Romney: Who Let the Dogs Out?

They have a different culture, different ethnicity, they are of a different socio-economic class by and large, they have different life experiences... I would say that makes them pretty different desh.

here is the Ghandi thing.

It was a stupid thing for her to say. She admitted as much and appologised.

Has Mitt appologised yet?

Has he been called to apologize? Did hillary apologize on her own before there was a big stink made over the incident? Because that's what your asking Romney to do.

Let's get one thing straight here. I'm no fan of plastic man, but I'm so fucking sick of race baiting.
They have a different culture, different ethnicity, they are of a different socio-economic class by and large, they have different life experiences... I would say that makes them pretty different desh.

All people have a different culture than you if they were not raised the same neighborhood or even family.

They are no more different from you than someone raised in Santa Fe ,New Mexico.

Black people are all over this nation and have as many diverse cultural experiences as any American. That is how they are no different than you.
No they are not.

But wait. If they aren't different, then Romney did nothing wrong. Which is it? If there's no difference, how could he have been offensive, since we're all of the same kind?

No the truth is there is a difference in cultures between the average caucasian and the average(insert minority here)
All people have a different culture than you if they were not raised the same neighborhood or even family.

They are no more different from you than someone raised in Santa Fe ,New Mexico.

Black people are all over this nation and have as many diverse cultural experiences as any American. That is how they are no different than you.

Now your really getting silly--you really believe this stuff don't you ?
He is guilty only of not knowing enough about Black Americans to understand why not all black young people think what he said was "cool". How many generations ago is that phrase?

It shows how little he concerns himself with what young black people are doing.
He is guilty only of not knowing enough about Black Americans to understand why not all black young people think what he said was "cool". How many generations ago is that phrase?

It shows how little he concerns himself with what young black people are doing.

How can he not know about black culture when if your book we are all the same ? He can just look at his and assume they have the same feelings.
How can he not know about black culture when if your book we are all the same ? He can just look at his and assume they have the same feelings.

I dont know why he could not have just known they were Kids having fun with getting their picture taken by a man who was running for president and that he could have treated them like any other young people? Instead he thought he had to say something stupid like he did.
Tell me which stereo type you are talking about and I'll tell you how they fit .

You were the one who said they did fit it so you must have had an idea of what you meant huh?

You already made up your mind they did so you tell me?
I dont know why he could not have just known they were Kids having fun with getting their picture taken by a man who was running for president and that he could have treated them like any other young people? Instead he thought he had to say something stupid like he did.

Because we are taught that we have to embrace the special differences in cultures and try t obe sensitive to them. Really he is just trying to perform the right dog and pony show to get votes--just like every other candidate to include Obama who calls them bothers. Ever heard Obama talk to a predominantly white audience and call them brothers ???
Different cultures indeed. Me and my friend Bill O'Reilly went into a predominantly black restaurant in Harlem a couple months ago.

And we were shocked at how well behaved the patrons were. I mean, Bill and I were expecting the customers to be screaming at the waitresses: "Bring me some mother-'effing ice tea, biatch!""

But, amazingly, they were all well behaved. They even had good table manners!


Rud911ph Gui911iani
Because we are taught that we have to embrace the special differences in cultures and try t obe sensitive to them. Really he is just trying to perform the right dog and pony show to get votes--just like every other candidate to include Obama who calls them bothers. Ever heard Obama talk to a predominantly white audience and call them brothers ???

The point is that he knows so little about black culture because he doesnt bother his pretty little head with it becuase those people are not a priority to him.

If he knew more about them he would realize all had had to do was treat them like all other people.
I dont know why he could not have just known they were Kids having fun with getting their picture taken by a man who was running for president and that he could have treated them like any other young people? Instead he thought he had to say something stupid like he did.

Maybe he was trying to connect with them or to be saying "I value what is popular to you and your generation"? Unfortunately, Ol Mitt doesn't watch enough BET.

When Ol Mitt just acts like they're nothing special, as you wish him to do in this instance, I suspect we'd find you fault him for being too impersonal.

Face it Desh, you hate repubs. You don't have any tolerance towards them. That's OK, but stop acting like you're flowing with good will towards ALL men. You seeth with hatred.