APP - Rising Ocean Acidity: 'The Other Carbon Problem'

Why not learn how cosmic ray flux correlates to cloud cover, and thus albedo changes? As the oceans warm, they absorb less CO2. It's all reliant on the sun spot activity, which disrupts cosmic rays and controls climate through cloud seeding and albedo changes.

You're only a few google searches away from all the info you need.

But of course, I have given you this, so you will ignore it

The Sun entered sunspot cycle 24 last year but there has been virtually no sunspots since then, the most quiescent it's been since 1915. The theory states that this causes a solar wind minimum which in turn results in an increase of cosmic ray muons from deep space and ionisation of the atmosphere, more ionisation results in greater cloud formation.
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Yep. Sun activity is at near historic lows and despite CO2 concentration continuing to climb, the global average temp has dropped off. This is evidence that cosmic ray flux does indeed affect abledo. David Archibald made predictions several years ago concerning this. You should google his work.

Another excellent resource to understand the solar cycle link is Tim Patterson, a Canadian government scientist who has a video that makes very compelling arguments that CO2 forcing is not responsible for driving climate.
Yep. Sun activity is at near historic lows and despite CO2 concentration continuing to climb, the global average temp has dropped off. This is evidence that cosmic ray flux does indeed affect abledo. David Archibald made predictions several years ago concerning this. You should google his work.

Another excellent resource to understand the solar cycle link is Tim Patterson, a Canadian government scientist who has a video that makes very compelling arguments that CO2 forcing is not responsible for driving climate.

I hadn't previously known about David Archibald so here is one for you, have you heard of Nir Shaviv?

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Yes, Nir Shaviv has the theory about the spiral arms of the galaxy and cycles of cosmic ray flux (derived from several proxies). Excellent stuff. He was demonized and said to be a shill for Exxon a few years back, but none of it was true. Even the lefties here gave up after I started posting stuff they couldn't refute and that the IPCC had not addressed.

Let's share what we know. Next year the CLOUD experiments take place at CERN. I'm really looking foward to the results. Verifying the cosmic ray link to cloud seeding is very important in not only stopping this CO2 nonsense, but for any true understanding of the climate system.