Loyal to the end
Zit's response is more of the same.
Zit's response is more of the same.
Why should my responses change?
I've been getting the same tired insults and derision from you for years...
as if you don't dish out insults and derision
you're a sorry two faced sack of fecal matter
It's more of the same tired YurtShit.
so you don't dish out insults and derision?
so you don't dish out insults and derision?
Oh so Christlike...
How's that line go again?
Judge not lest ye be judged?
And now the insults and derision start...right on cue.
Trying to be more like Christ, I see.
Yes, I was right earlier...it is "judge not lest ye be judged."
I love it when assholes who mock and ridicule Christians try to tell us how to act like one. Why don't you be more Judas like and go hang yourself, loser.
Why don't you just change another one of my answers and make up whatever bullshit you feel like...after all it's what you've been doing all afternoon.
You're such a whiny needy little fellar.
I'm Retarded.
Because you've been pwned on it a million times already?Why should my responses change?