Rings of Power


ButterMilk Man
1) WOKE to include being overly dramatic.

2) Boring

3) A betrayal of Tolkien...the trust or whoever took the Big Money and approved this should be ashamed of themselves.

Tell me that I am wrong.
We are doing ep 5 in a few minutes, The Wife likes it better than me, but we might stop. We will not watch the other 5 series these people are planning to make with their $250 million? rights deal unless we hear it is good after this very expensive dud and insult.
I am back...."technical difficulties".

Slut says that she prob needs to recycle and resync everything.
This sort of failure is much worse throughout “The Rings of Power.” Almost no one behaves like an adult, even elves who are hundreds, or even thousands, of years old. The show refuses to trust the viewers to remain interested as grown-up characters are developed and stakes established and increased. Instead, there is a constant stirring of petty drama, which degrades both the characters and the stakes of the conflicts. Thus, even though the show has now put immense (and invented) stakes on the friendship of Durin and Elrond, there is no real drama to be found in it after all their bickering. Cheap drama undermines the real deal.

Really shit story telling is now normal in Hollywood as they have traded in their profession for proselytizing the WOKE Religion.
Nothing like wading through the stream of consciousness of a demented, drunken, psychotic. Whew. We need brain bleach.
Wasn't terrible. Not terribly faithful to Tolkien, but then I didn't expect it to be. Approaching it knowing it was going to be a very pretty and very expensive fanfic set in the Tolkien universe, and not caring too much about being a lore-Nazi, it's been decent enough.

I've been enjoying HotD more though.
Wasn't terrible. Not terribly faithful to Tolkien, but then I didn't expect it to be. Approaching it knowing it was going to be a very pretty and very expensive fanfic set in the Tolkien universe, and not caring too much about being a lore-Nazi, it's been decent enough.

I've been enjoying HotD more though.

I notice the faint praise.
Wasn't terrible. Not terribly faithful to Tolkien, but then I didn't expect it to be. Approaching it knowing it was going to be a very pretty and very expensive fanfic set in the Tolkien universe, and not caring too much about being a lore-Nazi, it's been decent enough.

I've been enjoying HotD more though.

They spent a shit ton of money on this, is there even one aspect that is great?
They spent a shit ton of money on this, is there even one aspect that is great?

the technical side is TV great if movie pretty good.

to be fair to the producers the LOTR story is pretty well known while the lore of this time period is not. So I am enjoying the filling out of backstory regarding why the various races hate each other.

but why the hobbits have to have random grass and shrub clippings sticking out of their uncombed hair is a mystery.

Im guessing "the Stranger" hanging out with the hobbits becomes Gandalf over time. How wrong am I on that ? No I never got through the Silmarrion (sp?).
the technical side is TV great if movie pretty good.

to be fair to the producers the LOTR story is pretty well known while the lore of this time period is not. So I am enjoying the filling out of backstory regarding why the various races hate each other.

but why the hobbits have to have random grass and shrub clippings sticking out of their uncombed hair is a mystery.

Im guessing "the Stranger" hanging out with the hobbits becomes Gandalf over time. How wrong am I on that ? No I never got through the Silmarrion (sp?).

A really shit story that looks great on the screen is how Hollywood rolls now.
A really shit story that looks great on the screen is how Hollywood rolls now.

the movie biz can do a good job presenting source material as the first 4 years or so of GOT shows. So long as they had books to screenplay from they were very good. When they got left to their own devices they struggle.

Always a few exceptions (Sopranos for example in tv of Godfather 2&3 in movies). Problem now seems to be how can they not spend money on creativity to have money for smoke and mirrors.
the movie biz can do a good job presenting source material as the first 4 years or so of GOT shows. So long as they had books to screenplay from they were very good. When they got left to their own devices they struggle.

Always a few exceptions (Sopranos for example in tv of Godfather 2&3 in movies). Problem now seems to be how can they not spend money on creativity to have money for smoke and mirrors.

Its not that they cant pay for a good story, it is that they dont give a fuck about the story.

And then they stand around scratching their balls wondering why the public has giving up on cinema.
Its not that they cant pay for a good story, it is that they dont give a fuck about the story.

And then they stand around scratching their balls wondering why the public has giving up on cinema.

I think you will find that this is more a matter of playing to their audience which is 16-25 yr olds. FX sells to them which is why we get endless comic book crap. its been like a decade since I went to a movie theater.
Fortunately, I cut the cable years ago.

But - imo - since about 1999.
And especially so since about 2010.
Popular forms of art - including pop music, television shows. cinema movies and (lately) dramatic, streaming services (like Netflix)?
Seem to have, virtually given up on originality.
And now just focus on formulaic production.
And the regurgitation of anything from the past that was successful.

The latter is especially evident in science fiction.

Almost all, mainstream sci-fi today comprises using VERY old, well known, comic book figures (Batman, Spiderman, Wonder Woman, etc.).
And regurgitating, everything else sci-fi that was ever successful (Star Trek, Star Wars, Dr. Who, Lord of the Rings, etc.).

And that corporations can legally get their hands on.

Every, single, one of these things were created - at least - 55 years ago (except Star Wars - 45 years ago).

The mainstream, artistic world seems to have hit a low point.
And it seems to be in no hurry to reverse course.

BTW - I should add that 'alternative' forms of entertainment are alive and well.
They just are much, more difficult to find now.
Then they were about 20 years ago.

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I think you will find that this is more a matter of playing to their audience which is 16-25 yr olds. FX sells to them which is why we get endless comic book crap. its been like a decade since I went to a movie theater.

I agree to a point.

The 18-34 demographic has LONG been the focus of popular media.
For generations.

And there were plenty of 'comic book TV shows/movies' in the past.
Batman and Superman have been in main stream use, near-constantly since the late 1970's.

From 1980-2000+?
There were TONS of original, science fiction shows/movies.

But, starting at roughly the millennium, the masses slowly, stopped requiring originality in their sci-fi.
They just wanted safe, solid, non-threatening/challenging sci-fi.

And this corresponds with the emergence of late-Millennials and Centennials (born between 1995 and 2008) reaching the 18-34 demographic.
And this group is clearly (on both sides - but mostly on the left) associated with emotional weakness and laziness (both actual and intellectual).

And before you blame them entirely?
Remember, they were raised by earlier generations - later Boomer's and X-Gen's.
These parents were the ones who - unintentionally - fucked up their children (for numerous reasons).
I think you will find that this is more a matter of playing to their audience which is 16-25 yr olds. FX sells to them which is why we get endless comic book crap. its been like a decade since I went to a movie theater.

You remind me that I read a reviewer calling this story an infantile version of Tolkien.