Romney gets owned

"The truth is, Mitt Romney was a liberal governor of Massachusetts who raised taxes, imposed with Ted Kennedy a big government mandate health care plan that is now a quarter of a billion dollars in the red, and managed his state's economy incompetently, leaving Massachusetts with less job growth than 47 other states," McCain said.

Romney tries to smear McCain by saying he seriously considered running with Kerry. McCain proceeeds to own his face off.

wow thats a completely false statement by mccain. lying like clinton does now i see.
I was accounting for a dumbasses dyslexic fingers.

PR to most people does not mean Porportional Representation.

Maybe you should see if People mag has a board if you are going to judge by "most people." In the context used and on a political board most would/should understand pr as proportional representation. It's not a big deal if you don't but...
Maybe you should see if People mag has a board if you are going to judge by "most people." In the context used and on a political board most would/should understand pr as proportional representation. It's not a big deal if you don't but...

Rsting bitchslaps usc. KO. (In this context, KO stands for knock out, just in case some mongoloid doesn't get it.)
I was accounting for a dumbasses dyslexic fingers.

PR to most people does not mean Porportional Representation.

PR on this site means proportional representation 90% of the time. Sometimes it means "public relations", but you can generally tell what it means from the context.
Lol I don't even know who their candidate is. I can't believe I wasted my vote on them last year. I'll vote for one or the other. Until there is a 3rd party that actually tries, there is no point.

In my state, the Republican is going to win anyway. So there's literally no reason for me to not support a third party candidate if there's a good one on the ballot.
PR = PrinceRaw

PR = Penis Rash

PR = Pretty Road
Wow Penis Rash huh? Funny how things penis pop up so quickly in your free associative mind. I would like to conduct a full Rorschach Test on you just to see where you go with the pictures. Penis Rash! That is a telling one right there.
silly me and here I was thinking that all politicians got elected by their Public Relations skills.

Goddamn you bitch like crazy.

Look, in that statement "public relations" would have made no sense. Because he's talking about the chances of third parties, I dunno, maybe some other commonly used political term should go there? Maybe something that would give third parties a chance? I doubt it was Pork Rashions, either.
look back WM I made an honest mistake thinking it was dyslexia at work. and the righties made a fuss about it.
look back WM I made an honest mistake thinking it was dyslexia at work. and the righties made a fuss about it.

Alright. A doubt someone who was never really much into third party politics would automatically pick up the abbreviation, but as you've probably seen, a lot of the people at this site are. But it's not commonly known outside of that context.