RIP Juliet Greco

Why don't you go and help the English oppress your people some more?

Fair play, the majority of people in the Six Counties preferred English to Roman Catholic rule. Both have changed a lot nowadays, but I'm not sure Grajonca is allowed to go home, for legal reasons probably.
The Black and Tans were sent by David Lloyd George, a Welshman. So you should really directing your venom towards Iolo.

For somebody that studied history you don't seem very clued up, on Irish history anyway. I would also suggest that De Valera, an American, did more than his fair share of oppression as well. He was instrumental in having Michael Colins assassinated, allowing the Catholic church to terrorise the populace, treating Irish men that fought against Hitler as criminals and even signing the condolences book at the German embassy in Dublin for Hitler.

Now of course you see the likes of Varadkar and Coveney siding with the EU. This despite only 0.3% of the total goods going over the Irish border. Contrast that with 45% of Irish exports going to the UK. The EU allowed Varadkar to think he was a big man and when they had finished they cast him aside. If there is a no deal, then Ireland will suffer catastrophically as a result with at least half a million unemployed. A fact that until recently hadn't seemed to dawn on the Irish voter, they are woke now though and totally shitting themselves, as well they might.

Lloyd George was a 20th Century PM. There was a tad bit of history prior to his government. Also, he ultimately did grant independence to Ireland, did he not?
There for a while it seems the best French singers came from Canada.

The Irish are all violent congenital criminals, regardless of whether or not they are Catholic or Protestant; they invented election fraud and gangsterism in America.

Wales needs to be flattened out and sold to Oprah.

Never heard of Juliet Greco, but is she was friends with a black racist dope addict she probably wasn't the brightest bulb in the chandelier.

Americans miss pretty much nothing by ignoring European pop culture, especially anything French, though we do need to thank them for saving us from the Brits at Yorktown, Bridgette Bardot, and being the main deterrent to the Soviets' invasion of Europe; their up front "we'll let em fly if you even look like you're going to invade' was a much better nuclear policy than ours was under the NATO farce. They also voted more often with the U.S. in the UN than any other country as well.
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Lloyd George was a 20th Century PM. There was a tad bit of history prior to his government. Also, he ultimately did grant independence to Ireland, did he not?

I'm at a loss to know why Grajonca supposes the Cymru should be responsible for a UK Prime Minister (am I to be held responsible for 'Welsh' tories suddenly?), anyway, but with about a hundred times as many Irish people having served in the British Army than in the IRA, the issue of total independence was still somewhat debatable at the time. Cymru gave bigger votes for Irish Home Rule than Ireland, always.
I'm at a loss to know why Grajonca supposes the Cymru should be responsible for a UK Prime Minister (am I to be held responsible for 'Welsh' tories suddenly?), anyway, but with about a hundred times as many Irish people having served in the British Army than in the IRA, the issue of total independence was still somewhat debatable at the time. Cymru gave bigger votes for Irish Home Rule than Ireland, always.

Bloody hell Taffy, anything else you want to deny whilst you are about it?

Lloyd George was a first language Welsh speaker, born on 17 January 1863 in Chorlton-on-Medlock, Manchester, to Welsh parents. He was raised in Wales from around 3 months old, first briefly in Pembrokeshire, and then in Llanystumdwy, Carnarvonshire. He is so far the only British Prime Minister to have been Welsh[a] and to have spoken English as a second language.[3] His father, a schoolmaster, died in 1864 and he was raised in Wales by his mother and her shoemaker brother, whose Liberal politics and Baptist faith strongly influenced Lloyd George; the same uncle helped the boy embark on a career as a solicitor after leaving school. Lloyd George became active in local politics, gaining a reputation as an orator and a proponent of a Welsh blend of radical Liberalism which championed nonconformism and the disestablishment of the Anglican church in Wales, equality for labourers and tenant farmers, and reform of land ownership. In 1890, he narrowly won a by-election to become the Member of Parliament for Caernarvon Boroughs, in which seat he remained for 55 years. Lloyd George served in Henry Campbell-Bannerman's cabinet from 1905. After H. H. Asquith succeeded to the premiership in 1908, Lloyd George replaced him as Chancellor of the Exchequer. To fund extensive welfare reforms he proposed taxes on land ownership and high incomes in the "People's Budget" (1909), which the Conservative-dominated House of Lords rejected. The resulting constitutional crisis was only resolved after two elections in 1910 and the passage of the Parliament Act 1911. His budget was enacted in 1910, and with the National Insurance Act 1911 and other measures helped to establish the modern welfare state. In 1913, he was embroiled in the Marconi scandal, but he remained in office and promoted the disestablishment of the Church in Wales, until the outbreak of the First World War in 1914 suspended its implementation.