There is nothing corrupt about the Super Delegates.
They just happen to have the largest influence inside the Democratic party.
Distinguished party leaders: consisting of all former Democratic presidents, vice presidents, congressional leaders (Democratic speakers of the U.S. House of Representatives, Democratic minority leaders of the House, and Democratic leaders of the Senate), and DNC chairs).
Their seats are automatic at the DNC. When they talk- WE listen!
As I said before, if you retards listened to your own proven leaders of the past, TRUMP WOULD HAVE NEVER REACHED THE GATES OF THE WHITE HOUSE!
Super delegates no longer play a part in the system on the first vote at the convention. The super delegates only get to vote if no winner is declared after the first ballot. 2020, superdelegates/unpledged/automatic delegates won’t get a say on the nominee at the convention unless or until a first ballot fails to get a nominee. There is one exception: If a candidate gets enough delegates to make it mathematically impossible for superdelegates to change the outcome, then they can vote. That means they could be decisive if there is no consensus nominee by the convention.