libertarian paradise - no rules.

Don’t worry nobody will ever suspect that any leftwing neo-communist will ever know the difference between Anarchy and libertarianism. After-all most sane and honest folk already know how you lefties thrive on lies and bribery.
You conceded that the federal government lacked the power to end slavery prior to the 13th, a point you ingorantly tried to contest. It absolutely was the fault of the southern states. Slavery would have been ended during the founders age if the southern states would not have obstructed. It could have been ended without war and prior to it, except for the intransigence of the southern states.

You're jumping around like a little lord-a-leaping. You say the federal government couldn't end slavery, it didn't have the authority under the constitution... but then... they could have done it if the south hadn't obstructed. It was impossible to end slavery because there was no 13th Amendment, but yet... the fault of the South that slavery wasn't ended! How can any intelligent, non-bigoted person, hold both of these positions? Well, it's because the South didn't willingly turn over what was deemed their property by the US Supreme Court, to a government who had no constitutional basis to take their property.

My side did not want to do anything. I was not their, moron. You are the idiot that feels the need to own that taking it personal that the southern states were wrong and that southern culture was dysfunctional. Besides that, I am not some little child that feels the need to believe in the absolute good of a hero. Deities are for children and fools like you.

What I know is, regardless of Southern culture, the cotton produced by the Southern states made many a northern textile tycoon wealthy. Cotton, aka: KING Cotton, was the leading export of the United States. This is why the founding fathers didn't outlaw slavery from the beginning, and it remained for 85 years before the Civil War. This is why the UNITED STATES Supreme Court, repeatedly ruled slaves were property, and it was unconstitutional to allow government to take their property. This is why numerous Congress' and presidents supported and condoned slavery up until Lincoln.

The people who lived in the north were not any more "moral" than the people who lived in the south. Had King Cotton grown better in colder climates, there would have been slaves all across the northern states. Slaves were mostly present in the south because that is where all the cotton was grown. MOST of the people up north, didn't give two shits about the poor black slaves, they certainly didn't refuse to profit from the labor of the slaves in the cotton industry. There were a handful of "abolitionists" who opposed slavery, and these groups were orchestrated, formed, and led by mostly Quaker ministers....you know, those fools who believe in a deity?

At any time before the Civil War, the north could have declared a boycott on slave-grown cotton from the south, and it would have ended slavery.

The 3/5ths rule was a concession to the southern states and ended with slavery. I have no idea what you are talking about. Bigots like you eventually regained control in the southern states and were able to undo many of the protections for voting rights, then resisted change under the banner of "State's rights." You argue for a return to that so that you can go back again to restricting the civil rights of citizens.

Yes, Republicans want to bring back slavery and put black people in shackles again. That's a smart and rational strategy! You've repeatedly proven yourself to be a bigot here, it's odd that you are lobbing that charge at me. "States rights" is a very LIBERTARIAN philosophy, it's also odd that someone who claims to be a libertarian, is so vehemently opposed to Federalism and principles of individual liberty.

You most certainly did contend that Florida was not a part of the CSA. You will lie about it just like you lie about all of your past embarassments (e.g., 1/3). It's possible your just so stupid and lie so often that you sincerely forget, but my memory is quite clear.

No I don't think I ever said that, and you haven't posted a quote from me to prove it. I will maintain that you are mistaking me for someone else, and I never made such a claim. Not that this really matters in the debate we're having, since Florida's participation in the Civil War was minimal at best. From the CSA military standpoint, there were more Native Americans than anything else, coming to fight from Florida. So what is your point of bringing this up? Are you just wanting to complete your 'southern strategy' of total bigotry toward all the south? Yes, let's find a reason to hate everything south of the Mason-Dixon, and categorize them all as a bunch of racists who are still living in 1860s America. That's the way to engage in productive discourse, isn't it?

Sure, more of those "bigots" that reject your immoral justifications of slavery, racism, mysoginy and class discrimination. The word is not going to do you any good because you are using it to define something only bigoted douchebags like you find objectionable.

YOU ARE THE BIGOT! As we have established by your rhetoric. I have done nothing but clarify what has been said regarding history, and pointing out some important details to remember when having an honest debate. I have never made a "moral justification" for slavery, it's a reprehensible chapter in our nation's history, I just refuse to allow bigots such as yourself, to blame solely the Southern states for the existence of it and why it persisted in America. Modern-day morons like you and Desh, want to teach our children that the South was full of racist people who didn't think black people were humans, and the glorious North, along with the beloved Lincoln, waged a brutal war against them to Free The Slaves!

As someone who has always been an advocate of civil rights, I have to tell you, this line of thinking is arguably one of the most profound reasons we remain in a chasm, with regard to racial relations in America. Northern bigots have never accepted their own ancestors responsibility and culpability regarding the institution of slavery. For all these years, through the generations, you've used the South as a scapegoat, absolving yourself from incrimination. Of course, the South has taken it, we're quite used to northern bigotry, and as we move on into the future, there is no place in our country where more blacks and whites live in peaceful harmony with each other. There is a higher ratio of blacks to whites in the South than anywhere in the country, but we repeatedly see the stories of racial turmoil, where? LA? Detroit? Boston? Harlem?

No one is going to treat you as a distinct group seperate from your actions. As long as you submit to just law you will be permitted to vote, own guns and do whatever you please. But you will not rise, but submit to the moral superiority of those demanding equal rights for all.

You've ALREADY treated us as a distinctive group separate from our actions! It's been the root basis of every word you've ranted here!

I support the law. I've never said that I didn't support the law or the constitution, or that I want to deny equal rights to anyone. I haven't advocated for slavery, or made any of the outrageous racist claims you've tried to insinuate here. I've sat back and let you hurl paragraph after paragraph of nothing but bigoted hate and ignorance toward Southerners, and you just continue to let it spew!
You're jumping around like a little lord-a-leaping. You say the federal government couldn't end slavery, it didn't have the authority under the constitution... but then... they could have done it if the south hadn't obstructed. It was impossible to end slavery because there was no 13th Amendment, but yet... the fault of the South that slavery wasn't ended! How can any intelligent, non-bigoted person, hold both of these positions? Well, it's because the South didn't willingly turn over what was deemed their property by the US Supreme Court, to a government who had no constitutional basis to take their property.

What I know is, regardless of Southern culture, the cotton produced by the Southern states made many a northern textile tycoon wealthy. Cotton, aka: KING Cotton, was the leading export of the United States. This is why the founding fathers didn't outlaw slavery from the beginning, and it remained for 85 years before the Civil War. This is why the UNITED STATES Supreme Court, repeatedly ruled slaves were property, and it was unconstitutional to allow government to take their property. This is why numerous Congress' and presidents supported and condoned slavery up until Lincoln.

The people who lived in the north were not any more "moral" than the people who lived in the south. Had King Cotton grown better in colder climates, there would have been slaves all across the northern states. Slaves were mostly present in the south because that is where all the cotton was grown. MOST of the people up north, didn't give two shits about the poor black slaves, they certainly didn't refuse to profit from the labor of the slaves in the cotton industry. There were a handful of "abolitionists" who opposed slavery, and these groups were orchestrated, formed, and led by mostly Quaker ministers....you know, those fools who believe in a deity?

At any time before the Civil War, the north could have declared a boycott on slave-grown cotton from the south, and it would have ended slavery.

Yes, Republicans want to bring back slavery and put black people in shackles again. That's a smart and rational strategy! You've repeatedly proven yourself to be a bigot here, it's odd that you are lobbing that charge at me. "States rights" is a very LIBERTARIAN philosophy, it's also odd that someone who claims to be a libertarian, is so vehemently opposed to Federalism and principles of individual liberty.

No I don't think I ever said that, and you haven't posted a quote from me to prove it. I will maintain that you are mistaking me for someone else, and I never made such a claim. Not that this really matters in the debate we're having, since Florida's participation in the Civil War was minimal at best. From the CSA military standpoint, there were more Native Americans than anything else, coming to fight from Florida. So what is your point of bringing this up? Are you just wanting to complete your 'southern strategy' of total bigotry toward all the south? Yes, let's find a reason to hate everything south of the Mason-Dixon, and categorize them all as a bunch of racists who are still living in 1860s America. That's the way to engage in productive discourse, isn't it?

YOU ARE THE BIGOT! As we have established by your rhetoric. I have done nothing but clarify what has been said regarding history, and pointing out some important details to remember when having an honest debate. I have never made a "moral justification" for slavery, it's a reprehensible chapter in our nation's history, I just refuse to allow bigots such as yourself, to blame solely the Southern states for the existence of it and why it persisted in America. Modern-day morons like you and Desh, want to teach our children that the South was full of racist people who didn't think black people were humans, and the glorious North, along with the beloved Lincoln, waged a brutal war against them to Free The Slaves!

As someone who has always been an advocate of civil rights, I have to tell you, this line of thinking is arguably one of the most profound reasons we remain in a chasm, with regard to racial relations in America. Northern bigots have never accepted their own ancestors responsibility and culpability regarding the institution of slavery. For all these years, through the generations, you've used the South as a scapegoat, absolving yourself from incrimination. Of course, the South has taken it, we're quite used to northern bigotry, and as we move on into the future, there is no place in our country where more blacks and whites live in peaceful harmony with each other. There is a higher ratio of blacks to whites in the South than anywhere in the country, but we repeatedly see the stories of racial turmoil, where? LA? Detroit? Boston? Harlem?

You've ALREADY treated us as a distinctive group separate from our actions! It's been the root basis of every word you've ranted here!

I support the law. I've never said that I didn't support the law or the constitution, or that I want to deny equal rights to anyone. I haven't advocated for slavery, or made any of the outrageous racist claims you've tried to insinuate here. I've sat back and let you hurl paragraph after paragraph of nothing but bigoted hate and ignorance toward Southerners, and you just continue to let it spew!

I am not jumping around at all. If the southern states had banned slavery as the northerm states did and joined in support of an amendment then it would have ended. That's all there is to it. With there obstruction the federal government lacked power to end slavery.

You want to blame the north for the disgraceful history of the south and shift blame. It's nothing but crybaby bullshit. This is not about the north. It's about slavery and how the southern states, controlled by wealthy land owners, perpetuated it. Moreover, it's about your desire to return to the institutions of State's rights and goverment dominated by land owners. You want to undo the advance of civil rights and yet you pretend to support the advances made in civil society.

I have told you many times states do not have rights. They have powers. Read the 9th and 10th. This was the understanding of the founders and they were careful with the language used. Powers are granted. Rights are moral principles that exist as a part of our nature independent of government. Slavery should have never been allowed. It was a violation of the rights of man.

You are full of shit, it was not about cotton. You sound like Alex Jones or even Michael Moore with that conspiratorial bullshit. It was about the need for union among the colonies. They feared that as seperate states they could not long resist the colonial powers of Europe. Read the Federalist Papers. There is no need for some ridiculous alternate explanation.

TRUE libertarians support the division of power between state and federal government that affects the greatest possible protection of the rights of the individual. You are concerned only with the collectivst right of regionalized majorities except when you need the federal majority (i.e., you have supported a federal marriage amendment, flag burning and several other stupid ideas). You are a fascist.

My memory is quite clear. YOU argued Florida was not a part of the CSA. You lie about it now the same way you lie about the equal thirds argument and the rest of your hit parade of stupidity.
I am not jumping around at all. If the southern states had banned slavery as the northerm states did and joined in support of an amendment then it would have ended. That's all there is to it. With there obstruction the federal government lacked power to end slavery.

Yes, you are jumping from "nothing could be done" to "it's the south's fault nothing was done!" By your very own admission, there was nothing the federal government could have done to end slavery because it wasn't unconstitutional. They had no constitutional power. You want to blame that on the Southern states, but the Southern states didn't control the SCOTUS or write the Constitution. You then want to blame people for not willingly giving up their property to government against their constitutional right to own property, and pretending that such a notion in 1860 was reprehensible and deplorable, when it was the constitutional law of the land, established by the US Supreme Court, upheld by every Congress and president up to Lincoln. Yep, it was deplorable what this country did, but it wasn't the fault of the Southern states.

Since we're playing the "IF" game, we can also say that IF the North had declared a boycott on slave-grown cotton, it would have ended slavery. Why didn't THAT happen, Stringy? Seems like that would be how we would handle such a thing today, if some region of the country was doing something the rest of the country objected to. Why didn't you all just stop buying southern cotton?

You want to blame the north for the disgraceful history of the south and shift blame. It's nothing but crybaby bullshit. This is not about the north. It's about slavery and how the southern states, controlled by wealthy land owners, perpetuated it. Moreover, it's about your desire to return to the institutions of State's rights and goverment dominated by land owners. You want to undo the advance of civil rights and yet you pretend to support the advances made in civil society.

I didn't blame the North or shift anything, the blame is shared equally. This is about your ignorant northern bigotry, and unwillingness to accept that your ancestors were racists who didn't give two shits about black people. I've said NOTHING about land owners, NOTHING about undoing Civil Rights, and you continue to hurl baseless allegations at me as fast as you can. I'm bored with responding to this shit, and unless you can back something up with evidence, you need to shut your pie hole.

I have told you many times states do not have rights. They have powers. Read the 9th and 10th. This was the understanding of the founders and they were careful with the language used. Powers are granted. Rights are moral principles that exist as a part of our nature independent of government. Slavery should have never been allowed. It was a violation of the rights of man.

In 1860, according to the UNION's Supreme Court, it was not a violation of the rights of man. That's the part of this you want to ignore, and pretend that we had already established Civil Rights, and the South was simply violating that establishment. That is false history, because in 1860, black slaves were considered property owned by whoever purchased them. You're right, it should have never been allowed, but it WAS allowed... condoned, upheld, and supported, for 85 years by every Congress and president up to Lincoln.

You are full of shit, it was not about cotton. You sound like Alex Jones or even Michael Moore with that conspiratorial bullshit. It was about the need for union among the colonies. They feared that as seperate states they could not long resist the colonial powers of Europe. Read the Federalist Papers. There is no need for some ridiculous alternate explanation.

There was no alternate explanation given for anything, and I have no idea what you're talking about here, you are becoming quite delirious and not making a lot of sense. Cotton was very much the reason slaves were found in the South and not in the North. If cotton were grown in the North, there would have been slaves there to pick it, and slave owners there, to oversee it. When the Founding Fathers wrote our Constitution, they could have very easily banned and outlawed the practice of human slavery, but that did not happen.... THE REASON was cotton, among other agricultural crops, which slaves had been used to harvest since the first settlers arrived on the continent. For the 85 years before the Civil War, the Congress could have acted to amend the Constitution and outlaw slavery, Presidents could have supported abolition of slavery, but that did not happen, Stringy. For decade after decade, the SCOTUS repeatedly maintained that black slaves were not "people" with Constitutional rights, they were "property" owned by those who bought them rightfully. The CSA did not even exist at this time, it was not just the Southern states who obstructed this.

TRUE libertarians support the division of power between state and federal government that affects the greatest possible protection of the rights of the individual. You are concerned only with the collectivst right of regionalized majorities except when you need the federal majority (i.e., you have supported a federal marriage amendment, flag burning and several other stupid ideas). You are a fascist.

Disregard for the 10th Amendment, is a direct disregard of Libertarianism. You can keep hurling outright lies about me and what I've supposedly endorsed, I am not going to respond to anything without a quote and link, because you are a fucking liar. I am not a fascist, I support The People having first say-so on their rights, through the ballot box on a state level, then at a federal level. I do not support or condone Federal power, over the rights of the states and people.

My memory is quite clear. YOU argued Florida was not a part of the CSA. You lie about it now the same way you lie about the equal thirds argument and the rest of your hit parade of stupidity.

Your memory can be clear, it doesn't change that you are a fucking liar. I don't think I ever argued that Florida wasn't part of the CSA, I may have argued that Florida was inconsequential to the CSA, just as Texas was, because that is true. The overwhelming majority of soldiers from Florida, fighting for the CSA, were Native American Indians. Another interesting tid-bit... Of all the soldiers who actually fought and died in battle during the Civil War, NONE of them owned slaves. The people who owned the slaves were wealthy, their sons weren't sent off to die in war, if they even dared to serve in the Confederate Army, they were made Colonels or Generals and never saw battle.

You can keep on trying to raise straw men to do battle against the PWNAGE your ass has suffered here, I don't really care.