Right Wing Bought Out By Weapons Manufacturers. Profits Are High And The Sheep Buy.

thank you

on this I will have to disagree. As some of the anti-gun libs are fond of pointing out, military and police will not disregard the benefits and privileges they've been given, specifically so that they would follow orders. those that object will simply walk away and will not defend anyone but their own. fighting becomes necessary when they've cornered you.

It's not a fool proof plan, but we are seeing progress already http://http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/01/11/Kentucky-Sheriff-To-Obama-There-Will-Be-No-Gun-Control-In-My-County

Though I do fear that this guy has the same numb brained vision of what gun control is. One extra test is gun control, not just gun grabbing like Fox News and the NRA are selling.
I noticed a large portion of zombie headed people unable to think for themselves and repeating the same comments that made them look like the most uneducated people on earth. I googled "fox news brainwash" and there it was layed out in detail.

Kind of hard to take your first comment seriously when you follow it up with a MediaMatters/MSNBC "Fox News sucks" blindside

When are you going to dispense with the "I am not a lib" routine?
there are 80 million gun owners in this country
the NRA has under 5 million members
so just who is buying all the guns????????

The gun nuts are clinging more and more to their guns. That is what fearful and insecure people do.

Analysis: Fewer U.S. gun owners own more guns

(CNN) -- A decreasing number of American gun owners own two-thirds of the nation's guns and as many as one-third of the guns on the planet -- even though they account for less than 1% of the world's population, according to a CNN analysis of gun ownership data.

The data, collected by the Injury Prevention Journal, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, the General Social Survey and population figures from the U.S. Census Bureau, found that the number of U.S. households with guns has declined, but current gun owners are gathering more guns.

A study published in the Injury Prevention Journal, based on a 2004 National Firearms Survey, found that 20% of the gun owners with the most firearms possessed about 65% of the nation's guns.

A 2007 survey by the U.N's Office on Drugs and Crime found that the United States, which has 5% of the world's population, owns 50% of the world's guns.

The number of households owning guns has declined from almost 50% in 1973 to just over 32% in 2010, according to a 2011 study produced by The University of Chicago's National Opinion Research Center. The number of gun owners has gone down almost 10% over the same period, the report found

The concentration comes, in part, because guns are "marketed by and large to people who already own guns," Lizotte said.

The scenario;

A shooting. Right wing media goes 100% on "They are going to take our guns away and break the Constitution!" This last massacre they didn't even wait the grace period. The next day you could see the Right Wingers talking on Facebook and Fox news about the 2nd amendment when the true and former America would have been in mourning.

First of all, there is no "right wing media." Therefore, you can't even begin your rant without exposing yourself as a partisan joke. Secondly, no media outlet "goes 100% on" anything, they present a variety of news and topics, and seldom ever focus 100% on anything, and they certainly don't typically present news from only one perspective. The quote you cited, is not something I have even heard anyone say, and I doubt anyone ever did. As for "grace periods" in the CT shooting, the liberal politicians were already calling for stricter gun control laws before they had removed the corpses from the crime scene. Shouldn't THEY have been in mourning? 2nd Amendment talk is appropriate whenever liberal politicians start clamoring for more gun control. Proponents of the 2nd Amendment are NOT going to sit down and shut up and be "respectful" as the liberals scream and moan about more gun control.... SORRY! Not gonna happen in this world!

Lots of Liberals want guns taken away but not a majority and nearly no one credible. Most are smart enough to uphold the Constitution, not all. Even a post here today has Obama saying, "I won't take your guns away" and he said in the debates "I can't take guns because of the Constitution." to the girl wishing he would define that line of what guns are too dangerous for society.

You're right, I am amazed at how many pro-gun liberals have come out of the woodwork since the CT shooting. However, this point directly contradicts your earlier point that this was being said 100% by the "right wing media" and "right wingers" on facebook. Here you admit that it's not JUST the right who want to defend the 2nd Amendment, but also, a majority on the left.

Most on the Left and the majority of Americans have been trying to find a common sense change, or a change in regulation for the militia. But guess what they ran into. A group of angry Right Wingers ready to wage war if they make 1 extra question on a test to recieve specific guns or limit the size of a magazine to ensure the people have a fight against a massacre.

Hold on, you just finished telling us that a majority on the left also want to reject stricter gun control. Now, suddenly, we are back to bashing the "right wingers" again? I don't get your correlation between the size of a magazine or banning certain guns, and ensuring people have a fight against a massacre. It would seem to me, the bigger the gun and magazine, the more ensured people would be in their fight against said massacre. I am all for "common sense regulations" when it comes to guns, I don't want mental wackos running around with AK-47s! But there is no regulation or law we can pass, that would have prevented the tragedy in CT. The shooter didn't obey the law.

Right Wingers are literally buying massive quantities of guns and ammo because they think Obama is going to be a Nazi gun grabber. I've never been so embarassed for our country's people. The NRA and Corporate America profit and watch you sheep go broke protecting nothing. The same people who hate the corporate driven congress are repeating everything those corporations are selling.

Again, this completely contradicts your earlier point about those on the left, a majority of whom do not wish to have more gun control laws, and who are just as adamantly pro-gun as anyone on the right. Do you have ANY evidence to suggest the recent rise in gun purchases are ONLY from "right wingers?"

Then we get into your ignorance about "corporate American profiteers and us sheep" which is just more Marxist/Maoist Socialism. We live in a capitalist society, and people in such a society, do make profit from consumers purchasing their goods and services. As Americans, we are FREE to participate in this market, that's why it's called the "free market."

Note;If things were to change on what guns you could own the government would not grab your guns. They would end legal manufacturing and grandfather clause it. Don't be a sheep or a parrot. Use your brain and end this brainwash.

You are the one who appears to be trying to brainwash us. You continue to parrot outright Marxist Socialist philosophy, as if you are a sheep who is oblivious to what you're saying. I've pointed out several contradictions you've made to your own points, but I predict you will prattle on, refusing to acknowledge this.
First of all, there is no "right wing media." Therefore, you can't even begin your rant without exposing yourself as a partisan joke. Secondly, no media outlet "goes 100% on" anything, they present a variety of news and topics, and seldom ever focus 100% on anything, and they certainly don't typically present news from only one perspective. The quote you cited, is not something I have even heard anyone say, and I doubt anyone ever did. As for "grace periods" in the CT shooting, the liberal politicians were already calling for stricter gun control laws before they had removed the corpses from the crime scene. Shouldn't THEY have been in mourning? 2nd Amendment talk is appropriate whenever liberal politicians start clamoring for more gun control. Proponents of the 2nd Amendment are NOT going to sit down and shut up and be "respectful" as the liberals scream and moan about more gun control.... SORRY! Not gonna happen in this world!

You're right, I am amazed at how many pro-gun liberals have come out of the woodwork since the CT shooting. However, this point directly contradicts your earlier point that this was being said 100% by the "right wing media" and "right wingers" on facebook. Here you admit that it's not JUST the right who want to defend the 2nd Amendment, but also, a majority on the left.

Hold on, you just finished telling us that a majority on the left also want to reject stricter gun control. Now, suddenly, we are back to bashing the "right wingers" again? I don't get your correlation between the size of a magazine or banning certain guns, and ensuring people have a fight against a massacre. It would seem to me, the bigger the gun and magazine, the more ensured people would be in their fight against said massacre. I am all for "common sense regulations" when it comes to guns, I don't want mental wackos running around with AK-47s! But there is no regulation or law we can pass, that would have prevented the tragedy in CT. The shooter didn't obey the law.

Again, this completely contradicts your earlier point about those on the left, a majority of whom do not wish to have more gun control laws, and who are just as adamantly pro-gun as anyone on the right. Do you have ANY evidence to suggest the recent rise in gun purchases are ONLY from "right wingers?"

Then we get into your ignorance about "corporate American profiteers and us sheep" which is just more Marxist/Maoist Socialism. We live in a capitalist society, and people in such a society, do make profit from consumers purchasing their goods and services. As Americans, we are FREE to participate in this market, that's why it's called the "free market."

You are the one who appears to be trying to brainwash us. You continue to parrot outright Marxist Socialist philosophy, as if you are a sheep who is oblivious to what you're saying. I've pointed out several contradictions you've made to your own points, but I predict you will prattle on, refusing to acknowledge this.

After he said, "There is no Right Wing media" I stopped reading. I'll assume this moron speant a lot of time in the rest of it saying moon and stars are fake. The Left wing is Hitler. Soda gives you cancer. etc.
After he said, "There is no Right Wing media" I stopped reading.

Which illustrates precisely why you are an ignorant bigoted partisan hack who is espousing Marxist/Maoist bullshit, and not some fair-minded intellectual independent who is able to hold his own in a philosophical discussion, as you wish to portray yourself.

Sometimes you people make my job too easy!