Right-Wing Authoritarianism.

Wow, something did not happen. We need to keep talking about. No, I do not.
Attempted murder, robbery, etc are crimes. Intentions matter. Of course, In the super scary times, with Benito Cheeto lurking, Dems can't acknowledge any wrongdoing.
Authoritarianism is far from unique to the Right. The right and left want to be authoritarian when it's a cause that's important to them.
No. Fascism is not trying to keep the population safe. That is fucked up to play that game.
No. Fascism is not trying to keep the population safe. That is fucked up to play that game.
Using the power of the federal government to force a vaccine on 80 million people isn't fascist or authoritarian.... it's just "keep(ing) the population safe".

Thanks for proving my point.
The fact you, like all other right wingers, obsess on vaccines.
I'm obsessing about individual rights and those who try to infringe on those rights. I don't sugar-coat it by saying it's just trying to keep people safe.