Romney wealthiest candidate in race

Damocles, you have internalized so much anti-Democrat, pro-Republican claptrap that it is impossible to even respond to you.
Rubbish. If the Democrats say you should give up your wealth to help the impoverished but then work to enhance their own wealth at the detriment of others it is much the same as a religious freako preaching on cheating then doing the same.

The idea isn't that they are equal, but 'like'.

Why would an R not mention the riches of their candidate? Because they don't think it is bad to be rich and never preach about how bad somebody is because of it.

Why would a D not get as much from the left when he is cheating? Because they don't "claim the moral high ground".

Either one is a generalization. Rudy doesn't preach the "moral high ground" yet his activity in that arena has already been hitting the highlight reels.

But democrats do NOT say you should give up your wealth to help the impoverished. That's a BS talking point and you are probably referring to taxes. But they are rich men themselves so when they say "we need to roll back the tax cuts for the rich" they are also rolling back their own tax cuts. There is NO hypocrisy here.
Look, it isn't my opinion, it is the perception issue. You are "projecting" all over this one Darla.

No, it's not the perception issue. It's what a bunch of right wing PR people have put out there, and others like you have eaten up. But, with polls showing that there is support for the rollback of the top tax cuts, we can't claim that it's widely bought, or widely "perceived". It's believed by those who want to believe it, because it fits their tax agenda.
yeah like the tax cuts for the few thousand hedge fund managers equalling 1/3 of the welfare budget for millions....
Damocles, you have internalized so much anti-Democrat, pro-Republican claptrap that it is impossible to even respond to you.
Look. All I am talking about is perception of the public, not my own opinion. You too are "projecting" all over this one.
No, it's not the perception issue. It's what a bunch of right wing PR people have put out there, and others like you have eaten up. But, with polls showing that there is support for the rollback of the top tax cuts, we can't claim that it's widely bought, or widely "perceived". It's believed by those who want to believe it, because it fits their tax agenda.
I haven't 'eaten it up'. You aren't listening because you are internalizing this as if it is criticism. I thought the "blah, blah, blah" would have given an indication that it wasn't my belief, just an explanation of a perception.
fight all tax cuts rollbacks tooth and nail.
We heard what they said.
We've seen what they DO!!!!
1960 AMT not indexed grabs thousands more each year.
What's a roll back on the rich is middle class paying 10% more in a decade.
Morons ya'll need to unite, we are not undertaxed. The thieves in DC overspend.
We need a flat tax perhaps 15% on all forms of personal income.
unless of course the money was already taxed like SS benefits until you draw out more than you paid in. for example.