Ron Paul Concerns

Good Lord.............

Aww more insults. Pathetic. If you're going to claim something you should be able to prove it. Have you ever heard of the burden of proof? If you can't prove it then it's not worth discussing.

are you failing Criminology 101? The burden of proof is in your throw out generalities then cry when confronted with facts...!:pke:
When you said Malcom X was a part of the group. I said it was sarcasm when you asked if I've ever heard of Malcom X. And just because one group or everyone is radical and violent doesn't mean the religion itself is that way. Look at Christianity for example. The Crusades anyone? One example right there where Jesus preached about being peaceful and loving your enemies etc. Religion plus free will equals anything goes.

Citations to what? You said you were being sarcastic.
Uh what? I didn't make the claim about Malcom X hun. Kathianne did. Confronted with the facts? :rolleyes: What facts? Kathianne made a claim about Malcom X so she should have to prove it. She is the one who made the claim again. The person who makes the claim has to prove it dumbass. Criminal Justice 101 sweetie.

are you failing Criminology 101? The burden of proof is in your throw out generalities then cry when confronted with facts...!:pke:

When you said Malcom X was a part of the group. I said it was sarcasm when you asked if I've ever heard of Malcom X. And just because one group or everyone is radical and violent doesn't mean the religion itself is that way. Look at Christianity for example. The Crusades anyone? One example right there where Jesus preached about being peaceful and loving your enemies etc. Religion plus free will equals anything goes.

Failing History 101 also I see...try the 'Ottoman Empire' the original Islam Crusade against Christanity...hell even Count Dracula fought this!
Ah so you're excusing violence now because it's with people you agree with. Typical. :rolleyes: Have you even ever read Muhammad? You might want to try doing that sometime.... I don't expect you to though of course. You like staying in your ignorance is bliss world.

Failing History 101 also I see...try the 'Ottoman Empire' the original Islam Crusade against Christanity...hell even Count Dracula fought this!

Uh what? I didn't make the claim about Malcom X hun. Kathianne did. Confronted with the facts? :rolleyes: What facts? Kathianne made a claim about Malcom X so she should have to prove it. She is the one who made the claim again. The person who makes the claim has to prove it dumbass. Criminal Justice 101 sweetie.

again newbie to JPP and Criminal Justice...sorry I went to court on over 100 cases...never lost one..I speak from experience not what a professor told me...try again...sweetie!
Ok where is the post today from the Paulites to tell me how spectacular he did on Meet the Press today? He was so totally out of his element, he has no specifics, he knows so little about the things he thinks need to change, and he insured that his district got billions of dollars in federal funds that he said Louisana should not get after Katrina because the federal government should NOT be in the business of bailing out people that live on low lying coastal areas.

wow, I just watched it. That was bizarre.

I like what he said about the war on terrorism.

But the rest was whacked. He is against the Civil Rights Act, he didn't think Lincoln should have gone to war against the confederates, and he wanted to eliminate every function of the federal government, except the Department of Defense and Department of Justice.

His earmark answer was ridiculous. I had no idea he was putting earmarks for his district in the legislation.
Gee I have to wonder then how you got your so-called law degree. Did you get it through the mail for $50? :rolleyes: Remind me to never use you as a lawyer since how you came about your degree is questionable. You have to gain the knowledge from a classroom before you can gain the experience of a court room. Seems to me you're from backwardsville.

again newbie to JPP and Criminal Justice...sorry I went to court on over 100 cases...never lost one..I speak from experience not what a professor told me...try again...sweetie!

Ah so you're excusing violence now because it's with people you agree with. Typical. :rolleyes: Have you even ever read Muhammad? You might want to try doing that sometime.... I don't expect you to though of course. You like staying in your ignorance is bliss world.

Ms fail all of her college classes...The 'Ottoman Empire' is what started the Religious Crusades...just the facts maam...just the facts...! Islam started the war that continues today!
And then he bitches about hurricane victims getting help and only points to Katrina. Gee what about the other hurricanes of that time like with Florida? I believe they had two hurricanes hit them hard the same year as Katrina. Hmm more of that racism popping out again? Lincoln went against the war of the confederates to keep the union together and it was a war about state rights vs the federal government. Why not the Department of Defense and Justice? He does everything else so why not those two as well? I love how he picks and chooses what to keep and what not to keep. If he really thought everything was a waste at the federal level he'd get rid of it all.

wow, I just watched it. That was bizarre.

I like what he said about the war on terrorism.

But the rest was whacked. He is against the Civil Rights Act, he didn't think Lincoln should have gone to war against the confederates, and he wanted to eliminate every function of the federal government, except the Department of Defense and Department of Justice.

His earmark answer was ridiculous. I had no idea he was putting earmarks for his district in the legislation.
Nope wrong again...sweetie!

Gee I have to wonder then how you got your so-called law degree. Did you get it through the mail for $50? :rolleyes: Remind me to never use you as a lawyer since how you came about your degree is questionable. You have to gain the knowledge from a classroom before you can gain the experience of a court room. Seems to me you're from backwardsville.

I don't have nor ever claimed to have a LLB...My degree was in Criminal Justice/Police Science...with a minor in History...try again ...Bimbo!
Gee you might want to tell that to all of my professors this past term since I passed everything. I had high marks in all of my classes this term. So if this is really "just the facts" than you shouldn't have a problem doing the old burden of proof thing. Islam started the war that continues today? LOL. Oh hun the United States has had a huge help in keeping the war going on. Again with the picking and choosing. I guess you like to pick and choose your "facts."

Ms fail all of her college classes...The 'Ottoman Empire' is what started the Religious Crusades...just the facts maam...just the facts...! Islam started the war that continues today!
Aww how sweet. Demaning of a woman who you disagree with. Cute and pathetic and so last century. Try something new for once. Is bimbo the best you can do? That's pretty pathetic and has been around for a long time. And you're the one who talked about winning in court hun. Not me. So blame yourself. Here I thought you had a degree and a college education but bimbo is the best you can come up with. Are you sure you're not in fifth grade?

I don't have nor ever claimed to have a LLB...My degree was in Criminal Justice/Police Science...with a minor in History...try again ...Bimbo!
I don't have nor ever claimed to have a LLB...My degree was in Criminal Justice/Police Science...with a minor in History...try again ...Bimbo!

can you stop calling women "bimbos", and show a modicum of class. There's plenty of other non-sexist insults you could use.
And it's pretty old too. It's the only name he apparently seems to know. You'd think since he likes to claim to be more intelligent than so many more people on the board he'd have other name's to use. But apparently not eh Cypress?

can you stop calling women "bimbos", and show a modicum of class. There's plenty of other non-sexist insults you could use.

Aww how sweet. Demaning of a woman who you disagree with. Cute and pathetic and so last century. Try something new for once. Is bimbo the best you can do? That's pretty pathetic and has been around for a long time. And you're the one who talked about winning in court hun. Not me. So blame yourself. Here I thought you had a degree and a college education but bimbo is the best you can come up with. Are you sure you're not in fifth grade?

would you have preferred 'nappy headed ho' thats not my style...I prefer the humor to be cute and appropriate...even your liberal dude on the radio who made this comment was done in humor of the day...and y'all attacked one of your own...get a sense of humor and your head outta the old proverbial ass...for may see life as it really is!...end of story....Bimbo!