Romney wealthiest candidate in race


Villified User
Romney Worth As Much As $250 Million

Aug 13, 6:15 PM (ET)


WASHINGTON (AP) - Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's vast wealth is spread over a dizzying array of foreign and domestic investments that at times have been sold to avoid conflicts with his public stances, the trustee of his blind trust said Monday.

Among the investments sold by trustee R. Bradford Malt were holdings in companies known to have interests with Iran, including French and Italian oil companies. Romney earlier this year called for state pension systems to divest themselves of Iran-related stocks.

Romney and his wife, Ann, hold assets worth between $190 million and $250 million, his advisers said. The campaign released details of his wealth Monday in a personal financial disclosure report filed with the Federal Election Commission and the U.S. Office of Government Ethics. The value of assets in federal financial reports are listed in ranges, making a precise figure impossible to discern.

Romney reported that he and his wife have joint interest checking accounts with Bank of America of between $5 million and $25 million and a money market account between $1 million and $5 million. Both also have Individual Retirement Accounts. But the bulk of their money is in two blind trusts, which Malt said are divided evenly between husband and wife.

Blind trusts are designed to prevent public officials from controlling their investments, thus avoiding potential conflicts of interest. Under federal rules, the Romneys were not required to report a blind trust in the name of their children, which aides say is valued at about $100 million.

Romney is by far the wealthiest candidate in the presidential field. He has already pumped about $9 million into his campaign from his personal wealth. The report suggests he could easily tap that vein again.
Romney Worth As Much As $250 Million

And he didn't get that hair at Supercuts for 20 dollars.

I wonder when the liberal media is going to write a story on that? It seemed important enough when Edwards got a fancy haircut.
Romney Worth As Much As $250 Million

And he didn't get that hair at Supercuts for 20 dollars.

I wonder when the liberal media is going to write a story on that? It seemed important enough when Edwards got a fancy haircut.

Romney reported $300 in payments to a California company that describes itself as “a mobile beauty team for hair, makeup and men’s grooming and spa services.”

Romney spokesman Kevin Madden confirmed that the payments — actually two separate $150 charges — were for makeup, though he said the former Massachusetts governor had only one session with Hidden Beauty of West Hills, Calif..... but had to pay for both appointments....

Romney also reported paying $50 for haircuts, including tip....

Did you get uptight about John Kerry's net worth of about $165 million to $626 million, which includes his wife's assets.?
Romney reported $300 in payments to a California company that describes itself as “a mobile beauty team for hair, makeup and men’s grooming and spa services.”

Romney spokesman Kevin Madden confirmed that the payments — actually two separate $150 charges — were for makeup, though he said the former Massachusetts governor had only one session with Hidden Beauty of West Hills, Calif..... but had to pay for both appointments....

Romney also reported paying $50 for haircuts, including tip....

Did you get uptight about John Kerry's net worth of about $165 million to $626 million, which includes his wife's assets.?

Did I say I was uptight about Romney being rich?

No I didn't. You simply imagined or hallucinated that I did.
I am not uptight about it either. Just posted this for information as I did not know he was rich and thought others might not know either.
Romney Worth As Much As $250 Million

And he didn't get that hair at Supercuts for 20 dollars.

I wonder when the liberal media is going to write a story on that? It seemed important enough when Edwards got a fancy haircut.
Um. I thought that they had. He said he spent $50 on a haircut including tip.
heck i have spent $50 on a haircut including tip a time or two.
best looking female barber I had ever seen.

Fantastic Sams is about 17 including tip.
Romney reported $300 in payments to a California company that describes itself as “a mobile beauty team for hair, makeup and men’s grooming and spa services.”

Romney spokesman Kevin Madden confirmed that the payments — actually two separate $150 charges — were for makeup, though he said the former Massachusetts governor had only one session with Hidden Beauty of West Hills, Calif..... but had to pay for both appointments....

Romney also reported paying $50 for haircuts, including tip....

Did you get uptight about John Kerry's net worth of about $165 million to $626 million, which includes his wife's assets.?

No stupid, you guys did!
Yeah, Republicans have been funny about wealth. When it's a Dem candidate, they're completely out of touch w/ the common man, and how dare they talk about poverty?

When it's a GOP candidate, no problem-o, and why do you libs hate the rich so much?
Yeah, Republicans have been funny about wealth. When it's a Dem candidate, they're completely out of touch w/ the common man, and how dare they talk about poverty?

When it's a GOP candidate, no problem-o, and why do you libs hate the rich so much?
It's one of those things that deal in hypocrisy. Like a religious righty cheating on his wife. The Ds are fine, regardless of how religious he is, with a man cheating on his wife... blah, blah.
It's one of those things that deal in hypocrisy. Like a religious righty cheating on his wife. The Ds are fine, regardless of how religious he is, with a man cheating on his wife... blah, blah.

But Damo the lefties usually do not claim the high road on morality like the cons do that fall down. that is the hypocracy of the situation.

ie if the devil sins it is to be expected not hypocracy.

you are being disingenuious or whatever that word is again.
But Damo the lefties usually do not claim the high road on morality like the cons do that fall down. that is the hypocracy of the situation.

ie if the devil sins it is to be expected not hypocracy.

you are being disingenuious or whatever that word is again.
No, they claim the "in touch with the little guy" label and often show that they are not. Are you really that dense? I said it was "like" the other, not that it was the other.
It's one of those things that deal in hypocrisy. Like a religious righty cheating on his wife. The Ds are fine, regardless of how religious he is, with a man cheating on his wife... blah, blah.

That is two totally different things.

Here is how your comparison would work:

If Democrats, let us use John Kerry, had been saying, "you should embrace your poverty, for the Jesus says that a rich man shall squeeze his fat ass through the needle of heaven over his dead body, yada yada yada".

That would be a do as I say, not as I do, like the religious righties and sex.

Being rich, and saying, you know, we can improve the lots of poor people in this country, is in NO way hypocritical.
No, they claim the "in touch with the little guy" label and often show that they are not. Are you really that dense? I said it was "like" the other, not that it was the other.

Umm you spun it a bit differently ;)

I agree, tha basically no national level politicians are in touch with the little guy.
No, they claim the "in touch with the little guy" label and often show that they are not. Are you really that dense? I said it was "like" the other, not that it was the other.

BS. That's meaningless BS that you have decided you "sense" in Democrats, to cover up for the fact that beign rich, and working to aleviate poverty, is in no way, shape, or form, hypocritical.
That is two totally different things.

Here is how your comparison would work:

If Democrats, let us use John Kerry, had been saying, "you should embrace your poverty, for the Jesus says that a rich man shall squeeze his fat ass through the needle of heaven over his dead body, yada yada yada".

That would be a do as I say, not as I do, like the religious righties and sex.

Being rich, and saying, you know, we can improve the lots of poor people in this country, is in NO way hypocritical.
Rubbish. If the Democrats say you should give up your wealth to help the impoverished but then work to enhance their own wealth at the detriment of others it is much the same as a religious freako preaching on cheating then doing the same.

The idea isn't that they are equal, but 'like'.

Why would an R not mention the riches of their candidate? Because they don't think it is bad to be rich and never preach about how bad somebody is because of it.

Why would a D not get as much from the left when he is cheating? Because they don't "claim the moral high ground".

Either one is a generalization. Rudy doesn't preach the "moral high ground" yet his activity in that arena has already been hitting the highlight reels.
BS. That's meaningless BS that you have decided you "sense" in Democrats, to cover up for the fact that beign rich, and working to aleviate poverty, is in no way, shape, or form, hypocritical.
Look, it isn't my opinion, it is the perception issue. You are "projecting" all over this one Darla.