Robert Mueller is ‘going for the kill’ on Trump-Russia probe: report

First off, President Obama was President when the hot mick thing was picked up, not a candidate for President promising a foreign nation something, but already President, huge difference, one is illegal, the other not

And none, absolutely zero, zilch of any of the conspiracies and cover ups you attribute to Hillary have ever come close to being proved, and that is after seven years straight of investigations by the GOP plus 24/7 interrogation by the right wing media, so either conservatives are the world's worst investigators or none of it was ever true, common sense dictates the later

What the hell difference does it make if he was president or not? The FALSE PREMISE....a president is not responsible for colluding with a foreign entity to enable him to access a 2nd term...its not like that's a future CAMPAIGN promise of things to come, IF I AM RE-ELECTED? Then, just like all propagandists you run with it like you have established some truth simply by stating it. LMAO:palm: Just enlighten is an act of "treason" not illegal? And FYI: The promise was made while he was RUNNING FOR A SECOND TERM and was not guaranteed to be the future president....thus your false premise contradicts even your own its clear Obama made the statement, "AFTER THE ELECTION...." He being president does not excuse such makes it more condemning.

Logic and or Reason: Something lacking in a left leaning brain.
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Hillary won the popular vote in America, close to two million more Americans voted for her, swing seventy thousand votes in three states and she would have been elected, but it is all water under the bridge now, only people that seem to care are conservatives

And it is amazing how conservatives have to keep on lying and fabricating occurrences in an election that they won, too funny, did you find the extra million who attended the Inauguration yet?

Talking about "bringing up" shit....and the pot calls the kettle black...again. As I said, Logic and Reason. Why do you characters insist upon contradicting your own statements...often in the same sentence? :rolleyes: Water under the bridge when it condemns the left? But...lets look at the water under the inauguration. Laugh My Proverbial Ass Off. How old are you?

Yet another false premise. I am free to speak, You are not because I disagree with what you have to say. The left wing play book.
Pimp has ..."faith"...



Didn't you have faith in faithless electors?
Its coming my dear, maybe not as quickly as you want, but its coming. Unfortunately, this man will probably step down from office before Congress has the impeachment opportunity. Either way, its coming.
You must be proud to have voted for the man who came under Federal investigation almost from day 1. You never saw anything like this from Obama.