Do you know how I know you are wrong about Biden being a zillion times worse than Stalin and Hitler combined... You would not have been free to say such things about Stalin or Hitler. We know your allegations are false, because you can make your allegations.
They're working on that as you lie. The thing is..I have a deeper knowledge of the internet than a lot of people do.
I've been playing with it since 1996. I learned a lot of things from a lot of very smart people.
Even teh Apple Manson guy. That guy was no chump. I was one of very few PC guys allowed in their room without instant reset.
And even then sometimes I'd sock in and see how long it took to get the <>< I was on to get hosed.
They could hose you in under 2 minutes if they wanted to.
They were serious bidness. I was allowed to hang out, and that was a privilege, I learned a lot of stuff.
Any time I went in there, you had to tell them who you were immediately, or else they'd cancel your shit within 2 minutes.
And that's if you were accepted.
Once they go (your handle)-?
You better tell 'em, or you're gone within 2 minutes. They had pretty good security.
I wasn't even a Macfag, but the skills have to be respected. I came from the other side of the aisle.
They let me in because I did some notable things that they recognized..but if they didn't want me there? I would never have been there more than 2 minutes.
They would clam up until the unknown in the room was gone. And gone they would be within 2 minutes every time.
I saw it happen many a time besides the times I decided to make it me to call them Macfags.
Macfags or not, them motherfuckers were elite.
Manson and uh..The Woz. They made the phreaking tools.