Ron Paul Concerns

OMG, you are fucking retarded. I have been to a couple events where Paul has shown. He took pictures with whoever wanted them as people swarmed around him (you can see in this photo they are doing just that). No way, did he know a damn thing about any of them.

There are no limits to how low the neocon warmongers and the other haters of freedom on the left will sink to smear Paul. You are all either a bunch of mindless fools or downright dishonest.
OMG, you are fucking retarded. I have been to a couple events where Paul has shown. He took pictures with whoever wanted them as people swarmed around him (you can see in this photo they are doing just that). No way, did he know a damn thing about any of them.

There are no limits to how low the neocon warmongers and the other haters of freedom on the left will sink to smear Paul. You are all either a bunch of mindless fools or downright dishonest.


Mindless methinks. The machine is in full force, making sure that the American Public gets another cog in the wheel. There's no way the machine will allow a guy like Paul to advance, for he's not one of them. He's not a war mongering statist slave driver, and that means he will not get mainstream support.

That's why all his money has come from individuals unlike every single other candidate.

Mindless methinks. The machine is in full force, making sure that the American Public gets another cog in the wheel. There's no way the machine will allow a guy like Paul to advance, for he's not one of them. He's not a war mongering statist slave driver, and that means he will not get mainstream support.

That's why all his money has come from individuals unlike every single other candidate.
We've got to battle that machine or Huckabee is the nominee. We could not stand one more spendthrift religionist in that office. I don't even want to take the chance.
We've got to battle that machine or Huckabee is the nominee. We could not stand one more spendthrift religionist in that office. I don't even want to take the chance.

Huckabee's a fart in the wind. I don't see him winning this. But Guliani might, and he's in love with War, just like Hillary. Maybe we're fucked, but I'm hoping that Paul is the "hope" that comes out of pandora's box.
Ok all you guys, I never thought Paul had a chance for the nomination, not once. I was and am concerned about the ties:

Seriously, it's a coincidence that he's photographed in September with Black and his son. It's a coincidence that he has no clue to who Black is, regardless of the connection with Alex Jones, upon whom's show Paul has repeatedly appeared. It's just another weird occurence that some weirdo with over 1k posts on Vanguard message board writes what he does about a particular restaurant, that just appears on Mr. Paul's Federal Election Accounting Sheet.
Ron Paul has always been open to talking to anybody who will listen. And I don't put much stock in what some anonymous NATIONAL SOCIALIST says about someone that is opposed to his viewpoints in nearly every way.

The nAHZi's sending Paul money are dumbasses that don't understand his views. Frankly, there are many idiots supporting Paul that don't really get it. I hear them on the list saying things like he opposes free trade. One just today sent out a note asking others to complain about the FCC loosening rules on media ownership.

I am sure our resident nAHZi would be bashing away at Paul, especially if he realized he would dissolve all trade barriers, but like so many of them, he's fucking stupid.
Ok all you guys, I never thought Paul had a chance for the nomination, not once. I was and am concerned about the ties:

Seriously, it's a coincidence that he's photographed in September with Black and his son. It's a coincidence that he has no clue to who Black is, regardless of the connection with Alex Jones, upon whom's show Paul has repeatedly appeared. It's just another weird occurence that some weirdo with over 1k posts on Vanguard message board writes what he does about a particular restaurant, that just appears on Mr. Paul's Federal Election Accounting Sheet.

If you really cared about issues, you would realize that Ron Paul is the only candidate giving straight answers on them. Look at where the other cadidates' money comes from then cry foul. But cherry picking this? Pathetic.
Ron Paul has always been open to talking to anybody who will listen. And I don't put much stock in what some anonymous NATIONAL SOCIALIST says about someone that is opposed to his viewpoints in nearly every way.

The nAHZi's sending Paul money are dumbasses that don't understand his views. Frankly, there are many idiots supporting Paul that don't really get it. I hear them on the list saying things like he opposes free trade. One just today sent out a note asking others to complain about the FCC loosening rules on media ownership.

I am sure our resident nAHZi would be bashing away at Paul, especially if he realized he would dissolve all trade barriers, but like so many of them, he's fucking stupid.

I like him because he talks about the fiat currency issue, and the overwhelming control of society this plus fractional reserve lending gives the banks and the government.

I do think he is wrong on some trade issues.

Considering I have utterly ripped you to shreds on every encounter, you have no room to call names, you mentally inept wanker.
Is Clinton a racist?

Here's a picture of Bill Clinton with William Fullbright:

James William Fulbright (April 9, 1905 – February 9, 1995) was a member of the United States Senate representing Arkansas. Fulbright was a Southern Democrat and a staunch multilateralist, supported racial segregation, supported the creation of the United Nations and opposed the House Un-American Activities Committee.


Lol when a good right handed punch lands, always come back with a clintonian Jab :)
such a partisan hack :)
vote for the godless Demoncrat then Damo. That is easy.
Rubbish. I'll vote for the godless Libertarian, whomever that happens to be, over Huckabee any day. I just don't even want him to be the nominee. The left is almost slobbering over the chance, they won't even move until he is settled... Holding their breath getting the fly swatter ready.
Rubbish. I'll vote for the godless Libertarian, whomever that happens to be, over Huckabee any day. I just don't even want him to be the nominee. The left is almost slobbering over the chance, they won't even move until he is settled... Holding their breath getting the fly swatter ready.

You KNOW I wouldn't vote for Huckabee. My problem so far is I haven't anyone to vote for. Started out leaning Guiliani, as predicted that couldn't last. :confused:
Certainly true. Then again, how many keep doing interviews with the likes of Alex? His ties with the 'extreme' 'right?' are well known. Reason I question the extreme right label would be fascism isn't 'right.'

See kathianne. You expect your 'extreme right' quotes to actually mean something. You refuse to even debate the merits of issues Alex Jones raises, hence, why people laugh at you.

You employ a "label and dismiss" strategy, and employ no real actual thought in the process.

It's not going to be Ron Paul,Obama,Tancredo,Hunter.Rudy or Kuci boy in 08...the rest are will all depend on what transpires on the war on terror and if any attacks take place...My best bet would be Hillary squeeking by over Biden(Could go either way) for the DNC nomination...going against Huckabee,McCain or Romney...more likely than not the GOP will be back in the saddle again!...Like it or not cry in your beer in 08!
Asshatzombie is the only one with any sense on this board. Why should a candidate be ashamed of his or her white roots. Its about time our kind (proud white nationalists) have a serious voice in this campaign. I'm so sick and tired of hearing so called minorities (even thought they are taking over and making us whites minorities) whine at step of the way. Someone needs to have the balls to step up and stick up for us caucasians. How many jobs have I lost to quotas? Maybe I could have gotten into harvard but thanks to years of liberal pc bs, I'm stuck at my local community college.

I digress.


A vote for Ron Paul is a vote for White America!!!!!!!!!!
Rubbish. I'll vote for the godless Libertarian, whomever that happens to be, over Huckabee any day. I just don't even want him to be the nominee. The left is almost slobbering over the chance, they won't even move until he is settled... Holding their breath getting the fly swatter ready.

Good to hear! You're the board Admin right? Looks like I'm in good company ;).

Ron Paul For President!
See kathianne. You expect your 'extreme right' quotes to actually mean something. You refuse to even debate the merits of issues Alex Jones raises, hence, why people laugh at you.

You employ a "label and dismiss" strategy, and employ no real actual thought in the process.

Well actually I do think, but you are right AHZ, most do not. Whoever would have thought this would be so popular?
Run Paul, run. Gag me.
Well sure you don't need pictures to know he's a racist. Just look at his comments about black people in DC. That says it all. Haters of freedom? Now that's funny. Ron Paul has shown the world he's a racist and you're blaming that on the people who are against him. LOL. Pathetic.

OMG, you are fucking retarded. I have been to a couple events where Paul has shown. He took pictures with whoever wanted them as people swarmed around him (you can see in this photo they are doing just that). No way, did he know a damn thing about any of them.

There are no limits to how low the neocon warmongers and the other haters of freedom on the left will sink to smear Paul. You are all either a bunch of mindless fools or downright dishonest.
So if all what you say is true why is he accepting their money? One minute he has all this money and doesn't needed and the next he does. He's a fucking racist pure and simple. His own comments prove that.

Ron Paul has always been open to talking to anybody who will listen. And I don't put much stock in what some anonymous NATIONAL SOCIALIST says about someone that is opposed to his viewpoints in nearly every way.

The nAHZi's sending Paul money are dumbasses that don't understand his views. Frankly, there are many idiots supporting Paul that don't really get it. I hear them on the list saying things like he opposes free trade. One just today sent out a note asking others to complain about the FCC loosening rules on media ownership.

I am sure our resident nAHZi would be bashing away at Paul, especially if he realized he would dissolve all trade barriers, but like so many of them, he's fucking stupid.