RIP USA - America will never have another legitimate election

DEMOCRATS like to accuse anyone who doesn’t embrace their positions of being “fascist.” It’s an impressive feat of projection.

DEMOCRATS are now empowering the federal government that they control to:

  • compel states to count mail-in votes that arrive up to ten days after Election Day
  • compel states to allow ballot harvesting
  • compel states to ban voter ID laws
  • compel states to count ballots cast by voters who are in the wrong precincts
  • compel states to allow unelected bureaucrats to redraw congressional districts
  • compel states to allow felons to vote
  • mandate 15 days of early voting
  • mandate automatic voter registration
  • prohibit election officials from reviewing the eligibility of voters
  • bar officials from removing ineligible voters from the rolls
  • create a “Commission to Protect Democratic Institutions” to oversee the judicial system

Wont last all that long. Eventually rigged elections wont matter either...;) Like I say. The PEOPLE will KNOW exactly who it was that did what is coming to them because there will be nobody left to blame because one party will have all the power. PERFECT.....
We arent China or The Russians. It is literally in our DNA. Our forefathers were the risk takers, the trail blazers,....those who willingly left for a shot at freedom and a new life. We come from them. It is STILL in all of us......
We arent China or The Russians. It is literally in our DNA. Our forefathers were the risk takers, the trail blazers,....those who willingly left for a shot at freedom and a new life. We come from them. It is STILL in all of us......

Not any more.
Now for what is really in the legislation rather than the framed version “copy and paste” offered off some right wing source he just coincidentally happened to forget to include in the post, what a surprise Reform Legislation 109th Congress.pdf

And the real irony is that the bill was never going anywhere once it left the House, purely symbolic, although that never stopped the right wing media scapegoating as if it was actually the end of “legitimate elections” as “copy” campaigns

Today’s symbolic legislation tomorrow’s reality with the left.

The OP is right: it would be the end of legitimate elections. We’re already flirting with it by ‘fortifying’ them.
Not any more.

I disagree. It is still there. It is only being suppressed for now. When this place gets driven into the ground a lot of things will change. One of them being that inner beast that has been kept in check by easy living. When cornered a wild animal is most dangerous.
I disagree. It is still there. It is only being suppressed for now. When this place gets driven into the ground a lot of things will change. One of them being that inner beast that has been kept in check by easy living. When cornered a wild animal is most dangerous.

You did nothing when the DEMOCRATS stole the 2002 election, so I don't see what you think you'll do now.
The bill eviscerates state voting laws and forces all the states to conform to a set of rules that includes automatic voter registration. Anyone who goes to a DMV or applies for food stamps, Medicaid or other social services, or attends a public college will be automatically enrolled to vote. Noncitizens are obligated to identify themselves and opt out, but there are no criminal penalties if they don’t. From California to New York, DEMOCRATS are already pushing to allow noncitizens to vote in local elections. They see this as their road map to a future permanent majority

HR 1’s bag of tricks also includes banning state voter ID requirements. Anyone can show up on Election Day to vote, registered or not, and simply sign a statement that they’re a legal voter. HR 1 is being sold as a reform to make voting easier. In truth, it makes cheating easier.

HR 1 compels states to send out absentee or mail-in ballots universally, favoring DEMOCRATS eager to use this method (guess why). It also forces states to count ballots that arrive by mail as late as 10 days after the election. Say goodbye to election night results.

HR 1 also legalizes paid ballot harvesting, a practice many states are struggling to stop. A political organization pays a worker to walk through housing projects and neighborhoods, knock on doors, offer to help residents fill out the ballots they’ve received in the mail, and then submit the piles of completed ballots. It’s a recipe for fraud.

It’s also unconstitutional.

The authors of the Constitution worried that Congress would try to seize control of presidential selection using dirty tricks like those in HR 1.
I am not wrong in this by a long shot. There are only three ways out of this mess....

1.... We can peacefully and legally stop them thru the vote. That wont work. The latest legislation insures that now. Plus we may win JUST ENUFF positions where they can keep the blame game scam going. FUCK THAT. I want to afford them ZERO wiggle room...

2.... We can have a bloody civil war against them. Thats no good either. Lots of good people die, ect ect....Not a good plan. And this is coming from someone who 100% believes we would win in a cake walk. STILL dont want it.

3.... We allow them to commit suicide no matter what it does to the country in the short term and we are in place to pick up the pieces. Half of them will be joining us....things will get THAT bad. This gets rid of them for good and all. This is the best and only way...

Three is the only way.........
In time you will all come to see that the third plan is far and away the best plan. Try it out yourself........ talk about it with D voters you may know in real life. You know what happens every time? There faces practically turn pure white from all the blood running out of it. Half of them get visibly VERY pissed off. You know why? Because they too KNOW it is true.
In time you will all come to see that the third plan is far and away the best plan. Try it out yourself........ talk about it with D voters you may know in real life. You know what happens every time? There faces practically turn pure white from all the blood running out of it. Half of them get visibly VERY pissed off. You know why? Because they too KNOW it is true.

Who told you it's "symbolic legislation"?

If it’s not passed into law it’s effectively symbolic.

Though I would call it a ‘test balloon’ to see how far they have to go to get the votes. I have absolutely no doubt they’d implement it and that they fully intend to, try and implement it.
Remember what Obama's first two years in office led to when he had control of EVERYTHING? The biggest Democrat ass kicking in a hundred years. Now picture what happens if we dont vote them out. If we allow them to stay in power and they REALLY drive things into the ground. We wont have to worry about winning any elections....LOL The PEOPLE will eventually take things into their own hands and that includes many D's as well. No need for any election worrys when the leaders are all hanging by ropes. We let them commit suicide,........ then we shovel them under.
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    Racist jobless anti vax redneck patrol ^^^
